
Stylish new Nespresso cups in black porcelain and silicon

I do love a new Nespresso accessory, especially a sexy and stylish one! The coffee brand have teamed up with Berlin based industrial design studio GECKELER MICHELS to bring us the Touch Collection cups.


Inspired by the stylish design of the Nespresso machines, the Touch Collection features sleek black lines and a matt and gloss finish. The shape of the cup, with its silicon ring, pays homage to the iconic coffee capsule.

GECKELER MICHELS, known for their contemporary mix of textures and materials, chose sophisticated black pigmented porcelain to guarantee a deep brilliant colour and finish. The soft touch silicon ring with its silky texture was an intuitive solution and inspiration for the name.

Nespresso sensory experts were also involved in the design in order to make sure the cups release the intensity of aromas within Nespresso Grands Crus. Furthermore, the cups’ concave bottom ensures the optimal crema, both in terms of finesse and quantity. Finally, the compact porcelain will keep the coffee at the perfect temperature. There’s a lot to it!


“We tried to integrate the strongest identity element of Nespresso in the cup design, which is the shape of the capsule. This is reflected in the form of the upper part of each cup. The result is a cup shape with a strong silhouette which provides a subconscious hint to the brand’s identity,” explained Geckeler.

The Touch Collection will be available in four sizes: Espresso ($30 for two) Lungo ($35 for two) Cappuccino ($35 for two) and Mug ($35 for two).

Buy online or in store.


Olivia tells us about her Copenhagen trip so far

As I write this, I’m sitting in Copenhagen’s cat cafe, with a real life cat on my right and some rather intricate coffee cat art on my left. So it’s safe to say I’m having a good time!

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Having now lived in Copenhagen for three full months (where did the time go?) I’ve well and truly converted to the Danish way of life. Undertaking my final semester of university here, I’ve definitely been busy! There’s been studying (or lack thereof), working for Interiors Addict (how nice is Jen for letting me work from half way across the world?!) and of course, exploring my new hometown (well until December at least). During this time, I’ve learnt a lot, about myself and this beautiful country. So I thought it’d only be fair for me to share a little of that with you!

First, there’s the bike riding, which at rush hour becomes like a formula one race! Stick to the far right or risk being flattened. Bikes are truly the kings of the Copenhagen streets and if you want to get anywhere in a timely, cost-efficient manner, they’re the go-to form of transport.

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Second, there’s the whole brunch thing. Sure we do brunch in Australia, but not to this extent. Think yoghurt, muesli, cold cuts, eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, cheese, bread and a smoothie all in the one glorious platter! And you’re not even judged for eating this ridiculous amount of food; if anything it’s the norm.

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Third, the untranslatable word: hygge. So this word can’t really be converted to English, but for the Danes it’s everything. In essence it means creating a cosy, warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with the people you love. Cafes can be hygge, friends can be hygge, picnics can be hygge. Drinking mulled wine with blankets and oversized scarves? That can definitely be hygge! Basically, it just explains why the Danes are considered the happiest people in the world!

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Fourth, the most beautiful homewares I ever did see. You can’t comprehend the amount of times I go into homewares stores and curse the fact that I only have one suitcase with me. So many gorgeous things but no way to take them home. Woe is me! My favourite place has to be the premier centre, Illums Bolighus, a must-visit for anyone who loves Danish and Scandinavian design. Selling everything from potato peelers to statement furniture, you’ll want one of every single thing.

My local homewares store
My local homewares store!

Fifth and finally, the fact that Copenhagen’s in Europe. As much as I adore Australia, we are just so far away from everything! Since being in Copenhagen, I’ve been able to travel with such ease, be it a two-hour trip to Edinburgh, a three-hour trip to Reykjavik or this weekend’s one-hour trip to Berlin. Being so close to so many different countries, with so many different cultures and people, has made for some of the most amazing trips. I feel so unbelievably fortunate to be having this experience and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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Feeding Scottish Highland Cows (hairy coos!) in Scotland
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In front of a geyser in Iceland

Follow Olivia’s journey on Instagram: @oliviashead.

All photography is Olivia’s own (apart from those where she’s in the photo, obviously…).

Interiors Addict

Global interiors weekend reading list 01.02.14

I loved this post on Gwyneth Paltrow’s blog, Goop, about a new room in a box concept. It takes e-decorating to a new level! What do you think?

Source: Windsor Smith’s Room in a Box

Decor8 featured a tour of a gorgeous Dutch family home this week. Could you live with such a monochrome palette or are you more a colour person? I love the idea of it but think I’d find it too restrained in reality.

Source: Decor8

Emma’s Designblogg is another international fave of mine. Loved this Berlin store, XXX, she shared this week. Might have to visit on my European travels later this year!