Designers Homewares

Introducing The Retail Quarter: the modern trade fair

Sponsored by Reed Gift Fairs.

Reed Gift Fairs is set to re-launch its annual September event in the form of The Retail Quarter, a modern twist on the traditional fair. And it’s just in time for your pre-Christmas inspiration and buying!

With four distinct floor districts – Abode, Galleria, Boutique and Runway – the event will set up at the ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre from 23 – 26 September, just in time for the festive season.

Abode will offer retailers the chance to explore the most on-trend furniture, interior, kitchen, dining – even body, bath and fragrance products will be on show. Galleria will sport an eclectic collection of gifts, stationary, toys and games, while Boutique shares an array of Australian-made, ethical, handcrafted and artisanal brands. As the name suggests, Runway will present opulence, indulgence and glamour with the latest in fashion, jewellery and accessories.

Future Classics Furniture

“Retailers have indicated what they are looking for from Reed Gift Fairs Sydney September, and we’ve listened. A total re-imagination, the Retail Quarter has been designed to offer an exciting new shopping experience to retailers, at one of the busiest times for the industry,” says event director Louisa Theobald.

Mediterranean Markets

It’s not all about the shopping either – Business of Christmas education sessions will delve into the latest changes within the industry and help retailers plan for one of their busiest periods. Industry experts will cover topics from social media planning and design-led trend forecasting, to immersive hands-on workshops to plan your best Christmas window display yet.

Then there’s the Tapas Bar, a contemporary eating experience in the centre of the show floor, perfect for a little time out.

Go to the Retail Quarter Sydney to register.

Furniture Homewares Styling

Milena joins a boutique homewares shopping tour in VIC

They say Melbourne is the home of shopping – but Alex Butta is the queen of boutique interiors shopping.

Images by Nicole Jennifer Photography

Have you ever set out to add some beautiful and unique décor items to your home, but given up because you didn’t know where to look? I know I have.

That’s where Alex comes in. Under her design business The White Room Interiors, she started the shopping tours as a way to explore Victoria’s most interesting interior design and decoration spots. The result? A range of meticulously curated days out that will leave you with arms full of interior goodies and a belly full of bubbly – just don’t forget those credit cards!

I was lucky enough to accompany The White Room on their most recent Passion of the Peninsula tour. A truly unique interior shopping tour – I think it’s safe to say that it’s the only thing of its kind in Victoria – the Peninsula tour offers a way to explore some incredible home décor stores in Mount Eliza, Mornington, Red Hill, Flinders and Blairgowrie.

Not only did I get to meet 11 other wonderful ladies as I shopped the day away (and boy did I shop up a storm), I was spoilt with a delectable lunch at a Mornington gem – and even left with a host of styling tips from the one and only Alex. Note to self: stick to three cushions for a three-seater sofa!

To top it all off, the tour included a comfy mini bus to get us around (no need to worry about parking!), and a chance to meet store owners (who were very generous with drinks, nibbles and discounts to sweeten the tour) and learn their back stories. Although they were all wonderful, my favourites included Eden nursery (because I’m a sucker for greenery) and Greedi Lulu (because their products are as unique as their name).

This intimate boutique experience is sure to leave you feeling inspired, creative and with lots of wonderful new things for your home.

The White Room offers three shopping tours ($160 each), with each focusing on unique interior stores in different parts of Melbourne (and the Mornington Peninsula). Check out The White Room Interiors for dates, and treat yourself to a shopping date while supporting local businesses!

The ever so talented Alex also offers interior decorating services for those of you that want that perfectly Instagram-able home (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?).

For more about The White Room.

Disclosure: Milena took part in the shopping tour as a guest of The White Room Interiors. Positive coverage was not guaranteed and this is an honest and unpaid review of her experience.

Designers Furniture Homewares Kids Rooms

Melbourne trade show celebrates boutique lifestyle brands

Running from 3 – 5 August in Melbourne’s Kensington, Rogue Lifestyle is a three-day trade event showcasing over 40 Australian lifestyle and kids brands. With exhibitors including Pony Rider, Ahoy Trader, Bobo Choses and Sack Me, the boutique event will also feature local food and coffee vendors as well as live music.

