Furniture Homewares Styling

Milena joins a boutique homewares shopping tour in VIC

They say Melbourne is the home of shopping – but Alex Butta is the queen of boutique interiors shopping.

Images by Nicole Jennifer Photography

Have you ever set out to add some beautiful and unique décor items to your home, but given up because you didn’t know where to look? I know I have.

That’s where Alex comes in. Under her design business The White Room Interiors, she started the shopping tours as a way to explore Victoria’s most interesting interior design and decoration spots. The result? A range of meticulously curated days out that will leave you with arms full of interior goodies and a belly full of bubbly – just don’t forget those credit cards!

I was lucky enough to accompany The White Room on their most recent Passion of the Peninsula tour. A truly unique interior shopping tour – I think it’s safe to say that it’s the only thing of its kind in Victoria – the Peninsula tour offers a way to explore some incredible home décor stores in Mount Eliza, Mornington, Red Hill, Flinders and Blairgowrie.

Not only did I get to meet 11 other wonderful ladies as I shopped the day away (and boy did I shop up a storm), I was spoilt with a delectable lunch at a Mornington gem – and even left with a host of styling tips from the one and only Alex. Note to self: stick to three cushions for a three-seater sofa!

To top it all off, the tour included a comfy mini bus to get us around (no need to worry about parking!), and a chance to meet store owners (who were very generous with drinks, nibbles and discounts to sweeten the tour) and learn their back stories. Although they were all wonderful, my favourites included Eden nursery (because I’m a sucker for greenery) and Greedi Lulu (because their products are as unique as their name).

This intimate boutique experience is sure to leave you feeling inspired, creative and with lots of wonderful new things for your home.

The White Room offers three shopping tours ($160 each), with each focusing on unique interior stores in different parts of Melbourne (and the Mornington Peninsula). Check out The White Room Interiors for dates, and treat yourself to a shopping date while supporting local businesses!

The ever so talented Alex also offers interior decorating services for those of you that want that perfectly Instagram-able home (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?).

For more about The White Room.

Disclosure: Milena took part in the shopping tour as a guest of The White Room Interiors. Positive coverage was not guaranteed and this is an honest and unpaid review of her experience.

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