Design Designers Interviews

SPOTLIGHT on: Miriam Fanning of Mim Design

Miriam Fanning of Mim Design

Where you studied and what: RMIT Melbourne – Interior Design.

When you started your business and how: In 2001 after having our first child – an office and a pram together!

The best business advice you ever received: Take each day as it comes. And, great design takes time.

Size of team: 25

AU79 Café photographed by Peter Clarke

Your proudest achievement so far: Having my gorgeous family.

When did you realise you’d made it? I don’t think you should ever think you have made it! I always strive for better.

Best investment you’ve ever made in your business: My staff and the people around me.

What do you outsource? Landscape design, structural, mechanical.

Biggest challenge in running a business: Keeping all the balls in the air and making sure clients are happy.

MLB residence photographed by Sharyn Cairns.

Favourite project of all time: Gosh, there are so many ranging from projects down in Portsea to a local deli in Elsternwick.

Whose work inspires YOU? Patricia Urquiola’s.

Describe your own home: 130 year old Victorian with a modern extension.

How big should your rug be? Depends on the size of the room.

Your advice for would-be designers/stylists: Have drive, give it all you have and consider design in a reasonable way.

DRF Residence photographed by Sharyn Cairns

What you’re working on at the moment: We are working on multi-residential, retail and individual residential.

Do you love your job now as much as ever? Yes, although it’s those busy days when sometimes I’d like to be sitting on a beach.


  • Colour: Electric blue
  • Piece of furniture in your home: Flag Halyard Chair
  • International designer/stylist: Patricia Urquiola
  • White paint colour: Natural White
  • Accessory for a wow factor: Phillip Low sculpture


  • Open plan or separate rooms? Both
  • Luxe or casual? Luxe
  • Neutral or colourful? Neutral
  • Linen or cotton bedding? Cotton
  • Wallpaper or paint? Paint
  • Bath or shower? Both
  • Tea or coffee? Coffee

For more about Mim Design.

More interviews.

We’d love to know who you’d like us to shine a spotlight on next!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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