It’s been brought to life by Emma Patterson, designer of kid’s homewares brand Homely Creatures, who wanted to showcase her wares in a way that didn’t cost the earth.

“We are a small industry and we love to connect with each other – not just brands to buyers, but brands to brands as well,” says Emma. “We’re going back to why we all started going to trade shows in the first place: to connect, get inspired, make quality collaborations happen, and get real value.

“Australia has so many great brands, but many of them have taken to showing in their own studios or hotels, making it really hard for buyers to visit everyone they want to see. It’s also stressful for them to all have to become event coordinators and deal with the time and monetary costs associated with creating your own mini show, which may not pull the crowds.”

This year, Rogue Lifestyle has teamed up with students from Jenna Densten’s (of The Block’s Josh and Jenna) Design School. They’ll be co-ordinating live flatlay installations and interior shoots using the products from the event’s own line-up.

Interested in other designer events like this one?

Art Designers Homewares Interviews Styling

Lawrence St Makers, opens on Sydney’s northern beaches

Something of an artist’s co-op, Lawrence St Makers is a gallery space that opened recently on Sydney’s northern beaches, showcasing the work of local artists, makers and collectors.

Established in December 2015, Lawrence St Makers is the brainchild of artist and curator Kareena Zerefos, metalsmith and jeweller Toby Eagle and Bjorn and Sandra Brunger, the furniture-making husband and vintage-collecting wife team behind Maker & Collector.

“We are united through a belief in simple living. In supporting local and shopping small and in the hand-crafted, the custom made and the consciously curated,” says Kareena Zerefos.

Having opened just in time for Christmas, Kareena was overwhelmed by the response from the local, northern beaches community – a place that is also her hometown.

“Growing up around here, I dreamt of having a space that brought together and supported fellow artists and makers. Since opening our doors I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many talented people, and I’m excited to be able to show their work on our walls over the coming months,” says Kareena who is busy working on the their next exhibition.


Opening in February, the showcase will feature the work of local artists Mia Taninaka, Carly Casey, Ben Brown, Jaimee Paul, Jack Bussell and Jordan Monaghan plus other talent from across Australia including Natalie McComas, Courtney Brims, Jeremy Piert and Katie Shriner.

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Click here for more.

Designers Expert Tips Furniture

Take 5 with Kate Pascoe Squires

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from their favourite cafe and shop to their favourite book and musician.

Today we chat to Kate Pascoe Squires, one half of the amazing Australian designed textiles and soft furnishings business, Kate & Kate.

Kate Pascoe Squires (left) and business parter and sister-in-law Kate Pascoe (right)
Kate Pascoe Squires (left) and business parter and sister-in-law Kate Pascoe (right)
1. What is your favourite cafe?  

The Cook & Baker in Bondi Junction is my second home – their food is incredible, everyone who works there is just so nice and their chai is my morning addiction. They make their own almond milk too, which I love. So good.

2. What is your favourite book?

The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton was a bit of a game changer for me.

3. What is your favourite shop?  

That’s a tough one… there are so many! I’m all about Ellery at the moment and am currently spending a lot of time in their Paddington boutique. It’s dangerous.

4. What is your favourite piece of furniture you own?

My Eames rocker gives me a lot of joy – so handsome in shape, he looks good at any angle. He also provides a perfect blank canvas for the endless blankets and throws on rotation in our home.

5. Who is your favourite musician? 
All time favourite? Would have to be Pearl Jam. Sorry, I’m a bit of a ’90s chick.

Espial: Brisbane’s beautiful bricks and mortar store

In a world that has become increasingly online, Heidi McLeod, owner of Brisbane bricks and mortar store Espial, still very much believes the traditional boutique has a place in today’s age. And she should know, with her successful business now in its sixth year.


“An online store isn’t far away for our distant customers, however, in our hearts we are traditional merchants who love to touch and feel our beautiful products and take pride in the service we provide. At the end of the day, we are busy having a great time doing what we do and our lovely clientele seem to enjoy it.”


