Expert Tips

3 interiors businesses who have pivoted thanks to Covid

As a small business owner, this global pandemic has sure been a rollercoaster. For me personally, March and April were pretty scary months as pretty much everyone (bar one extremely loyal longterm advertiser and another new one) pulled their marketing spend with Interiors Addict. I totally got it, people were more concerned with keeping their employees in jobs. But it was scary nonetheless.

I started thinking about mortgage pauses and using our savings and whether blogging would even still be a viable business in the new normal. Fast forward a few months and I’m thrilled to say that business is back and things are feeling so much better. But I had to seriously tighten my belt, do two people’s jobs for a while and for much of the time with no childcare.

I know I’m not alone and I’m not looking for pity. What I did learn from going back to basics, was what I really needed to spend money on and also, by going back to doing most things myself, I took a good look at all our systems and what worked and didn’t. I also did a lot more writing content and enjoyed it (I’m a journalist by trade after all!) and thought more about what our readers want to read about. All really useful stuff. Not to mention I had a bit of headspace to work on a new arm to the business which I’ll be able to tell you more about later this year; one which will hopefully provide an additional, and perhaps more predictable and recurring, revenue stream.

I thought I’d ask some other small business owners in the industry how they survived Covid and what they learned about their brands in the process. And while none of us is brave or silly enough to rest on our laurels and declare everything’s back to normal, it’s great to hear some positive stories.

Andrew Algar owns Contents International Design, an independent furniture and homewares store in Sydney’s Supa Centa Moore Park. As a bricks and mortar retail business, COVID hit hard in the beginning. “Like everyone else, it was the uncertainty that was the hard part. If you knew it was going to be for a certain period of time you could at least plan to batten down the hatches knowing the tap would turn back on,” he said.

“We closed the shop doors for general thoroughfare in April and were operating by appointment with the option of taking individual pieces to clients’ homes to assist. JobKeeper was also a big help. Everyone was working remotely and did their best to help wherever they could so I’m very thankful for them.”

Their online business rose to the occasion which helped pay the bills as well as having the processes in place to be able to work remotely if/when needed. But it was really amping up customer service, which they had always prided themselves on, which allowed them to make great connections to each and every sale and customer. “It felt more necessary to be thankful for them, and this has had a huge flow on effect which we are so appreciative for.”

Thankfully, foot traffic in the store is back up now. “A lot of people are spending more time within their homes with lockdowns, and not going out or away. It’s been a good time for people to take some time to realise that their home is their own sanctuary and making it nice means spending more time in it isn’t a chore,” Andrew says.

Andrew Algar

There were lessons learned too. “It was similar to going back to the start again and being able to run the business off the smell of an oily rag! It allowed us to re-look at a few things that we thought were making a difference or adding to the business but were just costing for not much gain. Now we know this should be something done on a regular basis not just in a time when that’s necessary.

“The silver lining for me was that it made me take stock of what was the way forward and what to be appreciative for. There are things to worry about every day running a business but with something like a pandemic totally taking everything out of your control, you can only do what you can control.”

Interior stylist and designer Emma Blomfield, has been offering e-decorating since 2011 but the last few years have seen her doing much more in-person consulting. That all flipped during the first few months of Covid. “Since lockdowns have been relaxed I’ve been back out meeting with clients but have noticed follow-up consults tend to happen online where we meet on Teams or Zoom and I share my screen, showing the design work and getting instant feedback from my clients. I was very thankful for taking the time earlier on in my career to set up that service properly which meant I could just run with it when the online consults started rolling in.”

Emma Blomfield

She also used the extra time at home to work on a new business. “It had been a long time coming, I just never carved out the time for it before. Having some extra time on my hands at the start of the year meant I went all in on my plans for Decor Library (a project management platform to streamline the way interior designers work with their suppliers and clients) and now it’s a fully fledged business we’ve just launched a few weeks ago. If it wasn’t for lockdown, I may never have started the business.”

