Interiors Addict

Pop Up Desks are a fast, easy & affordable solution

I’ve been so inspired, as I’m sure you have too, by the stories of local businesses pivoting to save themselves and their employees at this challenging time. And even better when that pivot offers a solution to new challenges the rest of us are facing, and for many that’s working and schooling from home. These clever new Pop Up Desks are the perfect example, and they look good too!

They’re the brainchild of DisplayWise, a market leader in the events and exhibitions space. “For almost 20 years we have built displays for some of Australia’s most well known brands, however recent events have obviously shattered our entire industry and led to most of our business opportunities evaporating overnight,” said group marketing director Lisa Cachia.

“As a team, we watched as doors around us continued to close. We put our heads together and thought what can we do, what can we make that is going to be useful and add value during these challenging times?

“Noting that many offshore supplies were limited, and with more and more people either working or studying from home, we realised that a range of high quality, locally manufactured desks would provide many Australians with a solution to their new home office needs.”

With skills in industrial design, a full manufacturing facility and a team of people ready and willing to work, they quickly set about turning the concept into a reality. In the space of a few days, they had designed, tested, produced and taken to market a range of desks. “We also created a new brand, Pop Up Desks, along with a suite of marketing materials including brochures and a new website.”

The Scandi-inspired desks not only look great, they are highly functional. Purposefully designed to be easy to assemble (from just six pieces), they can ‘pop up’ in a matter of minutes and require no screws. Knowing that many people lack space or a permanent office set-up, the desks can also ‘pop down’ and be stored flat when not required, even for the weekend!

From $179 and shipping Australia wide, they’re made of high quality MDF with a choice of laminate finishes and come in adult and junior size or a standing version. The range is growing every week as the brand responds to requests for different sizes and configurations.

Photo credit @concretehoney

“Most importantly, all of our products are designed and made in Australia, supporting local jobs in these unprecedented times,” Lisa says.

“As a business, great design is key to everything we do. Whether we are building a two-story exhibition stand, or a piece of home office furniture, we apply the same design principals and attention to detail in our work.  This innovative, unique design is testament to our drive to make products that not only look amazing but are of a high quality and are extremely functional.”

They’ve been thrilled with the response from customers and the media. “Businesses need to diversify and adapt to survive,” Lisa says. “Whether you are an alcohol manufacturer that has pivoted to produce much needed hand sanitiser, or a fine dining restaurant that now offers takeaway, those that are able to think outside the square will stand a much greater chance of succeeding.

“There have been so many examples of these businesses in the media in recent weeks, I think it’s testament to the Aussie spirit and our determination to stick together and get through this crisis.”

Browse and order Pop Up Desks online

House Tours Styling

Stunning LA home styled largely online by an Aussie

Stylist Jessi Eve Deakin is living proof that her job really can be done remotely and via email. While this beautiful project was completed before the world changed due to Covid-19, the fact remains that much of an interior really can be created by an expert without them having to physically visit the space.

“I had helped this client with some decorative elements for their previous home via my eStyling service, so when they moved, they hired me again to do the lot,” says Jessi, of Jessi Eve. “I have set up my Wollongong-based business in a way that allows me to work with clients all around the world and before Covid-19, I was already doing about half my work this way.”

The stunning project was created for a young, busy family. The clients entrusted Jessi with transforming their house into their dream home. While she completed most of the sourcing remotely from Australia, she was thrilled when the clients opted to fly her over for the installation!

“I spent three weeks in LA sourcing final touches, installing all furniture, art and decor (as well as exploring all the tourist spots, of course)! I was given an entirely blank canvas to work with and sourced everything from the furniture right down to the cutlery!”

It was a great blank canvas however, with oak floors, white walls, pitched ceilings with exposed beams and French doors. “It was everything I could have ever asked to work with really! It really was a dream come true! I feel very grateful for the opportunity and had to pinch myself at many points throughout the project.”

Jessi developed an aesthetic which was a balance of what she calls California Cool blended with her signature coastal-bohemian-luxe style.

“To me, California Cool refers to an eclectic mix of casual coastal and boho vibes in a light and sunny palette,” she says. “My signature style is a blend of luxe bohemian and contemporary coastal done in a very relaxed, Aussie way which I think complements this well.

