
Max Sparrow wants to shake up the Aussie online furniture market

The intriguingly named Max Sparrow is a new independent company started by some seasoned furniture lovers to cater to time-poor, tech-savvy, 20, 30, and 40-somethings looking for something different and tired of what’s currently being offered in Australia. The catch is you have to wait 2-to-3 months for great pieces at great prices.

Max groups/selects product that will fit together and style well, making it easy for customers to put a room together

The brand clearly has a sense of humour. The website is full of it and written in the first person by ‘Max’. A spokesman told me: “Max knows and loves furniture, he’s spent his life travelling the world searching for it. He knows that everyone uses the internet for everything these days and that traditional retail models mean that products are more expensive than they should be. Online is the easy way to shop and get the best price.