Bedrooms Kids Rooms Styling

Megan Morton’s new book for magical kids’ rooms

I don’t have kids, but stylist Megan Morton does, and she can often be found creating magical experiences for other people’s little ones at The School too. On this basis (and the fact her last two books were fabulous) I was pretty sure I Heart My Room, a book about children’s bedrooms, would be great fun. And it is. 

Kids’ bedrooms can be a series of challenges and charms from precious first drawings to piles of toys and dirty washing. I Heart My Room showcases the charms and presents solutions for the challenges. It’s keeping it real and I love that.

New Image 2

Rather than a collection of immaculate children’s rooms created by interior designers, the pages are filled with spaces which celebrate the young occupants themselves. From whimsical nurseries to expressive teen rooms, you will find clever storage methods and inspiring ideas on how to decorate in a way that is true to your child’s personality. And if you can’t have fun with kids’ rooms, when can you?

Interiors Addict

Megan Morton’s Mother’s Day pop-up

Isn’t this just the cutest photo you’ve ever seen? It’s stylist Megan Morton and her beautiful daughters Millie and Bea. Just look at baby Bea!

Megan Morton Millie and Bea

Those looking for some Mother’s Day goodness or a gift to rival a box of chocolates should head to Megan Morton’s pop-up store at Sydney’s MLC Centre from Thursday. It’s based on Things I Love, the title of her latest book, and will include beautifully selected gift options for mum, as well as plenty of cute knick-knacks for shoppers to treat themselves to.

Interiors Addict

Things I Love Instagram challenge winner

Sorry it’s taken so long but there were HUNDREDS of photos to go through and so many of them were beautiful so it was really really hard! But I have finally declared the winner of the book signed by Megan Morton as Mariana Garcia-Katz from VIC. Here are some of her photos.

Interiors Addict

Megan Morton’s Things I Love book signing launch and instagram competition winners

A pineapple piñata, extra large confetti on the floor, walls full of instagram photos and lots of smiling faces: it could only be Megan Morton’s fun book signing celebration party at The School in Sydney.

Remember the #thingsilove seven-day Instgram challenge Megan and I teamed up on last month? MM and her team (including the lovely ‘Sophie the stylist’ who I met for the first time last night!) created two walls full of participants’ most gorgeous photos. It was so much fun checking out the huge collages! Prizes were also given out for the best photos for each day and even special mention rosettes!

Interiors Addict

Megan Morton’s new book: “All my tricks and best of all, all my treats.”

Stylist Megan Morton’s much anticipated second book Things I Love, is finally out today. Hooray! You may have been getting into the spirit already over on Instagram where Megan and I have been running a seven-day photo challenge (winner to be announced any day now). If, for some BIZARRE reason, you’re still not sure whether to go out and buy it, I’m here to tell you a little more.

I’m lucky enough to have seen a copy already and it really is something special. Not that I’m surprised. Everything MM does tends to be a bit magical.

“While it is definitely a book, it really is so much more,” she says. “You see there is a cut out and keep section. We will call them postcards but they are so much more than that!” (One of them has a pineapple on it, yay! I’m having an argument with myself over whether to tear them out or not! Yes, I know tearing them out is the whole point!). “Do you remember cutting up your magazines and collaging your folder? Well I wanted to regain that sense of wonder I had for magazine pictures and create some you could cut out, frame, collage, fill a pinboard. Because it really is the essence of styling.”

Interiors Addict

Win a signed copy of Megan Morton’s new book Things I Love in our Instagram mini challenge!

Stylist Megan Morton, author of the best selling Home Love, has a new book launching next week called Things I Love. I’ve seen it already and it is SUPER GORGEOUS. MM has given me a signed copy to give away to one lucky reader. All you have to do is join in our 7-day Insta-challenge, starting tomorrow!

How to play

You’re probably all over photo challenges by now, but in case you’re not, here’s how it works.