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Friends team up to realise property development dream

I’m sure that many of you would love nothing more than to purchase a duplex block and then design and build a couple of gorgeous homes. Am I right? It’s a dream for many but the cash factor often gets in the way which is why today’s story is particularly interesting. This gorgeous home (and the one beside it), was developed by Melbourne business coach and entrepreneur Emily Osmond, her fiancé Koden and their good friend Jake. 


“Creating these two homes with a friend made this project extra rewarding. We could share the challenges and laughs along the way and now we are next door neighbours!” says Emily of the project that is in the Melbourne suburb of Bellfield and was designed to break away from the traditional townhouse mould, instead offering something light-filled, spacious and with architectural appeal.

Lounge room
Lounge room

The subdividable block was purchased in late 2018 and had a tiny, semi-detached, two-bedroom home on it. The trio set about seeking council approval and then going through the design and build process – all of which took several years. That Koden works in property finance and Jake is an electrician certainly wouldn’t have harmed proceedings!

“You hear bad stories and imagine lots of ways that a partnership could go pear-shaped. We think ours worked well because we shared the same vision, intention, and goals for the project,” says Emily who is planning to do it all over again, such was the success of the partnership. 

Dining room
Dining room
Emily in the kitchen
Emily in the kitchen

As for the home’s design, it’s lovely and light-filled courtesy of an extra wide entrance hall, double-height void, skylights, and open tread stairs. From the outset, we wanted to create two contemporary, sophisticated, spacious and light-filled family homes that had a ‘wow’ factor. We also wanted to focus on a monochromatic palette, to feel timeless,” says Emily. 

Open staircase
An open staircase contributes to the feeling of light and space

The home’s angular architectural structure is softened through styling where Emily has embraced softness and curves – think circular feature wall lights, pendants and mirrors. “I also included details such as powder blue Nood Co handcrafted concrete basins in the bathroom as I think you have to have some unexpected, statement pieces to create a memorable home,” says Emily.

Powder room
That powder blue Nood Co basin looks lovely in the powder room

But after a multi-year build process and time spent living in the home, Emily has caught the developing bug. The trio has recently purchased a property in Ivanhoe with the intention of developing another two family homes.  “We have absolutely loved designing and building these homes as beautiful, functional, quality and luxury places for others to live – so much so that we all want to do it again!”


Photography: Dylan James

Emily’s home is currently for sale

For more on Emily Osmond