Expert Tips

Expert tips: How to style and sell your home on a budget

With the economy officially in recession, the real estate market looks set to get even tougher which makes styling before selling more important than ever. And while we do talk about this topic a fair bit, it’s for good reason; research consistently shows that a styled home will fetch a higher price than one that hasn’t been. 

Image: Huntley + Co furniture hire

An expert in the real estate space, we caught up with Domain’s Alice Stolz who gave us some advice on what styling features buyers typically look for, and how you can achieve them on a budget. “First impressions are everything and it can take only a few seconds for potential buyers to fall in or out of love with your property. There are a few suggestions that I recommend thinking about prior to hosting an open house to ensure you get the best price,” says Alice.

Domain managing editor and guest judge on The Block, Alice Stolz

Your homes’ presentation is key; simply cleaning and tidying your home shows buyers that you care about it. “Make your home presentable. It shouldn’t be left to the agent to be cleaning up any obvious mess,” says Alice. On this note, a professional window clean is a great idea too. “Not only will your house look sparkling, but clean glass allows even more natural light to flow in,” says Alice.

Marie Kondo’s favourite pastime, decluttering is an absolute must before your first home open. “Clutter is a big turn off as it shows neglect and can also give an impression that the place has a lack of storage,” says Alice. Also, having minimal furniture and homewares will make your home look spacious, while giving the impression that you have adequate storage. 

Make sure to exterminate any creepy crawlies before any home opens as buyers are easily put off by obvious signs of insects and animals invading the home.

“Try and remove obvious smells from the house like the smell of pets,” says Alice. And while it’s a great idea to air the house, don’t be tempted to overwhelm it with trite scents. “Don’t fill the house with brewed coffee and bread-making aromas, or offend the senses with too many scented candles,” says Alice.

Painting is the most effective, inexpensive DIY job you can do to make your property appeal to the most buyers. “Many prospective buyers cannot see past dated colour schemes or feature walls,” says Alice who is a big fan of paint for a relatively cheap overhaul that provides good bang for buck.

Fresh flowers
An oldie but a goodie, fresh flowers won’t break the bank and are a wonderful way to bring the outside in. “If you are trying hard to be thrifty, pick them from the garden. Adding elements of nature inside can really add interest to a property,” says Alice.

Engage a property staging service
Not exactly a budget option but if you can afford it, property staging can really pay off; particularly if your furniture is a little old-fashioned.

Staging furniture can also turn an extra bedroom into a home office which is something we, at Domain, are seeing a huge surge in activity for at the moment. Staging can also make a home look more complete and ready for a new owner,” says Alice.

A clean, blank canvas allows a prospective buyer to be able to see themselves living in your home, rather than struggling to see the home for what it is, beyond the furniture.

DIY styling
If you can’t afford to hire a designer, pick up some magazines (or consult this blog!), and look for different ways to style a part of your home. “Magazines are often speaking to interior designers so you can always pull from their ideas,” says Alice. 

If you are not using rental furniture during the marketing of your home, have a go at moving furniture around to ensure the rooms are set up as best they can be. “Create space and easy flow within a sitting and dining room, even if it means taking some pieces away. Play with your house and try to view it through the eyes of someone who has never seen it before.”

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Domain’s new HQ: A home away from home for employees

The new Domain headquarters opened in Sydney recently and they’ve been designed in a manner befitting the successful online property search engine. Housed in an historic former wool shed in Sydney’s Pyrmont, the brand new space was designed by Siren Design and is a hub for the company’s 360 employees.

Domain - 100 Harris Street, Pyrmont
Reception area

“From the first time we sat down with Domain we knew we wanted to create something that reflected their personality and approach to what they do — we wanted something smart and modern but also very warm and down to earth,” Says Siren Design’s CEO Mia Feasey.

Domain - 100 Harris Street, Pyrmont
Communal kitchen

Bringing myriad design elements from the domestic sphere into the workplace, the office has a home-away-from-home vibe that is completely intentional. “Every element of the office has been carefully curated to create a positive environment, and a place where people want to be. After all, it is our people that have helped us go from strength to strength. When the team come to a place where they feel at home and welcome, it’s only natural that they can do their best work. We’re proud of our new office and we think it’s a true reflection of what we can offer, and what more we can achieve,” says Domain’s group director of employee experience, Megan Bromley.

Circular meeting pod

From an expansive kitchen to a communal dining space and large rooftop deck, the open-plan layout features plenty of collaborative and recreational spaces including a games room. Each meeting room is named after a Sydney beach with Tamarama, Coogee and Bronte in the mix.

Domain - 100 Harris Street, Pyrmont
Communal kitchen and dining area

“At Domain, we’re very much about having different teams work together to create products that help property buyers and sellers. The open spaces are essential for allowing people from different teams to come together. There’s a real sense of creative space,” says Megan.

Meeting point complete with green wall

Looking to buy or rent? Check out Domain online.


Design RENO ADDICT Shopping

Laminex launch new timber tone and gloss finishes

Showcasing warm timber tones paired with a gloss finish, Laminex has introduced four new and on-trend decors to its Silk Finish range.


Responding to the growing interest in more subtle gloss finishes for the kitchen, bathroom and living areas, the four decors: Domain, Burnished Wood, Jericho and Sublime Teak, offer the natural appearance of woodgrains in a smooth melamine finish.

For a rich dark woodgrain option, Domain
 offers a blended balance between popular dark shades of browns, greys and blacks, while Burnished Wood delivers a deep charcoal colouring for an ebony effect with grey undertones. 
Lighter colour options are achieved with Jericho or Sublime Teak. Jericho displays soft brown-grey tones, while Sublime Teak incorporates muted honey tones.


Easy to clean, the new additions bring the total Laminex Silk Finish offering to 27 decors. Each decor comes with matching gloss ABS edging for an effortless finish for doors, drawers, cabinetry and other vertical surfaces.

To find out more about the latest Laminex decors in the Silk Finish range, visit the website.


Domain’s new Apple app helps you watch the market. Literally.

With the Apple Watch due to be released 24 April, Domain have transformed their award-winning iPhone app into the perfect tool for helping house hunters closely watch the property market (pardon the pun!).


Providing easy access to the information you need throughout the buying, selling, renting and searching process, the Domain app will allow you to:

  • Search and view property information and photos with one touch
  • Receive instant notifications about properties that meet your criteria and when details or inspection times update
  • Organise properties as favourites and schedule inspections
  • Pick up where you left off with your iPhone to explore properties in more detail.

Domain’s Apple Watch app will be available to download free from the Apple App Store following the release of the watch.

For more information.