
A day in the life of a property stylist, developer and mum of four!

Naomi Findlay owns Silk Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), develops properties “on the side” and is a mum to 4 kids. I asked this modern day Wonder Woman to share a day in her very busy life!

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

5am: Wake with the youngest little one for a cuddle.

6am: Surface with the 4 kids for a breakfast run.

7-8am: Get ready for work and kids ready for school.

8.30am: School drop off.


How to start a career as a home stager

Successful home stager Naomi Findlay was always being asked for her business secrets so she decided to start the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) to share her wealth of knowledge with the many people who are keen to forge themselves a flexible career in interiors. She spoke to Interiors Addict about the IIHS and shared some top tips for staging a home for sale.

Naomi Findlay of SILK Home Staging & Styling & IIHS

What exactly is home staging?

Home staging (also known as pre-sale property styling) is the process of preparing your property for sale in a way that gives you the best chance of achieving the maximum sale price in the quickest possible timeframe. It is a systematic process that involves many elements and aspects of maintenance, marketing and styling. All of these elements combine to provide a synergistic effect that showcases your property’s strong points and makes sure it shines and soars above its competition.

This is the kind of job lots of people think they could do. Why isn’t it as easy as it looks?

There are so many elements to the process of home staging, it is not all about pillows, lamps and throws. To stage a home successfully you require a thorough knowledge of the property market, astute research skills, project management abilities, strong foundational design skills, knowledge of the design industry and trends and high end communication skills, just to name a few. To top it off you need to combine all of these elements in often short timeframes.