Decorating 101 Expert Tips

Styling for sale: 9 expert staging tips

Styling a home for sale is a lot different to how you style it for yourself. The following tips and photos are taken from the new coffee table book, Property Stylists of Australia 2020, produced by the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS).

Image: Styleness

Don’t style to the latest trends
Trends come and go and so it is important to style with items that are as timeless as possible. Select furniture that is neutral and classic with simple lines and then mix it with décor that is on trend, without polarising buying groups.

Ensure the house has a ‘soul’
It’s not only vacant properties that are presented with no furniture and accessories that have a lack of ‘soul’. Sometimes, the way we live means that we think our home is perfectly fine but it lacks ‘soul’, particularly in the eyes of buyers. By a ‘soul’, I mean that feeling you get when you walk into a home and get that comforting, warm all over feeling – the feeling that you would really like to live right here.

Buyers are not just looking for ‘pretty’ when they inspect a property. To ensure a buyer develops an emotional connection, three of the major senses need to be involved. Lovely, but appropriate furniture and accessories are just part of the experience. Creating the right environment with scent, touch and sight are all important to us. Try lighting a scented candle to begin the staging and styling.

Image: Staging Designs

Maximise the space
Less is more when styling to sell. Too much furniture or large oversized furniture can reduce the size of a room and too many accessories can make a space feel cluttered. Appropriately sized furniture needs to be placed so the traffic can flow within the property. Buyers need to feel that there is plenty of room and the traffic flows smoothly. Similarly, it’s great to have beautiful items such as books, vases, flowers, plants and cushions for the buyer to connect to but keep it simple and stylish with beautiful textures, so as not to overcrowd the area.

Stay true to the architectural design and location
When staging a property for sale, it is so important to style it in a way that is sympathetic to the original design of the property. A heritage house in the Hunter Valley will be styled differently to a modern new build beachfront property. The property is different along with the target market, and it needs to be styled accordingly.

This does not mean of course that we only use antique or dark furniture in heritage houses, it simply means we pay a ‘nod’ to the period by using a more classic style that will still appeal to a more modern buyer.

Pay attention to symmetry, proportion and balance
It is quite difficult to cultivate that homely feeling when proportions of furniture and symmetry are out of whack, or if there are too many furniture pieces in the one small room. Symmetry and proportion are important rules to follow so the space doesn’t feel cluttered – or for larger areas, to avoid the space feeling completely empty!

Image: Tweak Home Staging

Style using layers, textures and organic elements
Start with a base and build the layers from there. Layers can be created with flooring, furniture and drapery or a rug, sofa and cushions or coffee table, tray and greenery. Layers are just as important in the lighting options used in a room. They consist of task lighting, ambient lighting and general lighting. These layers help easily explain the function and set up the desired ambience of the room.

Including textures within the layers provides a visual diversity, giving the eye many exciting places to settle. Textures help create the exact feeling you are wanting in each space and are perfect when styling for particular seasons. Light cotton and linens with smooth silks for the summer and chunky knits and plush cosy velvets for the winter.

The final touch is to add elements, and the first one is always greenery. Plants play an essential part of styling. They bring life, colour and texture to the room. By combining organic elements such as wood or shells and adding a metal element, you achieve layers and a diversity of textures in the styling.

Image: Right at Home Staging

Integrate the colours of a space as central source of inspiration for the colour palette applied throughout the room or the story/personality that you are trying to create. A related colour palette partnered with techniques such as layering, or complementing accessories that use textures, shape, colour and visual interest, create a flow-on effect from room to room, and keep all spaces working cohesively together.

Good return on investment
The word ‘investment’ is a very accurate descriptor of how staging and styling to sell should be assessed. That is exactly what it is, not a cost or a price – it is an investment in realising the highest sale price that would be paid by a potential buyer for the property. Spend those staging dollars in the areas that are the primary focus of the potential buyer pool. There are however absolute ‘must do’ areas, in my opinion. These include the master bedroom, living areas, any room or area directly off the front entry (including the entry and home office), dining spaces, patios and decks (especially in the nicer weather months).