Emma said she’s never been more grateful to be self-employed with the flexibility to pivot and change as needed, and be in control of her own destiny. “It was 100% up to me to keep the business running once Covid hit and I’m pretty proud to say it’s been a mega year for me in terms of revenue when I thought I was headed for total disaster back in March.” 

She admits she used to be quite slack at checking in on her financials but this has now changed! “At the end of March, I spent about a week reviewing every single inch of my business from website wording through to analysing every single expense. I now set time aside every month to review all of those things again and am better at meeting my monthly revenue targets.” 

So now her advice for other business owners is simple: “Don’t get too busy working in the business that you forget to work on the business.” Emma suggests finding yourself an accountability buddy and meeting with them once a month. “Having someone else to talk through your goals and financial stats with is an absolute game changer. As a solo business owner it’s easy to ignore those things but that’s the worst thing you can do for the future of your business. Pay attention to all the little details, it pays off!” 

Melbourne-based business Willow & Wood, who make and sell off-the-shelf mudroom solutions, managed to move interstate to the Gold Coast in July, in between lockdowns! They’ve used the time to really fine tune their niche and to bring all manufacturing on shore.

Rebecca Tyndall of Willow & Wood

Co-owner Rebecca Tyndall, who runs the business with her dad Russell, said: “We are completely making in Australia now. We moved our workshop to the Gold Coast in July and we’ve been super busy in the last three months. We are making a real push to get this business growing because we are the only one that specialises in mudrooms and I don’t want to lose that edge before we can grow and be known for what we do.”

For now, she’s still in Victoria while Russell and the team are busy making up north. “It’s particularly hard when I can’t even travel to my workshop but we are making it work.”

In the New Year, they’ll be discontinuing their popular Bookworm kids’ bookshelves and introducing new mudroom options to really hone in on that side of the business. “We don’t want to do fitted, built-in joinery because that’s what joiners specialise in. We’ll be sticking with our off the shelf products, adding more options, and really hoping to see the business grow in 2021.”

For more on Emma Blomfield and Decor Library

Shop online at Contents International Design

Shop online at Willow & Wood

Decorating 101 Expert Tips Styling

Styling your home: getting the icing on the cake right!

Styling is what Emma Blomfield calls “the fun bit” of interiors! And it’s definitely the case that a few styling tricks can totally lift your space. We’re big on homes being unique reflections of the people who live in them, and styling has the power to give every home more personality.

Today, the Sydney-based stylist, designer and decorator, is sharing some of her top tips; things that everyone can have a go at, styling ideas you may not have thought of, and some simple rules to follow.

“It’s different to decorating as decorating consists of selecting the big ticket items like sofas, coffee tables, beds, sideboards and other larger furniture items,” says Emma, author of Home and Keeping House. “You can also have a lot of fun with decorating when choosing fabrics, timber tones and textures as well as actually placing the furniture out in the room. But styling is arranging the smaller, more moveable pieces. Think candles, books, trays, crystals, coasters, trinkets, boxes and other decorative items.”

Emma sees any flat surface as an excuse to “style up a storm”! It could be the top of a bar cart styled with attractive liquor bottles, a coffee table with a tray of nice decorative items or a hall table in the entry way with pretty trinkets and photo frames. 

“A home with no deliberate styling is going to feel a little sterile, like no one lives there! The styling adds character and personality. It gives little nods to who lives there, where they’ve travelled and collected items from, or what they’ve been given for significant milestones in their lives.”

Get it right however, and Emma says your home will feel cosy, welcoming and intriguing. “You want your guests to come over and want to explore all the corners of your home because there are interesting things to look at everywhere. Those little elements tell stories and hold many amazing memories, ready to be recollected.”

Styling is also a great way to carry a theme from room to room, giving your home a more cohesive feel. “You don’t have to rely on a colour palette to do this,” Emma says. “For example, use trays to house some cute decorative items collected on your holiday to Paris in one room and then another tray in the next room with photos of your Paris trip so you carry your lovely memories into the other rooms of the house.”

