Designers Furniture

Fun Canadian furniture brand Gus* comes to Australia

With their designs found in the global offices of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Instagram and their furniture having graced the sets of movies and TV shows such as Iron Man 3 and HBO’s Girls, Canadian furniture maker Gus* have cemented themselves as leaders in upholstered seating, beds, desks, dining, storage, accents and accessories.

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With their new collection soon to be available in Australia, Gus*’ style is simple and unfussy, with a timeless quality that can withstand changing design trends. Taking classic forms that focus on material, detail and craftsmanship and transforming them into contemporary, warm and approachable pieces, Gus*’ range is sure to resonate with the Australian market.

“Canadian and Australian cultures have always seemed similar to me and Australia’s interest in Gus* feels like an extension of that,” explains founder David Podsiadlo. “We don’t take ourselves too seriously, which is a key ingredient to the way we approach our designs. Gus* fits the Australian aesthetic and we are really excited to see the response from consumers.”

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Blending elements of Modernism with industrial and Scandinavian influences, the brand focuses on being beautifully crafted, colourful and versatile. “Versatility is a key factor in our design process,” says David. “For example, the ability to have the chaise positioned on the left or right side of a sectional, depending on room layout. We inject elements of fun into our designs. Our Switch Sofa has a different quilted pattern on each side of the cushions, allowing consumers to easily change the look by flipping them. There’s a sense of creativity with the use of colour in the fabrics; bright yellows, oranges and blues to contrast neutral finish options.”

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Gus*’ new collection will be stocked exclusively in Australia through GlobeWest and will be launched at Decor+Design in Melbourne this July.

Homewares Travel

Vancouver: the unlikely homewares shopping mecca

I absolutely loved our recent trip to Vancouver. It’s my husband’s favourite city in the world (high praise indeed) so I couldn’t wait to see what he was on about and Damian couldn’t have been keener for a return visit. Well, it’s beautiful. It really is. We had a great time. It’s such an easy place to hang out and feels so relaxed and totally different from America, where we’d spent the preceding three weeks. What I didn’t expect though, was just how many great homewares and furniture shops I would find, and the majority of them independent and just brimming with stylish and colourful finds.

The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown
The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown

The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown topped my list but there were many more to tell you about.

The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown
The Cross Decor & Design in Yaletown

Read my definitive guide to homewares shopping in Vancouver on the Expedia blog.

Here are a few more shots from our trip. We were there for my birthday, which just happens to be Canada Day, so there were fireworks and even a surprise seaplane ride courtesy of Mr Francis. Memories to treasure!

vancouver harbour

vancouver seaplane

vancouver grouse mountainThanks to reader and Vancouverite-turned-Sydneysider Donna Vercoe for her shopping tips!

Competitions Styling

7 Vignettes July 2014 themes

This month, 7 Vignettes starts on my birthday (1 July) so forgive me for the self indulgence, but I’ve made it all about me and I’m the judge! I’m also choosing and giving the prize, which is totally random but (in my opinion) a lovely thing to receive in the mail: a massive box of fresh cherries, myself!

So, here is the list and the reasoning behind what may seem like some pretty random themes (let’s face it, I’m pretty random myself!). I hope you enjoy them! I’ll be away from home for my birthday this year but I’m excited because it happens to fall on Canada Day and we’ll be in Vancouver on the last day of our US and Canada trip. There’ll be fireworks, a great sense of occasion and celebration (those Canadians like a party) and, hopefully, some treats from the husband! LOVE birthdays!


Here’s the thinking behind these Jen themes…

Threes: Because I’m turning 33!

Writing: Because it’s what I do, and have always done, for work.

Lipstick: Have you ever seen a photo of me without it?! If you seriously don’t own a lipstick (why not?!) I will accept any cosmetics-focused entry!

Bathtime and coffee: Because they’re two of my absolute favourite things. If you don’t have a bath, anything bathroom-themed will suffice.

Home: Because I’m totally missing it right now, See you in August, Australia!

Canadian: Because my birthday is on Canada Day.

As usual, the prize is only up for grabs for Australian entrants, but as ever, we welcome participation from all over the world, just for fun! Please feel free to share this graphic with your social networks. Don’t forget to tag me (@interiorsaddict) and use the hashtag #7vignettes. All the details for first timers can be found here.