Interiors Addict

Off Topic Tuesday: my wedding invitations

I just have to share my wedding invitations with you now they’ve all safely arrived to our guests here and overseas. I am so in love with them. I really can’t imagine anything better (other than a letterpress version, which I couldn’t afford). I worked with the ever patient Kate Reeves Robertson at The Story of Us to create my dream invites and the perfect start to our big day countdown.

Jen Bishop Invitation Scheme
The white on navy invitation (with polkadot reverse) is for the UK post-wedding lunch we’re having at the end of our honeymoon in November. We had to make it different to the white wedding invitation, as some people were sent both. We also had an insert card with a striped back, an RSVP postcard, a fuchsia envelope seal and a tag with our wedding website details on the reverse.

When I received my printed goods back from Kate, I almost shed a tear. You dream about getting married for years (I wasn’t one of those girls with a scrapbook and all, but I won’t lie and pretend I hadn’t imagine what my wedding stationery might look like, being a paper nerd). Putting them together in the right order, addressing the envelopes (Damian’s job), inserting the envelope liners and getting the right stamps for overseas and domestic mail was a much bigger job than imagined and saw our dining table become a production line for three solid nights. (Top tip: use post-its!) It was fun though, despite the sore necks.

The production line, AKA our dining table
The production line, AKA our dining table

Even Damian got genuinely excited about them, and he’s a man! Hate to gender stereotype (but I will) but his interest in the wedding has mainly revolved around cars, ties and the honeymoon. He’s left the details to me. Hoorah, it’s all about the details. But he LOVED them too, which made me happy.

I love the combination of old school formality in the wording of the main invite and the more relaxed font (LOVE that font!) and mix and match patterns on the flip sides. It was important to me to include my late mum in the wording and to have something that felt both stylish and fun.

I also love the Mark Twain quote I chose on the back (“To know the true value of joy you must have someone to divide it with”) and the world map with tiny hearts in the UK (where I’m from) and Sydney (where Damian’s from and where we met). I had a very vague idea of how I wanted the back of the invite to look and Kate just got it. When I saw her interpretation I was delighted. Now the invites really felt like they were not just beautiful invites, but our beautiful invites. Throughout the wedding planning I’ve focused on the little touches the most and really want our wedding to feel ours and not at all cookie cutter.

I have many dear friends who are brilliant graphic designers, but didn’t want to offend anyone by asking one and not the others to do the honours. I also felt like I wanted the relationship to be a work one, so I wouldn’t feel so bad about going back and forth with teeny tiny amendments nobody else would notice (I still felt bad!). But Kate was super patient, and it turned out she lived about 5 minutes walk from me! And I’m pleased to say we have now become friends so I can’t have been that  annoying!

Of course they’re NAVY (mostly) and fuchsia (just a touch), which are the colours I chose for our wedding scheme. The feedback from our guests has been amazing with many calling them the most beautiful invites they EVER SEEN. I’m a little biased but I totally agree!

 If you love them too, find out more about The Story of Us.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

19 replies on “Off Topic Tuesday: my wedding invitations”

They are so beautiful and my, what a stunning package of papergoods!

My invites back in 1999 were simple white stock with a flourishing font….if I were to “do it again” – which I won’t because I’m still married to my bestie – I’d be delighted with the exciting design opportunities today. The internet exposes you to such talented people, like Kate.

(I knew I’d like your wedding blogs!)

What the pictures can’t show is how nice the stock feels (am also a paper nerd). I did think the envelope insert went a bit far, though!

Gorgeous! Love the colours and the attention to detail. Your guests will be thrilled to receive these.

I notice on the invite you’re getting married at Blessed Sacrament. My husband and I were married there by Father Phil in 2010. It’s a lovely church in a beautiful setting. Have a wonderful day!

Beautiful invitations Jen & Damien!
I got married at Athol Hall in 1999. All my family flew over from Scotland and were blown away by the awesome views and stunning December weather. You’ve made a great choice.

Gorgeous Jen!! Being a paper nerd has definitely paid off,..they are simply stunning..and so very YOU. Oh..and I think the choosing to add the envelope inserts join the intended complete style off beautifully. x

These are very classy Jen. I found the making of the invitations was helpful in setting a tone for the wedding -and got the ball (of excitement) rolling!
…and we were married on the same October day just last year. It will be beautiful – just the start of Spring. Congrats.

Seriously gorgeous! Fuchsia and navy are my current favourite colour combo and the typography on this stationery is truly stunning. Don’t you just love the feeling of sealing a beautiful envelope, with a full stationery set inside, smoothing down the plump crisp belly and adding it to a pile of similarly enticing envelopes, addressed to the special people in your life! All the best for a wonderful day…and a wonderful married life. xx Catherine

They look absolutely gorgeous and I just love the way you’ve honoured your mum in the invite wording. Beautiful all round.

For my wedding, my fiancé and I decided to have a rustic themed wedding since we’re both into nature. I considered wooden invitations but I wasn’t sure. I saw the beautiful wooden wedding invitations that Unique Custom Products had created and I was SOLD! We had complete control over what was on our invites and we even engraved a picture of us on it! They also offered matching save the dates and reply cards to complete the invitation suite. I received our invitations yesterday – they are absolutely beautiful! They’re perfect! I would definitely recommend them to any meticulous bride who is looking for a unique way to invite her guests to her special day! Call Ormond on (877) 282-9591 or check them out at

The invitations are beautiful, the colours great balanced and the design is impeccable. We love seeing invitations well done and with the professional finish and look. I must say the map look amazing and takes the design to the next level. I am sure your guests loved them!

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