While some people say it’s nothing more than fluffing cushions and not at all essential, Emma says styling is what sets your house apart from an Airbnb or rental property and shows that real people live there. “It’s an essential part of bringing a home together for its occupants. Those styling elements are often handed down to the next generation as heirlooms like teacups and saucers or little crystal figurines.” 

So, do you need to call in a professional like Emma? “No! You just need to have an eye for collecting a few little meaningful things from your life. Most people can do that!”

So, where to start?

“Using trays to collate the trinket-y things really helps collate them all without the styling looking messy or unfinished. When styling a bedside table, a coaster for your water glass, a ring dish, an attractive box of tissues and a candle are all you need to create a pretty vignette,” Emma says.

“When creating a ‘shelfie’, use height and scale to create a cute display. Mix tall skinny objects with short squat objects so there’s some interest with the items on display and they aren’t all at the same height. Vary the textures too to create interest.”

You don’t need to go shopping for new decor either, although that’s always fun! “Look around your house for inspiration. You might find something in the back of your desk drawer that reminds you of the fun you had at university or a marble your son gave you when he was a child. They don’t have to be expensive items. In fact, often the cheapest items hold the most meaning and are therefore the most interesting to talk about when guests ask you the meaning behind them.

“Objects from your travels are often inexpensive but meaningful and fun objects to have on display. Or even found objects like a bowl of attractive feathers or sea urchins found on a Christmas holiday.”

If you do want to treat yourself to something new for your vignette, Emma suggests a fancy candle, candle sticks, small brass dishes, room sprays in nice bottles, snow globes, coffee table books or small photo frames as great options.

And there are some styling rules which never go out of fashion: “The odds rule is an age old styling trick. Grouping objects on your coffee table or dining table centrepiece in threes or fives is more cohesive-looking than groupings of four or six. There’s probably some science (or feng shui) behind why!”

For more about Emma

Interiors Addict

Create a home with this new illustrated interiors book!

Having enjoyed at least eight homes in her lifetime and spent a childhood globetrotting (she lived in Japan, Hong Kong and Sydney), interior stylist Emma Blomfield is perhaps better placed than many to define just what makes a home. And it’s something she explores in her new book ‘Keeping House’ – an instructional tome, brimming with gorgeous illustrations, that promises to help you create the life you want regardless of the space you inhabit.

'Keeping House' book cover

“Creating a home gives us a sense of belonging, connection and inclusion. It’s natural to want to have a place in the world and a physical and psychological connection to a space,” says Emma who created the book out of a desire to help people, whether renting or otherwise, make the most out of their home situation immediately.

There's tips on how to combine a dining table and home office
There’s tips on how to combine a dining space and home office

“For me, home has always been a safe, secure, beautiful and loving environment. It was when I was a child and now I try to create the same feelings for my clients and in my own homes. My house might be beautiful to me but someone else might hate it so it’s very subjective but ultimately, it’s the feeling the house evokes when you enter it and the items we place in our homes that help add to those nice feelings,” says Emma.

The book contains plenty of practical advice on setting up a home, styling and entertaining and is divided into two parts. Part one, ‘Sanctuary,’ covers all the essentials for setting up and decorating a home while part two, ‘Celebration,’ looks at how to create a home to share with the people you love.

The book contains plenty of practical entertaining advice too
The book contains plenty of practical entertaining advice too

“There are a lot of practical elements involved in setting up a home but I think it’s equally important to have a number of pieces in the house that reflect the homeowner’s personality, add character to the room and tell a story when guests visit and ask where you acquired your knick knacks. Some of the most important elements are, colour, texture and pattern. These can be in items like candles, throw rugs on the sofa, cushions on the bed and furniture pieces as well as books, trinkets and artwork. I’m a firm believer that no house is complete until there are artworks hung on the walls. It looks a bit bare without artwork!” says Emma.

