Interiors Addict

Meet Lorna, my trusted blog-sitter while I’m on honeymoon!

As you probably know, I’m getting married on Saturday and then I’ll be off on honeymoon for the best part of a month. Oh my goodness, I can’t wait! It’s been a big year!

But I couldn’t just leave the blog unattended, could I?! So as well as planning the finer details of my wedding, I’ve been busy scheduling plenty of content for you over the next few weeks. Thanks to a bevy of guest posters I have some really great stuff to share with you. There have been so many great contributions in fact, it’s made me decide to open up the blog to guest posts long term, so if you’re interested, check out the guidelines here.

lorna brett

I’ve asked my good friend and former colleague Lorna Brett, who has HEAPS of social media and community management experience under her belt, as well as a serious love of all things interiors and a delightful personality, to blog-sit for me and look after the social media side of keeping you guys entertained! There’s nobody I’d trust more for the job.