With Espial meaning ‘to discover’ or ‘to unearth,’ Heidi’s stock of homewares, fashion and art is ever-changing as she falls in love with new designers and mixes them back in with her favourites. Hand picking hard-to-find lifestyle buys from local and international designers, she sources her products anywhere from markets to social media. “We’ve got clever creatives right here in our own backyard so we try to stock and support as many local designers as we can. I’m constantly scouring handmade markets or scrolling through my Instagram feed for beautiful trinkets and if I see something I like, I’ll make it my business to find out who the designer is and stock it for my customers.”


While Espial doesn’t have a style per say, Heidi does admit if a product’s colourful, she is automatically inclined to love it. “Colour is our religion, which is evident in our fashion and home decor collections. We love vibrant and surprising combinations that are never too serious and can be enjoyed by everyone.”

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Espial is located at Samuel Village Shopping Centre, Camp Hill, Brisbane. For more information.

Interiors Addict

Discover and the Interiors Addict boutique!

There’s a new concept in online shopping for you to explore and I’m pleased to say Interiors Addict is a part of it. is a US-based curated ecommerce platform that connects trusted tastemakers with talented makers from across the world, including, of course, Australia. And there’s a LOT of gorgeous homewares to be found!

GREAT.LY aims to streamline the maker marketplace. The company has tapped tastemakers (including me!) to curate their own boutiques and do all of the selling, so makers only have to worry about doing what they truly love doing— making. Shoppers will discover the best accessories, home and kids products created by distinct makers from near and far, handpicked by the tastemakers they already follow, all in one beautifully curated place.

“Tastemakers are a powerful force online, motivating the purchasing habits of millions of people worldwide daily, yet no one has made them central to an online shopping site where makers go to sell their fabulous products. GREAT.LY is an ecommerce platform that leverages the audiences of tastemakers to drive sales for the maker economy. It is a simple win-win situation,” says Sarah Bryden-Brown, founder and CEO.

greatly-about copy

Unlike many startups that launch with a product, and then look for an audience, GREAT.LY is launching to a massive audience right from the start. Its tastemaker network currently has over 30 million pageviews per month. And, that’s only the beginning. GREAT.LY has raised $500,000 with the goal to grow to 1,000 tastemakers selected from across the globe, reaching combined pageviews of 200 million, within 12 months.

With a transparent revenue model, GREAT.LY shoppers see just where their money is going. Tastemakers, who already spend their days searching the world for beautiful things to write about, can finally setup shop to share those finds and make a profit, earning 30% of every purchase made through their boutique, plus an additional 5% for sales across the site from shoppers they bring to the platform. Makers receive 50% of sales, and a built-in global sales channel.

decor8's boutique
decor8’s boutique

I really enjoyed filling my boutique with goodies, especially affordable art, which I hope you’ll love!

Some of my favourite international interiors and lifestyle bloggers are also tastemakers, including Victoria Smith (SF Girl By Bay), Holly Becker (decor8), Taylor Sterling and Caitlin Moran (Glitter Guide), Alaina Kaczmarski and Danielle Moss (The Everygirl), Will Taylor (Bright.Bazaar). Great company to be in!

Disclosure: I will receive a commission on any sales via my boutique.


Kip & Co’s new bed linen range is inspired by the dappled light of summer. Win some!

Melbourne’s boutique bedding company Kip & Co, has launched its latest collection, Dappled Dreams, adding towels and rugs to complement its linen for adults and kids.

The Matchstick and Spots designs
The Matchstick and Spots designs

It’s a celebration of summers gone and the possibilities of summers to come – dappled light and warm nights, radio crackling, beach swims, salty skin, friendships made, gold and braid.

We wanted to create a relaxed range that conveyed that sense of freedom you get over a long coastal summer,” said co-founder Hayley Pannekoecke.

The colourful Obus design, a collaboration
The colourful Obus design, a collaboration

The range features Kip’s first collaboration with Obus founder, Kylie Zerbst. Kylie’s energy and independence found a kindred spirit one summer with Kip’s Kate Heppell, and together they began a long and fierce friendship.