Bedrooms Kids Rooms Styling

Megan Morton’s new book for magical kids’ rooms

I don’t have kids, but stylist Megan Morton does, and she can often be found creating magical experiences for other people’s little ones at The School too. On this basis (and the fact her last two books were fabulous) I was pretty sure I Heart My Room, a book about children’s bedrooms, would be great fun. And it is. 

Kids’ bedrooms can be a series of challenges and charms from precious first drawings to piles of toys and dirty washing. I Heart My Room showcases the charms and presents solutions for the challenges. It’s keeping it real and I love that.

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Rather than a collection of immaculate children’s rooms created by interior designers, the pages are filled with spaces which celebrate the young occupants themselves. From whimsical nurseries to expressive teen rooms, you will find clever storage methods and inspiring ideas on how to decorate in a way that is true to your child’s personality. And if you can’t have fun with kids’ rooms, when can you?

The parents, such as artists Rachel Castle and Beci Orpin, and fashion designer Megan Park, come from a wide range of creative pursuits and the interviews with the children themselves (how cute!) give insight into their world and their interests. I Heart My Room shows real bedrooms for real kids!

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I Heart My Room is published by Thames & Hudson and available from Monday (17 June) in all good book stores. You can also pre-order a signed and giftwrapped copy here. RRP $49.95.

PS. I Heart my Room is also going around by the slightly different version I Love My Room, depending on whose website you look at! 

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.