Interiors Addict RENO ADDICT Reno Trends

Renovating for profit: why the old game no longer works

BuildHer Collective runs its final FREE Stop Dreaming, Start Renovating – 3 evening online event for 2022 next week! 

Rebeka Morgan of BuildHer Collective, an experienced builder, renovator and renovation educator, explains why the old game of renovating for profit no longer works.

Let’s go back a little with this conversation! Remember the times when developers were all men, they’d buy a renovators delight to tart up a bit. They’d throw a lick of paint on the walls and the tiles, then maybe they pop a box on the back and then resell it for a profit? The mantra was do it as cheaply as possible – which we think has given all developers a bad name!

Well, we are here to say that this does not work anymore!

The market is far too smart for that now. We know when a renovation is cheap and nasty and we are demanding better and more!

Why is this? The vast number of renovation shows have meant that we are more aware of how to renovate, we know what we want and we don’t want to pay for work which we could have done better ourselves. There is also way more access to information – purchasers now know what you bought a property for and how much time it took to renovate, and they’ll make their own calculations on what the renovation is worth (in most situations, forgetting to factor in holding costs, stamp duty and sale costs)!

So, does this mean you can’t make money renovating for profit?

No – but it does mean you need to focus on creating value, presenting a product that is fit for your market and providing solutions that will be valued and paid for by the purchaser. 

Style and flair mixed with practicality (ummm, yes that means storage!) has become the key and creating a home that the purchaser is willing to pay for which is more than the cost of the work. There is so much inspiration and imagery available now and our dreams of the home we will live in have adjusted accordingly!

The good news is that this is increasing the standard of the build and means that if you are working in this area you can do really well renovating for profit. 

However, it’s not all good news. 

With the increase of these renovation shows we have seen more people pick up tools and decide to tackle projects without really understanding the process and the costs, missing the mark and making either no profit or, much worse, a loss. We recently spoke to a couple who had great success in their first build (probably due to a rising market) but despite investing more than 500 hours of physical work on each of the two subsequent projects, they only just broke even. They couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. 

We unfortunately hear this type of thing all the time, and whilst renovating for profit can be super fun, there is a key: profit. You do need to make a profit, and a profit that is worth the investment of time. 

At BuildHer Collective, we have an amazing group of women, DevelopHers, who are renovating and developing for profit the right way! They know how to run the numbers and make sure they are adding value from the outset. With our experience in this game, we have identified 11 different aspects of renovating for profit that can make or break the budget! 

If you have dreamed of renovating for profit, or perhaps you already are giving it a go and you want to know how to maximise your profits, then please join us for our free Stop Dreaming, Start Renovating – three evening event:

Stop Dreaming, Start Renovating for Profit!

When: Monday 7 to Wednesday 9 November 2022, 7.30-to-8.30pm

Where: Online in the comfort of your own home

Register HERE!

For more inspiration, check these DevelopHers who have all been featured on Interiors Addict in the past:

Don’t forget to register here and join The BuildHer Collective for this fun-filled event next week!

Before & Afters DIY Interiors Addict Interviews RENO ADDICT

Serial renovators embark on 15th house and this one’s for keeps!

Claire O’Connell and her now husband Derek have been renovating for profit for the last decade after meeting as backpackers in Canada. She was in HR and he was an electrician and when the recession hit, they decided to move to the UK (he’s Irish and she has dual citizenship). 

When they arrived in the UK, they had next to no money as Claire’s bank account had been cleared out fraudulently. They started working traditional jobs but soon realised they shared a passion for property and were just able to buy an investment property. “The rent we were paying was less than the mortgage, so we rented out the first house and then bought our second fixer upper which we lived in during the renovations,” explains Claire.

“After turning a two-bed-one-bathroom Victorian house into a four-bed-two-bathroom, we had the opportunity to move to the US with my work, where Derek started renovating houses full-time. I stayed employed and then decided to take the plunge and leave my global role at eight months pregnant and join Derek renovating.”

Claire on the tools

Two years after they started flipping, they were able to pay off all their debt, including mortgages, and they’ve lived debt free ever since!

After continuing to flip houses full-time, fast forward five years and they’re back in Australia with three kids and three dogs. They’re now renovating their 15th property, a Queenslander, and plan to actually live in this one!

Derek and Claire with their kids

“This property we plan to keep, so we are going the extra mile from a design and floorplan perspective. We aim to DIY as much as we can physically (and that is allowed), and we are turning a two-bed-one-bath 100-year-old house into a seven-bedroom home. We are sensitive to the property’s age on the top floor and celebrate the Queenslander features throughout the old and the new extension. However, we are embracing an industrial design on the ground floor with some top secret projects that the kids will love!”

The latest project in Brisbane which they intend to keep

Before we talk more about the current project, here are some of Claire and Derek’s previous American ones (because we know how you love a good before and after!) to give you an idea of just what they’re capable of.


“This was a renovation for profit. It had been designed by an eccentric homeowner; the master bedroom had six levels! The layout was horrendous but we think it turned out beautifully.”

BEFORE exterior
AFTER exterior
BEFORE kitchen
AFTER kitchen
BEFORE master bedroom
AFTER master bedroom


“This house was a complete rebuild from the inside out due to termite damage. We were too far into the renovation to turn, back so forged ahead!”

BEFORE exterior
AFTER exterior
BEFORE kitchen
AFTER kitchen
BEFORE lounge
AFTER lounge

Kokomo beach house

“We bought this house as an Airbnb investment and it went from three-bed-two-bath to five-bed-4.5-bath and pool.”

AFTER with added pool!
BEFORE kitchen
AFTER kitchen

The current project

The Queenslander they’re currently transforming is in Brisbane’s western suburbs. After buying it a year ago, they started the planning process and commenced work, aiming to DIY as much as possible and going through the process of getting their owner builder license.

The house has been raised on stilts

“We worked hard to demo the existing ground floor before hiring in a company to raise the house and lay the new foundations. Since then, we have been framing ourselves. We have just completed the ground floor and brought a crew in for the top floor to tie the new roof into the old. I have my limits when it comes to heights,” Claire says.

“Next step is cladding and painting the exterior then we start to work on the internal spaces. We have a fairly advantageous plan as we intend to design and build all of the cabinetry and stairs ourselves as well as complete all the finishing work.”

As you can see, it was in pretty original condition!

We’ll be bringing you more on this reno as it evolves, as well as tips and advice from Claire and Derek, so watch this space!

Follow them on Instagram @renowayoflife

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