Interiors Addict

Six unique Airbnb bathrooms to steal ideas from

There’s a room in our homes where we come up with our best creative ideas, belt out the greatest love ballads, reflect on the highs and lows of the day, and perfect our photo-ready smile. Yes, we’re talking about the bathroom.

Edwardian house in the UK. Click through for more
Edwardian house in the UK. Click through for more

I personally LOVE a soak in the tub. My Australian friends don’t seem to get it but summer or winter, this Pom loves her baths and I’m really excited about our bathroom reno starting next month!

Lake Como house steam room. Click through for more.
Lake Como house steam room. Click through for more.

It’s the one of the most important, yet sometimes understated rooms in the home, so why should it feel any different while traveling? Bathrooms should bring you the familiar comforts and serenity of home, helping you feel at ease in order to face the day with gusto. And there’s nothing better than a long soak or refreshing shower after a busy day’s sightseeing.

American lake cottage. Click through for more.
American lake cottage. Click through for more.
Villa in Bali. Click through for more.
Villa in Bali. Click through for more.

On Airbnb, not only can users find a wide variety of listings with unique bathrooms to match for their next adventure, but many Australians have also admitted to using Airbnb as a platform for home décor inspiration. That’s pretty smart if you ask me. We’ve all been doing it with real estate listings for years!

Luxury LA house. Click through for more.
Luxury LA house. Click through for more.
Scottish castle bathroom. Click through for more.
Scottish castle bathroom. Click through for more.

So whether you’re looking for a departure from the usual, like an al fresco soak with 360-degree views, or spa-inspired retreats with steam rooms to boot, the chances are you’ll find it on the accommodation booking site. We hope you enjoyed the inspo from six of our favourite Airbnb bathrooms! Which would be your pick?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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