'Keeping House' by Emma Blomfield

“Play around with smaller items like side tables, cushions and throw rugs and make vignettes on your coffee table or kitchen bench to build your styling confidence. A hot tip is to photograph a vignette you’re styling on your phone to see if it’s working or not. Looking at something in 2D format helps point out what might be missing from the vignette you’ve created,” says Emma.

And it’s impossible to discuss the book without special focus on its gorgeous illustrations that were hand drawn by Juliet Sulejmani. “My desire for both of my books is for them to be timeless resource books to help guide homeowners through the decorating and entertaining process as stress free as possible. In order for them to be timeless I needed the imagery to reflect this as much as possible and I knew photos of rooms would date much faster than hand drawn illustrations. We wanted the reader to go on a bit of a journey and to add a bit of a playful nature to the book.”

Emma is illustrated throughout
Emma is illustrated throughout

Illustrations: Juliet Sulejmani

Keeping House by Emma Blomfield, RRP $29.99, is published today (March 1) by Hardie Grant Books and is available in all good book shops and online.

IKEA says memories make a house a home


Win a scholarship to the PLAN, DECORATE, LIVE online course

Interiors Addict is exclusively offer a scholarship to The Decorating School’s signature eCourse Plan Decorate Live. The six-week online eCourse (which usually costs $497) is designed to teach you everything you need to know to design and decorate your home – including how to analyse your space, how to use colour, how to buy and position furniture, how to use pattern, texture and soft furnishings, and so much more.

The lessons include videos, worksheets, PDFs, checklists, buying guides, masterclasses from guest experts, as well as a lots of other goodies. You’ll get the complete Plan Decorate Live eCourse (including all modules and bonuses) plus access to the exclusive Facebook community and private Pinterest boards.

For your chance to win, complete the form below, telling us, in 100 words or less, what your decorating dilemma is and why you want to take part in Plan Decorate Live. Entries close at midnight on Wednesday 1 March 2017.

The course will open for enrolments on 5 March 2017.

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 The winner was Nicole Morgan

Learn how to create your dream home in just six weeks!

From choosing the right white paint to furniture positioning, stylists Emma Blomfield and Sonya Pala of The Decorating School are back this month with a new eCourse that promises to teach you how to style your home in just six weeks. “Decorating is a tricky thing to teach but we’re not ones to shy away from a challenge so we’ve built the course in a way that allows our students to learn in bite-sized but informative chunks. They’ll learn how to unlock their home’s potential and create spaces that not only look gorgeous and feel amazing but that they’re genuinely proud of, and love to live in,” says Emma of the course that is titled ‘Plan, Decorate, Live.’

The Decorating School’s Emma Blomfield and Sonya Pala

The course will run through a series of online modules that cover things such as colour, furniture positioning and space planning delivered through interactive worksheets, videos and masterclasses. “We are really firm believers in the saying that your home is a true reflection of you. It bothers me when I see homes where the owners clearly don’t care about their surroundings because your home is your safe haven, it’s a place to relax and enjoy your family time and it’s where so many memories are made so why wouldn’t you want it to feel and look as good as it can?” says Emma.


The stylists have had great success with their previous eCourses, with enrolments coming from across the globe. “We’ve had students from all over enrol in our course from Aussie expats living in Hong Kong to homeowners on remote cattle stations in the Australian outback. The common theme among the varied students seems to be that they all take great pride in the appearance of their homes, they love to entertain at home and want to create a special haven for their families but lack the confidence to tackle a decorating project head on,” says Emma.


The six-week course is $397 – enrol here by this Sunday 23 October, 2016.

One lucky reader will win a spot on the course. For your chance of winning, complete the form below by midnight AEST this Friday 21 October 2016.

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Urban Road’s first rugs will have you wishing it was summer already!

If you weren’t missing summer enough already, these gorgeous designer rugs by Urban Road and Emma Blomfield of Nest Designs, will make you incredibly envious of anyone currently enjoying the summer months (I’m talking to you, Jen!).


Urban Road are an Australian brand known for their original canvas art prints and cushions. The Emma Blomfield x Urban Road Designer Rug Collection is their first foray into art for your floor, collaborating with interior stylist Emma, who is passionate about making stylish interiors affordable.



