Interiors Addict

In defence of bloggers making money

Another week, another person taking issue with bloggers making a business out of doing what they love. This time, the offensive comment was directed at Holly Becker of Decor8, someone whose blog, and business sense, I admire. Reading Holly’s post really got my back up and made me feel for her. I would encourage you to read it. I say that because sadly, this attitude is one bloggers come across a lot and this gives a very good insight into how it can make them feel. I’m fortunate not to get this directed at me often but sometimes I get hints of it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if people are thinking or saying it behind my back. But I live in hope that they’re not! I digress…

Here is the comment Holly received on her blog:

(Excuse me while I bite my tongue!)

As Holly rightly questions in her post today, is it really so bad for someone to make a commercial success of what they do? For them to do what they love? Are they expected to do so for free because the job is enjoyable and they get to be their own boss? Or to work another job and spend all their free time blogging as a public service? Creating a blog that makes enough money for it to be your job is hard work. It is great and so rewarding but it is hard. Even if it wasn’t hard, so what?! I actually hate that every time someone slags off bloggers we feel we have to justify how hard are jobs are. That may well be the case, but we shouldn’t have to justify ourselves to anyone. Other professions don’t.

Sadly, I read people on blogging forums all the time suggesting that accepting advertising is selling out and that it is a given that content will become all salesy and treat readers as if they are idiots. It simply isn’t true. Not all bloggers get it right. I hate it as much as the next person when bloggers write about things they’re paid to and they hide the fact a post is sponsored (maybe putting it at the end, after you’ve read a post and not had the opportunity to choose not to read what is effectively advertorial), but bloggers like Holly and I are transparent. You can’t tar everyone with the same brush. Other bloggers don’t make any money and their content is rubbish. So what? Don’t read it and leave them to it!

The best part of Holly’s post is the eloquent reply her husband wrote to this comment. Thorsten is a journalist, as I have always been, and rightly points out that if journalists were asked to work for free (sadly, they often are!) there would be (is) outrage. So, what’s the difference? He also makes a good point, which I hadn’t really considered, that male full-time bloggers don’t seem to get the same amount of stick.

I know for sure that my blog has only got better since I’ve concentrated on it full-time. It gets more of my time and energy, I treat it as a business with high standards, my readers get more and better content. I don’t ask them to pay to read it. The same can be said for many other blogs. I just wish people would stop being so damn bitter about bloggers making money. I feel a lot of it stems from envy and that makes me sad. What happened to women supporting women?

I know all too well how much an anonymous online comment can hurt your feelings, even though you know it shouldn’t, so I wanted to have my say and add my support to Holly.

Interiors Addict

Global interiors weekend reading list: 15.02.12

It seems all my favourite international bloggers are doing exciting things right now (I’m okay with it because I’m going to Europe for 6 months very soon!).

My favourite (fellow) Pommy interiors blogger Mr Bright Bazaar Will Taylor has a BOOK out. How exciting and what a huge achievement. You can pre-order online from Amazon UK or Amazon US (they’re slightly different versions). With the subtitle Embracing Colour for Make-You-Smile-Style you can tell it’s going to be a goodie!

bright bazaar book

And the lovely Holly Becker from Decor8 just had her first baby, a boy called Aidan, who she introduced via Instagram (how else would a blogger do it?). Congratulations, Holly!

Interiors Addict

Global interiors weekend reading list 01.02.14

I loved this post on Gwyneth Paltrow’s blog, Goop, about a new room in a box concept. It takes e-decorating to a new level! What do you think?

Source: Windsor Smith’s Room in a Box

Decor8 featured a tour of a gorgeous Dutch family home this week. Could you live with such a monochrome palette or are you more a colour person? I love the idea of it but think I’d find it too restrained in reality.

Source: Decor8

Emma’s Designblogg is another international fave of mine. Loved this Berlin store, XXX, she shared this week. Might have to visit on my European travels later this year!

Interiors Addict

Global interiors weekend reading list 18.01.14

Love this post on Apartment Therapy in the US, about repurposing old ladders in your home:

Pic from Apartment Therapy

In Germany, Decor8’s Holly Becker posted a list of 10 must-have decorating books this week, including two by Aussies Jason Grant and Sibella Court:


We’re all still talking about Pantone colour of the year Radiant Orchid (which I’m not a fan of!) but over in the UK, this week blogger Bright.Bazaar’s reporting on Dulux’s colour of the year, a much more acceptable teal!

Interiors Addict

Weekend inspiration from decor8’s Holly Becker

Today I’m inspired by this honest and inspiring post by fellow blogger Holly Becker of decor8, whose blog makes mine look TEENY tiny! Whether you’re a blogger or not, you can take something from this post about chasing your dreams and it never being too late to make changes in your life if you believe in yourself.

PS. Imagine Kelly Hoppen asking you to write for her blog! Imagine having two books to your name and 48,000 readers a day! Massive respect, Holly!

Interiors Addict

New online finds you should know about

I’ve discovered a few new online treasures lately so I thought I should share them with you.

Duckfat: a cool little site selling vintage, retro, industrial and brand new things for your home. Love the lighting, apothecary jars, flour sack cushions, vintage maps and other quirky one-offs.

White Horse Home: Discovered this a while ago and have hankering after its Today Is A Good Day wall hanging ever since. It will be mine. Small but fab collection of cushions, wall hangings and candles.

Wee Birdy: I’ve recently got to know fellow blogger Rebecca and her blog is really cool. Check it out if you’re a girl who likes shopping, vintage fashion, interiors, Etsy and the like.

Haus Maus: Of course you’ve heard of decor8 but have you checked out Holly Becker’s more personal blog about her expat adventures in Germany?

Sydney Writers’ Centre: I was recently a finalist in Sydney Writers’ Centre’s Best Australian Blogs Competition (hooray!). Did you know they run a two-week evening course on writing about interiors, style and design? I’m thinking about doing it.

Sarah Wilson’s blog: This is completely unrelated to interiors but a week ago I embarked on Sarah Wilson’s eight-week I Quit Sugar program. That’s what that #IQS hashtag is all about on Twitter. I’m not endorsing it or anything but if you’re interested, check it out.

Click WordPress: The people behind making this blog work better! If you need help with your WordPress blog, speak to them!

Interiors Addict

Sharing the design love

It’s been a good week for sharing the interior design love. I’m going to be guest blogging for Life InStyle’s new look blog and I also shared some of my favourite design blogs (including Kelly Wearstler, Anna Spiro, Mr Jason Grant and decor8) with decoration+design. Will you be attending these great trade shows in Melbourne?