Make an emotional connection
This final golden rule is one that can truly make the difference between buyers wanting to buy your home or looking elsewhere. Everyone leads busy lives and more and more buyers want a home to feel like a sanctuary, so the little details matter and are key to making that connection with a buyer.

Think of it like decorations on a cake. The cake may taste delicious but without any decorations the cake will look bare and not as enticing.
The decorations for your home are all the little things, like the decorative cushions on the bed that provide a luxurious, relaxed feeling, reminding people of hotels and holidays. It is the touch of greenery and plants through the home that help to add life into a space. It is the textures and patterns in the soft furnishings and decorative accessories that can provide that homely feel.

It’s the combination of these small details that creates a cohesive and inviting space that showcase the aspirational aspects of the property and the lifestyle buyers can emotionally connect with. Remember, first impressions are everything, so make their first impression a lasting one!

IIHS is Australia’s premier home staging and property styling education and membership provider.

The book is available through all the stylists featured in it: Allure Property Styling | Casa Modello Property Styling | Dynamic Home Transformations | Naturally Styled Homes | Peony and Silk | Right at Home Staging | Simple and Savvy | Staging Designs | Styleness | Tweak Home Staging

Is home staging worth it? You bet it is! | Plant styling tips: expert ideas for apartment living

Expert Tips Styling

The perfect Sydney event for new and professional home stagers

Fancy becoming a home stager? Or do you want to improve your skills as a professional property stylist? If you answered yes, we have the event for you!

Naomi Findlay

Running 10 and 11 July, the first ever Sydney Home Staging Success Summit will teach both new and professional home stagers how to run a successful business. Organised by Naomi Findlay, principal of the Australia-based International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and our very own Reno Addict expert, and Jana Uselton, founder of America’s Home Staging & ReDesign Association (HSRA), the summit will feature a session to introduce new property stylists to the field, as well as host seminars to advance the knowledge of those already in work.

“There has been such a high demand for property styling that it was time for the industry to make a push to bring more people in,” says Naomi. “Whether you’re a beginner who wants to find out whether home staging is for you, or a professional looking to sharpen your skills, this summit is a great way to gain business knowledge and meet like-minded people.”


The two-day event will start with a half-day introductory session to home staging, followed by a full day of workshops that will cover everything from working with real estate agents and running a home staging business to specialist sessions on luxury property styling and capturing the home builder’s market. Attendees can choose to attend one or both days, with places selling for $39 for the introductory session (including a gift valued at $39), $149 for the full-day summit and $168 for the whole event.

More information, including the summit agenda, can be found here.

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes May with Interiors Addict Shop

The winner of this month’s 7 Vignettes is Angela Steyn for this beautiful collection of images. She wins a selection of goodies from Interiors Addict Shop.

Guest judge Naomi Findlay, who runs Silk Home and the International Institute of Home Staging and is my partner in the online store, loved Angela’s images and how they included the gorgeous little hands of her sons! They also worked so well together as a seven.

Angela previously won 7 Vignettes in July last year and is one of four people who have won twice over the 29 challenges so far.

Angela, please contact us with your address so we can send you your prizes!

If you’re new to 7 Vignettes, find out how to take part next month here. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you.

Naomi’s International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and the American Home Staging and Redesign Association (HSRA) are teaming up to host a home staging summit in Sydney in July. If this is a career which interests you, find out more and book your ticket here.

Expert Tips Styling The Block

Alisa & Lysandra from The Block learn about vignettes

Even Block winners realise they can always keep learning more about interiors and design. So Alisa and Lysandra Fraser have been doing some studying and being mentored by Naomi Findlay of the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). Have a look behind the scenes in this short video and you might learn a thing or two too…

You may recognise Naomi from our Diary of a Reno video series.

Find out more about the IIHS and its courses.


