
Shipporter: your answer to ordering bulky furniture from your favourite American websites?

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Last year I was given the opportunity to check out the new Shipporter service and share the results with you. If you’ve ever lusted after homewares and furniture from American brands like Jonathan Adler and Restoration Hardware (and, until recently Pottery Barn and West Elm, but we have them here in Sydney now!), you may have considered using a service like this. Maybe the shipping cost was too high or they didn’t actually offer shipping to Australia. I’ve often fallen in love with rugs from American stores that they won’t ship here, even though they’ll ship smaller, lighter items.

Shipporter claims to offer you the opportunity to buy almost anything, any size, from any USA, China or UK/Europe website, even if they say they don’t ship to Australia. Tempting, right? Especially when our dollar is strong. You just need a little patience while you wait for your item to arrive by sea. I decided to try it out for myself by ordering this Jonathan Adler chair (US$650) for my bedroom back in December. The shipping cost through Shipporter was $191.

Jonathan Adler Chippendale chair white navy

You place your order and Shipporter take care of the rest. So, here’s what happened in my experience.