Inspired by the cool, salty ocean breeze of a coastal Australian summer with a Palm Springs Californian twist, the collection is full of summery colours, tones and textures. With nine to choose from, there’s a rug to suit every home, with each rug telling its own unique story. “We wanted the range to be bold and bright with a sense of fun thrown in for good measure,” explains Emma. “After all, a rug is really a piece of artwork for your floor and each of the rugs in this collection tells its own artistic story.”

Emma Blomfield (left) of Nest Designs and Suzie Atkin of Urban Road
Emma Blomfield (seated) of Nest Designs and Suzie Atkin of Urban Road


Made from a low pile, acrylic-based Chenille, using fade resistant, eco-friendly inks, the reverse of the rug features a dotted non-woven backing with anti-slip dots to keep the rug in place. Clever!


Measuring 2m x 3m, the rugs retail for $749 and will be officially launched to the trade in Melbourne at Life Instyle next week. The public can pre-order them from 4 August on the Urban Road website, making them the perfect accessory to add colour, scale and character to your space as we head into spring.

House Tours

Take a look inside Guy Sebastian’s holiday home

Today we take a look inside singer Guy Sebastian’s holiday home on the NSW South Coast. I interviewed his wife, Jules, about creating a family hideaway as well as somewhere perfect for entertaining.

guy sebastian 3

The couple had been looking for a holiday home when Guy fell in love with the headland in Gerroa and was determined to find something to buy in the area. “This house came up for sale a couple of months later and we grabbed it while we could,” said Jules, a fashion stylist. “In terms of location it was exactly what we were looking for, but we wanted to renovate to make it into the dream home.”

The renovation meant gutting half of the top floor and starting again. Guy got stuck in himself, as walls were knocked out to really open up the view of the ocean, before all the bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens were renovated. “It was a lot of work,” says Jules, who recently announced she is pregnant with the couple’s second child. “Guy was like Bob the Builder!

Jules Sebastian
Jules Sebastian

House Tours Styling

Photos: The finished Palm Beach Apartment!

We put the finishing touches to the Interiors Addict/Nest Designs apartment project we’ve been working on last Thursday night to host opening drinks and reveal the transformation. Here are the photos you’ve been waiting for! We know many of you have been following its progress and the reality behind the scenes of a reno, but what everyone really wants to see are the after shots, let’s face it!

The living area

Emma Blomfield from Nest Designs did a fantastic job furnishing and styling the apartment and I think this living area shows how she nailed a coastal holiday apartment vibe without falling into dodgy, overly-beachy territory (I think we’ve all seen that on a weekend away)!

Palm beach nest designs - low res-4

While there it was great to reference the stunning Palm Beach location here and there, she definitely got the balance just right. Do you agree?


The reality of a reno: The Interiors Addict & Nest Designs Palm Beach apartment project

By Emma Blomfield

As we prepare to reveal the finished Palm Beach Apartment project (a joint project between Interiors Addict and Nest Designs) this Thursday, stylist Emma Blomfield tells us about the less glamorous reality behind the scenes of a top-to-bottom reno.

The Palm Beach Project hasn’t been without drama. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will have seen a few of the issues that have arisen!

Firstly, the tenants in the apartment when it sold weren’t the tidiest, so the kitchen, bathroom and carpets had seen a lot of wear and tear. We got to work repainting and giving the apartment a bit of a facelift; that was relatively drama-free apart from the fact that the light switch cover plates were apparently imported from Europe so there were none anywhere in the country that would fit for us to replace them! We also soon realised once the tenants’ furniture was removed, that the carpets would need more than a steam clean so they were ripped up and replaced with gorgeous sisal in a chocolatey colour.

Expert Tips Renting

What to consider when furnishing and decorating a holiday rental

As we prepare for the unveiling of our Palm Beach apartment project at the end of the month, I asked Emma Blomfield of Nest Designs what special considerations need to be made when furnishing a holiday rental.

