
Nest Designs gives Australians affordable interior design services over the internet

“The online decorating service details specific pieces of furniture and decor and provides clients with the direct links to purchase the suggested pieces online which means my clients can quickly make their dreams a reality or can purchase the pieces in their own time and on their own terms. This service is available for a fraction of the cost of a full interior design fit out,” says owner Emma Blomfield.

With a degree in marketing and a diploma in interior design, she noticed a large e-decorating market in the United States and decided to bring it to Australia. She believes good design should be available to everyone, whether or not they have the talent for it themselves or indeed a big budget. 

“Interior decorating needn’t be an expensive luxury relegated only to the wealthy,” she says. “A stylish home, for a fraction of the cost, is something everyone can enjoy. That’s the reasoning behind Nest. My service is much more affordable, detailed and accessible to home owners decorating on a budget and definitely offers value for money.”

So how does it work? Emma sends the client a questionnaire to give her an overview of their style and furniture preferences and the room or rooms they wish to have redecorated. Then they complete it and send through measurements and photographs. Emma gets started on creating a digital mood board (like those above) including images of suggested pieces of furniture, hyperlinks to make the purchases, inspirational images and a suggested furniture layout. “It’s all delivered directly to my client’s inboxes and takes approximately two-to-three weeks. Rates are from $120.”

Nest Designs also offers ‘in real life’ services in the Sydney metro area.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.