Competitions Designers

2015 Dulux Colour Awards winners announced last night

The bold and inventive use of colour defined the winners of the 2015 Dulux Colour Awards, with – as usual – the residential categories being our standouts.

Multi Residential winner: Polychrome by David Boyle Architect. Photo by David Boyle.

The Multi Residential prize went to David Boyle Architect for the NSW Polychrome project. Fun and energetic, the exterior was reminiscent of a modernist painting and with red brick remaining in the space; the chosen palette of bright hues was a clever and lively decoy.

Single Residential Interior winner: The Courtyard House by Aileen Sage Architects
Single Residential Interior winner: The Courtyard House by Aileen Sage Architects. Photo by Tom Ferguson.

The Single Residential Interior prize went to Aileen Sage Architects for their NSW project, The Courtyard House. An innovative design, they cleverly used colour, not only in bold pops but also in neutrals, to beautifully highlight and complete a bright and playful palette.

Grand Prix and Installation & Events winner: Lexus Pavilion by Mim Design
Grand Prix and Installation & Events winner: Lexus Pavilion by Mim Design. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

The Grand Prix winner — while not residential — must also be mentioned. Beautifully crafted by Mim Design, the installation at the Lexus Design Pavillion in Victoria used a subtle ombre colour to great effect, providing a dimensional impact which flat colour alone couldn’t achieve. The sage green gave the illusion of a floating sea while the floral ceiling displayed a beautiful upside-down Monet’s Garden.

The winners were announced last night at a gala event in Melbourne.

For a full list of winners.