Screen Shot 2013-09-11 at 4.46.55 PM

Durability and being easy to clean are 2 of the top, and less pretty and creative priorities when embarking on your holiday rental. “You never know who will be renting the apartment and when you might have families with children there for summer holidays, you can’t be sure how it will withstand a visit from sticky fingers or what will happen during a game of hide and seek,” says Emma. “Materials that should be avoided are things like glass top tables that aren’t secured, veneers — they are soft, dent easily and don’t withstand heavy duty cleaning agents that the cleaning company might use – and high gloss MDF as it scratches easily and ages faster.”

When it comes to flooring, hardwearing is key. Tiles, sisal carpet and timber floors are best. “There are loads of wool carpet options too that are commercial grade and come in a huge range of colours to suit your decor.”

flooring apartment

Emma also had to think about easy and regular cleaning between guests. “I’ve chosen bench tops that have flecks of taupe and brown so any scratches or spills won’t be obvious. The sofa is scotch guarded to prevent spills staining and the rug is a jute material, making it easy to shake out to clean. Sisal carpet is good for disguising sandy footprints.”

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict teams up with Nest Designs to bring you the Palm Beach apartment project

I have an exciting new project to share with you today and I’ll be sharing it with you from start to finish over the next few weeks! A few months ago, I was approached by Judith Webster, who had just bought an investment property on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, to help her style and decorate it and share the process with my readers.

I loved the idea of course, but with a wedding to organise and not actually being a stylist or interior designer, I thought I decided to pass this project on to my friend Emma Blomfield at Nest Designs, knowing what a great job she’d do. One of you will get the chance to win a weekend away at the apartment once it’s finished! Sound good? Yes, I thought so!

Work has just begun, with a a thorough clearout and paint job and plans for a new kitchen and flooring. Today I’m sharing Emma’s moodboards for each room with you.

Palm Beach Apartment Project - Lounge

Judith, who first met me when she came to my blogging course at the Australian Writers Centre in Sydney, said: “Earlier this year I bought a two-bedroom apartment at Palm Beach. It is in a small, resort style complex that was developed about 10 years ago for holiday stays. It’s right in the heart of Palm Beach with the beach, restaurants, boutiques and ferry all within walking distance.

Interiors Addict

Nest Designs pops up in Paddington with a florist and a fashion designer

Stylist Emma Blomfield of Nest Designs is having a one-day-only pop-up shop this Saturday with florist Willow and Dune and fashion designer Katie Perry. Emma’s launching her new cushion line and selling other pretties, Willow and Dune are selling beautiful floral arrangements and Katie is selling her fashion. So why not pop along and treat yourself?

nest popup


My winter warmer picks for The Home and a stunning country photoshoot

I was delighted when The Home asked me to pick some of my favourite products for a special winter warmer sale (starting today) and to join them on a photoshoot on location to bring them to life. Isn’t the end result stunning? I’m so in love with this clever photo!

the home winter warmer interiors addict 1

I headed straight to some of my favourite places, like Cadrys rugs and Have You Met Miss Jones to pick some cosy and colourful items. I’ve always loved the look of layered rugs but never tried this in my own home so it was fun to pick several to work together. I think this shoot goes to show that mix and match can totally work, and it’s all about contrast and texture. And how about that lamp? I’m buying one of those babies for myself!

the home winter warmer interiors addict

As for these beautiful images, a LOT of hard work and talent went into them behind the scenes, which I got to watch, but cannot take any credit for (apart from putting the flowers in the vase and making the tea for the cup on the tray…)! Joining me at the gorgeous property in the Hunter Valley were The Home’s stylist Marj Silva, photographer Lisa Zhou and buyer Emma Blomfield (also stylist at Nest Designs). They made that picture happen, and no, it really isn’t glamorous! Unless of course you count climbing on scaffolding and holding boards up on the other side of windows to stop pesky sun rays coming through and spoiling the shot glamorous!

