Interiors Addict

New app makes it easy for anyone to create floorplans on their iPhone or iPad

Planit2D, which launched last week, claims to be the the fastest, most user-friendly 2D floorplan creator available on the App Store. It’s aimed at anyone and everyone with an idea in their mind or a scratching on a piece of paper.

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Using ‘drag and drop’ and pre-defined room layouts and fittings, you can create a floorplan that suits you and your family or indeed, your client. Using industry standard sized furniture, a metric or imperial based platform and a host of drawing tools and options, you can create and modify your designs with ease.

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It’s just $4.49 from the App Store and can be used on the go, any time, anywhere. Whether you need to plan for a renovation or build, or you’re a design student or enthusiast, this app could make your life easier. 

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Planit2D was developed and coded by Smarterapps for Peter Castagna.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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