Interiors Addict

Mr Jason Grant’s book, A Place Called Home

Tomorrow I’m off to the Sydney launch of stylist Jason Grant’s first book, A Place Called Home, so it’s about time I reviewed it for you!

Mr Jason Grant A Place Called Home cover

If you know MJG, or follow him on social media, you’ll know this is a project that has taken over his life for a good year. Luckily he is DELIGHTED with how it turned out and I can see why. It feels like if Jason was a book, this would be it.

It’s light on words and heavy on beautiful images by photographer James Geer. And let’s face it, who has time to actually read their coffee table books anyway?! I actually devoured this book in one enjoyable afternoon, but it’s the sort of book you’ll want to dip back in and out of on rainy afternoons, especially as its many photos of the beach and Bondi will bring back memories of summer.

Mr Jason Grant A Place Called Home 3

Jason is a well known freelance interior stylist and was previously style director of Real Living, who he still works for, alongside almost every other Australian homes magazine. He was also one of the very first people I interviewed for Interiors Addict! Jason has his own paint ranges for Murobond and recently styled Freedom’s new winter collection for its catalogue and advertising.

A Place Called Home is a very Aussie book, which makes it different, and will no doubt lead to it selling well overseas too, as people try to get their slice of our laidback lifestyle and aesthetic. Jason, who is originally from Melbourne, is known for his love of the ocean, the beach and Bondi, and talks in the book about how his surroundings constantly inspire him.

The words may be few, but the advice is great, common sense, human and accessible to everyone. Advice like: “Listen to your heart. Only buy what you love,” and “Take notice of the things around you. Stop for a moment and take it all in. Look up, look down and perhaps slow down.” The chapters cover everything from inspiration and first impressions to storage, colour and the clever tricks and finishing touches which stylists like Jason are so good at.

Mr Jason Grant A Place Called Home advice

mr jason grant a place called home chapters

The images are of real homes (including my friend Jane Frosh’s front door and the lovely Lynda Gardener’s staircase on the cover!), which look cosy and lived in and full of personality. The very last words in the book happily sum up Jason’s ideas on home: “Live every day like you’re on holiday. Use a beach towel instead of a bath towel and drink from a fancy cup. Create your own resort even if it’s just in your mind. Shop smart, use what you’ve got, decorate with things you love to create a happy home — a place to call your own.”

A Place Called Home is published by Hardie Grant and available in bookshops nationally now.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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