Interiors Addict RENO ADDICT Reno Trends

Renovating for profit: why the old game no longer works

BuildHer Collective runs its final FREE Stop Dreaming, Start Renovating – 3 evening online event for 2022 next week! 

Rebeka Morgan of BuildHer Collective, an experienced builder, renovator and renovation educator, explains why the old game of renovating for profit no longer works.

Let’s go back a little with this conversation! Remember the times when developers were all men, they’d buy a renovators delight to tart up a bit. They’d throw a lick of paint on the walls and the tiles, then maybe they pop a box on the back and then resell it for a profit? The mantra was do it as cheaply as possible – which we think has given all developers a bad name!

Well, we are here to say that this does not work anymore!

The market is far too smart for that now. We know when a renovation is cheap and nasty and we are demanding better and more!

Why is this? The vast number of renovation shows have meant that we are more aware of how to renovate, we know what we want and we don’t want to pay for work which we could have done better ourselves. There is also way more access to information – purchasers now know what you bought a property for and how much time it took to renovate, and they’ll make their own calculations on what the renovation is worth (in most situations, forgetting to factor in holding costs, stamp duty and sale costs)!

So, does this mean you can’t make money renovating for profit?

No – but it does mean you need to focus on creating value, presenting a product that is fit for your market and providing solutions that will be valued and paid for by the purchaser. 

Style and flair mixed with practicality (ummm, yes that means storage!) has become the key and creating a home that the purchaser is willing to pay for which is more than the cost of the work. There is so much inspiration and imagery available now and our dreams of the home we will live in have adjusted accordingly!

The good news is that this is increasing the standard of the build and means that if you are working in this area you can do really well renovating for profit. 

However, it’s not all good news. 

With the increase of these renovation shows we have seen more people pick up tools and decide to tackle projects without really understanding the process and the costs, missing the mark and making either no profit or, much worse, a loss. We recently spoke to a couple who had great success in their first build (probably due to a rising market) but despite investing more than 500 hours of physical work on each of the two subsequent projects, they only just broke even. They couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. 

We unfortunately hear this type of thing all the time, and whilst renovating for profit can be super fun, there is a key: profit. You do need to make a profit, and a profit that is worth the investment of time. 

At BuildHer Collective, we have an amazing group of women, DevelopHers, who are renovating and developing for profit the right way! They know how to run the numbers and make sure they are adding value from the outset. With our experience in this game, we have identified 11 different aspects of renovating for profit that can make or break the budget! 

If you have dreamed of renovating for profit, or perhaps you already are giving it a go and you want to know how to maximise your profits, then please join us for our free Stop Dreaming, Start Renovating – three evening event:

Stop Dreaming, Start Renovating for Profit!

When: Monday 7 to Wednesday 9 November 2022, 7.30-to-8.30pm

Where: Online in the comfort of your own home

Register HERE!

For more inspiration, check these DevelopHers who have all been featured on Interiors Addict in the past:

Don’t forget to register here and join The BuildHer Collective for this fun-filled event next week!

DIY Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Reno Trends

How to avoid making costly mistakes when you take on your own reno

It seems that building and renovating has never been more popular or exciting in Australia, either driven by the desire to create your own dream home, improve what you already have because you can’t afford the next step up the ladder, or just as a business proposition to make a profit.

With all the renovation before and afters we see places like right here on Interiors Addict, you’d sometimes be forgiven for thinking the ability to renovate is something many talented people are just born with. But it’s not! And the renovation journey does often go wrong due to a lack of knowledge and experience. Costly mistakes usually only come to light when it’s too late!

That’s why we love the work of BuildHer Collective, who empower women in particular, to build the right way, and with confidence. And the proof is in the pudding with the number of their students’ beautiful renos we’ve featured (see more at the end!). 

BuildHer Collective help you renovate and build your home the right way. With a unique process, templates and advice that take you from how to navigate hiring the perfect design team for you, to hiring a builder or trade team, to styling at the end and every step in between, the BuildHer online course covers it all.  

Rebeka Morgan and Kribashini Hannon have a background in construction with Rebeka, a registered builder, and Kribashini, a project manager. Together, they bring the fun back to the building process. “We know how hard it can be to manage a build and renovation, and we started BuildHer Collective as people thought they were doing the right thing but they were making costly and avoidable errors that wouldn’t come to fruition until much later in the process.”

Rebeka (front) and Kribashini

Kribashini adds: “We mapped out an easy to follow process, provided all the tools, templates and help along the way to make it all clear and easy! It’s like a choose your own adventure program where you are able to choose which way you want to proceed, we all know there are many options; new build, renovate, hire a building designer, an architect, owner build, hire a builder and many versions which are a combination. The key is to find the right fit for you and your project and this is not as easy as it looks. Everyone you encounter has an opinion on what is best for you. This is why it is so great to have an understanding of what the options are and why you would build in that way from the outset.”

Currently, building industry costs are skyrocketing. Timber and material shortages combined with unprecedented demand on builders and trades is making the building industry harder than ever to navigate. “BuildHer Collective gives you strategies on how to overcome these issues, but also access to their trade program so you can buy at the prices that builders do, which is sometimes 40-to-50 percent cheaper than retail! Imagine those savings over the project!”

BuildHer Collective currently have a massive EOFY sale on. The program, which is normally $1,997 is less than half price at $997. Make sure you check it out now if you’re interested, as this price is only available for a few more days!

As a  little free gift, the ladies over at BuildHer Collective have offered our readers their Building Blueprint which maps out the process from start to finish, so you know what to expect along the way! Get it here. 

We love what BuildHer Collective do to empower women to build! Here are some of their amazing students whose work we have featured in the past:

Join BuildHer Collective!