Video: Diary of a Reno part 4

In the penultimate episode in our series, Naomi Findlay gives us a sneak peek of the almost-finished house and explains how she has reconfigured the floor plan to make better use of space and add value.

In the fifth and final episode, coming soon, we reveal the profit made when the renovated house is sold and talk to the real estate agent.

Naomi Findlay is principal of the International Institute of Home Staging and director of SILK Home Staging & Styling.

Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Styling

Video: Diary of a Reno part 3

This week, Naomi talks about the importance of having a contingency fund because unexpected things do (always!) go wrong or crop up and require more cash! There’s also drama with some very stubborn wallpaper glue, but it’s not all negative! Watch the video for the full story.

If you haven’t already, watch part 1 and part 2 of the series first. The fourth and final part is coming soon! We’d love to know if you enjoyed this series and what else you’d like to learn about renovating? Please comment below.

Naomi Findlay is founder of SILK Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging and an experienced property developer in NSW.

Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Styling

VIDEO: Diary of a Reno part 1 + top tips for renovating for profit

I’ve teamed up with Naomi Findlay to bring you a real-time video diary of a reno. In true Interiors Addict ‘style without the snobbery’ fashion, we’re keeping it real, warts and all, telling like it is. Our camera work and editing skills are by no means world class, but we’re less interested in that and more interested in bringing you practical, useful advice and giving you a realistic view of the highs and lows of renovating for profit, hopefully making you realise you could do it too.

Naomi, with various business partners, has done more than 20 renovations in the last three years (eight just last year!). She also owns Silk Home Staging and Styling and the online International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). She’s also a mum of four. As well as helping people get the best price when selling their homes, it makes sense that she should renovate and stage her own for profit too

The house we’re bringing to you in this series is in the suburbs of Newcastle, NSW. “It’s an old home that has been bastardised over the years and the original features, other than two lovely ceilings, sadly removed,” Naomi says. “It is in ill repair and needing piering, sub floor repair, re-roofing, and a whole lot more!”

We won’t reveal exactly how much it cost until after it’s sold in case this affects the final sale price, but it was in the $300-to-$400k range. The budget for the reno is around $70K.

I want to allow people to see the real and unedited world of renos; super quick and in the case of this property, super budget! I am by no means a feminist but it is great to show how a woman like me, juggling a family of four and running my own businesses, can reno for profit and enjoy it,” Naomi adds.

I hope that people who want to have a go get an insight into what it is like and a thirst to know more about it!”

Naomi’s top five tips for renovating for profit are:

  • Buy well. This is where you make your money.
  • Have a team of trades as they will keep you alive.
  • Don’t forget to count your own time as money.
  • Keep a hold of the budget and review it weekly.
  • Time is money, so don’t lick stamps!
  • Know your market and spend you money based on ROI.

There are two main ways she sees other people get it wrong and these are putting too much or too little money in, depending on the market they are selling to, as well as trying to do everything themselves and it taking far too long. “They will go wrong if they think it is a ‘get rich quick’ thing and if they think it is glamorous!”

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

Many people put off having a go themselves and Naomi wants to encourage them to have a go, armed with the right information. “Some think that they are too time-poor or have no idea of where to begin. It is really hard as there is so much available on the net regarding developing property and there are so many valid and variable ways to develop or flip or reno for profit. All have their merits but it can be hard to sift through the information and work out what is best for you and your circumstances, considering your time, family, finances and skill level.

Mentoring is one of the best things that you can do when getting into this game; learning from someone else’s mistakes and their wins! They can help you work out finance, joint ventures, time schedules, budgets, roles and responsibilities.”

Naomi runs courses in home staging and styling, and business mentoring, through the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). Find out more.

Come back next week for the next installment!

Expert Tips Styling

Styling your home for summer

Today, stylist Naomi Findlay of SILK Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), shares some great tips on styling your home for the summer months.


Summer is well and truly here and we are increasingly looking for easy ways to enjoy it at home. Here are some quick tips for creating your ultimate summer-friendly environment:

Merge the outdoors and indoors

With the longer days and increased entertaining, now is the time to create indoor-outdoor living spaces.


