
Retro fashion meets beach life in Alan Walsh’s latest art

I absolutely love the work of Alan Walsh and clearly I’m not alone, with the British artist counting Mercedes Benz, Tag Heuer, and the Tour De France as some of his clients!

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With his simple classic line illustrations, bold blocks of colour and elegant subject matter (ranging from whitewashed beaches to impossibly toned female beach bodies!) his limited edition prints bring vibrancy and personality to any wall.

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Back in Sydney after two years of exhibiting in California and London, Alan’s latest exhibition, Elegance in Sydney, opens on 27 January and runs through to 27 March.

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Held at the Fox Hole Gallery and Small Bar, early risers will be able to pop in for a coffee and browse from 7am (Monday to Friday), with the gallery not closing until late for those wanting to enjoy a glass of wine or beer in the evening.

For more information or to purchase one of these limited edition prints visit Alan’s website.


Pom pays tribute to second home Sydney with latest poster art series

Al Walsh’s first series of poster art, The Travels of Vivienne, recalled an era of advertising now long gone. The exhibition was heralded a success with press in Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue and of course, Interiors Addict.

Fast forward to 2013 and we have Sydney, Al’s second poster art series. It elegantly captures iconic suburbs, paying tribute to the city that this Pom has called home for nearly a decade. “24 January is the 9-year anniversary of my relocation from London to Sydney. I wanted to create a collection that local people could relate to, as well as paying homage to the place as a way to say ‘thank you for having me’.”

And he nailed it. “I want people to look on their wall and see the elegance, the glamour and the seduction of Sydney,” says Al, “a little reminder of what a wonderful part of the world it really is.”

You can check out the exhibition from Thursday (24 January) at The Foxhole Small Bar, corner of Kent and Erskine Streets, Sydney. Luckily for us, Al’s works are ‘cheap and cheerful’ and at only $100 unframed or $250 framed, it’s artwork for the budget-conscious.


Today I’m loving these retro poster prints

How great are these vintage style poster prints by fellow Pom Alan Walsh? Not to mention they’re making me feel all summery!

You know I love tracking down affordable art options for you and these are just $100 unframed or $250 framed in A1 size. That’s BIG. Alan, of Sydney-based Custom Canvas Company will also, as the name suggests, create you a personalised poster print, perhaps as a gift, highlighting a special holiday or place that’s close to someone’s heart.