“The colour palette I chose had lots of white and light natural elements with pops of muted candy colours such as pink, orange, yellow, teal and blue, offset by luxe brass accents. The bohemian style is woven into the spaces through layered textures such as the vintage rugs, cushions and throws, rattan furniture, floor cushions, soft linens and live greenery.”

The same theory applied to the entire wall of open shelving in the living area. She kept the palette light and simple and positioned the visually heavier objects and vignettes in a way that draws the eye up to the ceiling. “It was important to ensure the spaces felt cosy and homely whilst still maintaining the sense of abundant open space.”

To anyone who thinks eStyling can’t possibly be as good as in-person styling, Jessi says it’s absolutely possible with accurate floor plans and clear photographs of the spaces. “This allows me to get a really good idea of the space without ever physically visiting the home and also allows me to plan layouts, determine ideal furniture sizing, artwork placement options etc.

“In terms of the creative process, I tackle eStyling projects in the exact same way I tackle in-person projects. I build a concept first, based on my client’s brief, and then source the elements required to achieve the desired look, functionality and feel. Instead of visiting the site to measure up my own plans, this is provided by the client. Once the client is happy with the items I have specified for the home, they are free to go ahead and place the orders direct with retailers, as they please!

Our current social distancing requirements aside, Jessi says eStyling is a great, affordable option for people who need creative direction but are happy to take on some of the more logistical elements of a decorating project such as measuring, order placement and installing deliveries as they arrive.

“We’ve never before seen a time quite like this where having a positive and uplifting home environment has been more relevant and although it’s not a priority for everyone, I think those who are in a position to make some changes will perhaps start thinking about investing in the industry whether that be now via eStyling services or in the future when in-person interactions can resume as normal,” Jessi says.

“I think if businesses can adapt to the changes we’re facing and find ways to offer variations of their more traditional face-to-face services by embracing technology, they will hopefully be able to continue during this time.”

For more on Jessi Eve

Photography: Paper + Pate

Interiors Addict

Working from home tips for a healthy mind & body

Dr Zoe Wainer

As the nation grapples with the spread of COVID-19, many Australians are being instructed to work from home by their employers or are having to do so of their own accord in order to look after children who are home from school.

Formerly an unused space, Jessica created an office area at the entry to the home
Image: Eclectic Creative

While these practices are being recommended to limit the spread of germs via social interactions, enforced working from home presents its own health issues for individuals and families who don’t have proper home office set-ups. This is because prolonged working on inappropriate furniture can cause strain on muscles.

In addition, the physical activity associated with daily commutes or walking around a workplace to meet with colleagues is significantly diminished which presents other health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

To keep yourself healthy in your new work setting, there are a few simple adjustments you can make to enjoy a productive work day.

Ergonomics are important: Invest in an appropriate desk and chair set up for your home office which promotes good posture and is appropriate for your height.  When setting up a computer make sure the monitor is at the correct height with the top of the screen at eye level.

Virtualise your meetings: Social interactions are important for maintaining a positive mood and reducing stress, depression and anxiety caused by social isolation. By using a webcam for work meetings, you can see familiar faces and engage with colleagues on a more meaningful level.

Image: Kerrie Hess

Enforce break time from work: Sitting for hours on end working from home can place you at risk of developing stiff muscles, gaining weight and negatively affect your mood. Taking regular breaks to stretch and exercise muscles, spending time outside (where appropriate) or even working standing up for short periods can help reduce these risks. For some, installing a treadmill in the home office to utilise when making calls is a great way to keep active in a sedentary setting.

Unplug and unwind: Where possible, avoid working while hunched over a couch or sitting on a bed which not only encourages bad posture but also interrupts essential downtime which is essential for your mental health. In addition, spending bedtime glued to smartphones and other devices can interrupt your sleep and increase stress levels. Enforcing ‘no-work’ times and zones can help you maintain a healthy balance between work, rest and play.

Look for signs of strain: If you notice yourself squinting or in any distress, consult your local GP for advice on managing these issues. Something as simple as a new optical prescription or a physiotherapist referral to improve posture can make a big difference to your work habits and overall quality of life.

While it may not be convenient to work from home, you can set yourself up for success in a challenging situation.

–Dr Wainer is Head of Public Health at Bupa.