A day in the life of a property stylist, developer and mum of four!

Naomi Findlay owns Silk Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), develops properties “on the side” and is a mum to 4 kids. I asked this modern day Wonder Woman to share a day in her very busy life!

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

5am: Wake with the youngest little one for a cuddle.

6am: Surface with the 4 kids for a breakfast run.

7-8am: Get ready for work and kids ready for school.

8.30am: School drop off.


Iva’s bedroom makeover impresses Shaynna Blaze

Earlier this month we ran a competition to win a course at the new International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and asked readers to send in their own room makeovers aimed at helping sell a home.

We asked our friend Shaynna Blaze, star of The Block and Selling Houses Australia, to judge. Who better?! She chose this unisex toddler bedroom entry from Iva Izman.

Iva 1

This room is a work of art in itself. All decorations are DIY from salvaged items and recycled materials. From the wall art down to the cushion details and baby mobile, it was all handmade by me,” said Iva in her entry.

Interiors Addict

Impress Shaynna and win a course at the International Institute of Home Staging

Are you a first-time first renovator, a flipper, a property developer or simply a would-be stylist who’d like to start their own business? The International Institute of Home Staging, which launched this week, could be just what you’re looking for! Luckily for one reader, we’re giving away a course worth $497 to whoever impresses our judge, Shaynna Blaze, the most.

The International Institute of Home Staging's Naomi Findlay
The International Institute of Home Staging’s Naomi Findlay

The International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), which offers the first and only interactive online home staging and property styling courses in Australia, launched this week to help budding designers learn the art and business of making homes attractive to buyers. The demand for staging professionals has reached an all-time high in Australia, as real estate agents and vendors alike realise how much it can impact final sale prices.

Founder Naomi Findlay says: “The courses offered are put together by a fantastic array of Australian design, styling and business mentors that provide great insight into what is a growing industry. It’s designed to teach other people how they can make money on their own property sales or start their own property styling and home staging business.”

Interiors Addict

New Year’s resolution to get on top of clutter?

Starting in January, The International Institute of Home Staging’s Naomi Findlay (who you may also know from SILK Home Staging & Styling in Newcastle) is sharing her top de-cluttering tips to help you:

  • Have time to rest without clutter reminding you of all the work that needs doing in your home
  • Feel on top of things in your home
  • Have a beautiful space you can retreat to and share as a family that is still functional
  • Have successful systems in place to help you deal with everyday clutter and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

On the De-Clutter Boot Camp, you will discover:

  1. How to prepare your mindset to make de-cluttering easier
  2. How to create a no-fail plan to de-clutter your home
  3. A step-by-step process to de-cluttering your home
  4. Tips, tools and systems to manage day-to-day clutter.

How to start a career as a home stager

Successful home stager Naomi Findlay was always being asked for her business secrets so she decided to start the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) to share her wealth of knowledge with the many people who are keen to forge themselves a flexible career in interiors. She spoke to Interiors Addict about the IIHS and shared some top tips for staging a home for sale.

Naomi Findlay of SILK Home Staging & Styling & IIHS

What exactly is home staging?

Home staging (also known as pre-sale property styling) is the process of preparing your property for sale in a way that gives you the best chance of achieving the maximum sale price in the quickest possible timeframe. It is a systematic process that involves many elements and aspects of maintenance, marketing and styling. All of these elements combine to provide a synergistic effect that showcases your property’s strong points and makes sure it shines and soars above its competition.

This is the kind of job lots of people think they could do. Why isn’t it as easy as it looks?

There are so many elements to the process of home staging, it is not all about pillows, lamps and throws. To stage a home successfully you require a thorough knowledge of the property market, astute research skills, project management abilities, strong foundational design skills, knowledge of the design industry and trends and high end communication skills, just to name a few. To top it off you need to combine all of these elements in often short timeframes.