Competitions Homewares

October 7 Vignettes with The Vignette Room

I’m delighted to announce that the next round of 7 Vignettes, starting a week today (yes, already!), is being sponsored by the very aptly named Sydney (and online) store, The Vignette Room! They’ve chosen some fantastic themes which I think you’re going to love!

Oct 7 Vignettes The Vignette Room

The Vignette Room (featured on the blog here) have generously donated a $500 voucher for the overall winner and seven daily theme prizes of $100. Jennifer Brown, the daughter half of the mother/daughter duo behind this beautiful shop, says: “We love that 7 Vignettes is always such a visual treat and that it allows people to showcase their creativity. We love watching it unfold every month and seeing how people’s personalities come out in the vignettes they create. We especially love how there are so many wildly different interpretations of the themes and that it’s such an individual expression of what the themes mean to them.”

Jennifer Brown and Tracey Kennedy outside The Vignette Room

The Vignette Room truly is a visual feast and we thoroughly recommend a visit if you’re in Sydney. It’s a great example of why it’s still great to shop in bricks and mortar stores and meet the people curating their wares.

The ladies recently had this ‘manifesto’ hand painted onto the shop wall

Jennifer adds: “We first played along in December last year when Domayne sponsored and we had the most amazingly fun couple of days creating our visual interpretations of the themes. We’re so excited to sponsor 7 Vignettes so we can give people a little bit of an insight into who we are as a mother/daughter team and as an interior lifestyle store and what makes us tick through our themes. Plus, then we have an excuse to play along again and spend all day on Instagram and chalk it up to ‘working’!”

We like her style!

The fun starts on 1 October on Instagram. All details of how to play here or ask any questions in the comments below. Enjoy!

The Vignette Room is at 42 Gurner Street, Paddington, NSW 2021.


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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