House Tours Jen's reno RENO ADDICT

Reno realities: Jen’s kitchen update

In partnership with Latitude Financial Services

So, my kitchen reno started on September 27. And it still isn’t finished! Unusual? Not really! From my own and others’ experience, these things are never as speedy as you anticipate. Four weeks from start to finish? Pah! I never really believed it! Add to that the fact we had to stop for almost a week last week to have new floors go in (was hoping it would have already been finished but hey ho!), and here we are, with an 85% finished kitchen.

I’m not going to share any new photos here because I figure we might as well wait for the full reveal now! You can see all the progress I’ve shared on my Instagram and the hashtag #interiorsaddictfamilyhomereno

I’ve been lucky enough to have my friends at Integriti Bathrooms and their site supervisor (legend!) Steve coordinating all my trades. And there are a lot of trades involved, especially when you opt for a flatpack kitchen (for budget reasons). You need someone to demolish and take away the old one (or hire a skip), to organise someone to both assemble it (okay, it’s possible to DIY but Damian and I don’t rate our skills and patience in that department) and install, as well as a plumber, electrician and plasterer at an absolute minimum. We also got rid of a back door which required a carpenter, and added bulkheads, which required another visit from the plasterers. Then there’s always a wait for your stone (Caesarstone) to be cut by the stonemason although ours was ready in under a week, which is amazing!

Then unexpected things will pop up to throw you: fitting our concealed rangehood and venting it through the roof was a tricky job and we needed a different tradie for this.

We always planned to have a sliding barn-style door to our laundry but finding the right size door took a while, then we decided to do that whole wall in VJ panelling (door and all) and oh my goodness, it looks great! So this required more carpenters. And then I got a bit excited about VJ and decided to do wainscoting in the adjoining dining room. None of it is painted yet so ignore the off-white look!

So, was it worth doing a flatpack kitchen with the added hassle and time of organising trades myself (with help, thankfully)? A RESOUNDING YES. I couldn’t be happier with my cabinetry from Freedom Kitchen’s Essential Range. Every trade who has been in here (and my goodness there have been loads lately!) has been surprised (pleasantly) that it wasn’t a custom job and said the quality is as good as any more expensive kitchens they’ve worked with. And that’s good to hear from people who know their kitchens, but I was already very happy with what I could see with my own eyes. And I’ve been able to “pimp” my flatpack with my choice of stone, hardware, appliances etc. I’m delighted to be honest! Just want the damn thing finished!

Check out this video of me with Jess Aloi from Latitude Financial Services, discussing ways to get the luxe look for less in your kitchen reno:

Make your reno dreams come true with some help from our partners at Latitude Financial Services.



  • Project management and trades: Integriti Bathrooms
  • Cabinetry: Freedom Kitchens
  • Benchtop and splashback: Caesarstone
  • Appliances: Ilve
  • Tapware: Meir
  • Sink and black barn door hardware: Bunnings
  • Floor: Quickstep
  • Paint: Haymes
  • Hardware: Kethy
  • Blinds (DIY Online Blinds)
  • VJ paneling: Easycraft

I’ll give you all the finer details in the full reveal post. My painters are due today so we should be done very soon!



Matt, moody and metallic: trends from Milan, now at Freedom Kitchens

Inspired by the recent EuroCucina in Milan, Freedom Kitchens have been quick to introduce new kitchen products to the Australian market, taking on these global trends but with an Aussie spin!

Timber applications niche
“A major source of inspiration for our team is EuroCucina,” says Jenny O’Connell, Freedom Kitchens store planning and design manager. “It’s the largest kitchen trade fair of its kind, showcasing global trends in kitchen design. With our factory located locally here in Australia, Freedom Kitchens has the advantage of quickly turning concepts into reality, keeping Australian homes on-trend with the rest of the world.”

For Freedom Kitchens, the first trend you’ll be seeing is their matt cabinetry; something with has proved extremely popular in Europe for its timeless, sophisticated finish. “Advancements in technology mean that fingerprints, often associated with matt cabinetry, may now be a thing of the past,” says Jenny. “Our new range is available in a stunning colour palette and will suit those seeking a contemporary, high-end designer look.”

Moody colour palette

Timber is also proving very on-trend, with its application extending far beyond cabinet doors. “No part of the kitchen is immune to timber at the moment with shelving, benchtops, doors and drawers all receiving a timber makeover. The options are endless when you start to play around with various timber, texture and colour combinations.”

Moody colours and metallic accents are similarly getting a mention, with the moody palette of black, dark greys and blues juxtaposed with shiny accents dominating European catwalks and homewares – a sure-fire sign, suggests Jenny, that kitchens will follow suit. “The new range of classic bold colours provide a neutral base that works well with glamorous metallic accents, such as handles and lighting in silver and copper.”

Timber applications benchtop

Clean lines and quartz surfaces round-up Freedom Kicthen’s trends for the second half of 2014, with streamlined, handle-less cabinetry and easy to maintain Ceasarstone benchtops becoming the must-haves in modern kitchens.

To view the latest product range and kitchen displays, visit your local Freedom Kitchens showroom. For a free, in-home kitchen design appointment, head to their website or call 1800 113 733.