Interiors Addict

Zanui first birthday event with Shaynna Blaze

Yesterday I attended the first birthday celebration event for online furniture store Zanui in Sydney, where Shaynna Blaze was special guest.


It really doesn’t seem a whole 12 months since I was at Zanui’s launch event! The vast warehouse-style space of Simmer on the Bay in Sydney was decked out in products available to buy on the site, all beautifully styled. Guests included media and suppliers, as well as X-Factor winner Samantha-Jade Gibbs and Guy Sebastian’s wife Jules, both of whose homes have recently been furnished by Zanui with a little styling help from my good friend Emma Blomfield at Nest Designs (pictured with Shaynna and I in the photo above).

Interiors Addict

Nest Designs opens online pop-up store

My good friend and stylist Emma Blomfield at Nest Designs has just opened a fab online pop-up store full of treasures. I guess the idea would be to buy people Christmas presents from it but I want everything for myself!

I may or may not have already nabbed myself one of these uber cute ring dishes. I keep it by the kitchen sink so I always know where I’ve left my engagement ring when I take it off to do cleaning (all those heart-in-mouth panic moments were getting too much).

Interiors Addict

What Nest Designs’ Emma is loving right now

Emma Blomfield runs Nest Designs, providing affordable interior styling services both in person and via the wonders of the world wide web, wherever you are in Australia. Right now she’s loving…
Interiors Addict

Replicas suit a new generation of nesters

Interior stylist Emma Blomfield owns Nest Designs, a business that specialises in affordable decorating for everyone. Her innovative online service means she works with clients all over Australia. Here Emma shares her thoughts on the popularity of replica furniture.
“Replica furniture fits the bill for style and budget conscious home decorators. For these buyers, purchasing an original piece is not a practical option, whether that’s due to young children with sticky fingers, monetary constraints or simply the desire for more flexibility in their decorating style in years to come. 
Australia is not known as an elitist society but rather one that embraces inclusiveness, so whether you be a first home buyer, a young person setting up your first rental, or a busy family with competing financial demands, everybody is entitled to the look and feel that inspires them and this ideal has been central to Nest’s philosophy. 
Whilst replicas are largely produced in Asia, for the most part they are distributed by Australian companies therefore their purchase supports local businesses rather than large multi-national furniture retailers.  
By law, retailers must use the original designer’s name along with the word ‘replica’ to avoid confusion. Additionally, if the patent has expired then replicas can legitimately be created, as in other industries. 
Replicas allow a new generation of home decorators to discover and appreciate the innovative designers of the past. For practical reasons a replica might be the answer today, but this may lead to an aspiration to own an original piece in the future.”

Nest Designs gives Australians affordable interior design services over the internet

“The online decorating service details specific pieces of furniture and decor and provides clients with the direct links to purchase the suggested pieces online which means my clients can quickly make their dreams a reality or can purchase the pieces in their own time and on their own terms. This service is available for a fraction of the cost of a full interior design fit out,” says owner Emma Blomfield.

With a degree in marketing and a diploma in interior design, she noticed a large e-decorating market in the United States and decided to bring it to Australia. She believes good design should be available to everyone, whether or not they have the talent for it themselves or indeed a big budget. 

“Interior decorating needn’t be an expensive luxury relegated only to the wealthy,” she says. “A stylish home, for a fraction of the cost, is something everyone can enjoy. That’s the reasoning behind Nest. My service is much more affordable, detailed and accessible to home owners decorating on a budget and definitely offers value for money.”

So how does it work? Emma sends the client a questionnaire to give her an overview of their style and furniture preferences and the room or rooms they wish to have redecorated. Then they complete it and send through measurements and photographs. Emma gets started on creating a digital mood board (like those above) including images of suggested pieces of furniture, hyperlinks to make the purchases, inspirational images and a suggested furniture layout. “It’s all delivered directly to my client’s inboxes and takes approximately two-to-three weeks. Rates are from $120.”

Nest Designs also offers ‘in real life’ services in the Sydney metro area.