House Rules Styling

Seven stylists share a favourite corner of their home

Our recent post where bloggers shared a favourite corner of their home was so popular, it got us thinking who else’s homes you’d like to take a peek inside. And surely stylists would be top of the list? We asked seven of our favourites to kindly give us the tour…

Steve Cordony: “With the little time I get to spend at home, this is my favourite spot. The light streams in through windows and I grab and iPad or magazine, curl up in the cushions and shut off. Bliss!”

steve cordony corner of my home

Lucia Braham: “I think it’s pretty predictable that the favourite corner of anyone’s home would be a place where your favourite pieces accumulate, right? I love this sun drenched spot for the multitude of lovely memories it evokes. The mantle is home to a small collection of my global flea market finds and a self portrait my mother drew in 1974. The chair was a bargain purchase which I restored myself and had re-upholstered in remnants of Belgian linen. The un-fired clay wall hanging is by Sydney artist Angela McNay, and I picked up the Pendleton rug, direct from the Wool Mill in Portland, Oregon, on a recent trip. This spot is a little insight to my travels overseas and I love it for the crazy mix of vintage, contemporary, antique and handmade.”

ucia braham

Jessica Bellef: “Owning a wall of shelves had been a dream of mine for so long, a sign that my stylist/hoarder tendencies are on the extreme end of the spectrum. My custom shelving was designed and built by my fiance’s dad and I, quite soon after my fiance and I bought our house. Running almost four metres across and housing favourite books, records and objects, I love how the shelves fill the space and compliment our 1970s home. And yep, our poor dog Charles Barkley is sporting a very undignified cone on his head in this shot. The little guy had surgery recently and he is now on the mend. The tail wags again.”

Jess Bellef

Aimee Tarulli: “My favourite corner of my home is my bedroom. It’s my quiet, calm sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of my day to day life! I love the soft layers of Cultiver linen on my bed in pastel shades, it’s so cosy and I get up every morning and just want to jump right back in. I’ve added lots of layers and texture through linen and velvet cushions and my favourite throw from Tribe & Co giving my room a lush, inviting feel. This is the spot I look forward to getting back to after a long busy day!”

aimee bed
Photo by Red Rabbit Photography. Click for details

Adam Powell: “”I’m enamoured by the theatricality of lighting so at night, this little corner comes alive. My newest addition is the lava lamp; time to bring them back I say! It’s hard to miss my obsession with colour, especially against that amazing chalkboard wallpaper.”


Julia Green: “I love my dark walls and how everything seems to pop with colour against them, including this photographic artwork print from Lumiere Art + Co.”

julia green
Photography by Annette O’Brien, table and chairs by Huset

Sophie Thé: “My favourite corner is the cockpit of my boat, where I can seat, read and daydream while looking at the world go by.”

Photo by Kara Rosenlund
Photo by Kara Rosenlund

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By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “Seven stylists share a favourite corner of their home”

All so lovely and inviting that’s it’s hard to choose. Could you please tell me where the black and brass reading lamp in the first room is from?

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