Design Designers Expert Tips Interviews

How to: manage interior designers or stylists

While not everyone can afford to employ an interior designer or stylist, if you can, it pays to think about how to make the most out of the relationship. Working closely with anyone can be fraught, but it’s especially the case when the project is as personal as your own home. And while in many cases the process is a smooth one, what happens when your expectations don’t meet the brief?

We caught up with interior designer Jane Thomson to learn just how to manage your relationship with your interior designer, or stylist, the right way.

Jane Thomson
Jane Thomson

Agree at the beginning
Be sure that everything you want for your house is documented on the contract plan and everything is in writing. It’s crucially important to make your expectations clear to your designer. This can be down to the finer details and can be as specific as where you would like certain furniture or styling items placed.

Jane Thomson
One of Jane’s projects

Be clear about your needs and what you want to achieve
You must be clear about your requirements from the outset; tell your designer everything from your living space must-haves to design style preferences. A designer wants to hear everything! The more you can convey the better. As a designer the most important time spent with my clients is the initial discovery meeting. This allows us to gather as much info as possible to allow our journey to be a pleasant and inspiring one.

For example, what do you want to achieve? What is your main objective? Is it to create more space for your growing family or is it simply to create a new fresh look for your home? Perhaps you’d like to replace your old outdated kitchen with a brand spanking new, technically advanced smart one? Don’t be shy; it’s so important to divulge this at the start. No matter the reasoning, we’re not here to judge. Hell, maybe you might just want to show up your next door neighbour with a superior renovation!

All of this information arms us with the relevant info to stay on track, and to distribute funds accordingly. Clients often forget about their initial goals, so it’s up to the designer to be your advocate.

Jane Thomson project
One of Jane’s projects

Be honest about your budget
Not being honest with your designer is a recipe for disaster and especially when it comes to money. Often clients will hold back on the real figure with fears that the designer may actually spend it! But what ends up happening is the designer is forced to go down a road that doesn’t meet the client’s expectations.

Do your research on colour selection
Get to know what you think you want. You need to be clear open and honest with yourself about what colours excite you, and which colours repel. Choosing the cosmetics of your home can be a huge decision. Make sure you have a vision of what you want before your colour consultation to reduce the back and forth communication. Chatting to your designer in the initial consultation  allows you to showcase what your heart desires, and what it doesn’t. It also allows your designer to get a handle on you as a person. There’s a lot of psychology here folks!

Jane Thomson project
One of Jane’s projects

An interior designer is highly trained in colour coordination and it’s important to trust and let your designer take the lead at some point if you are unclear of what you want; we may push or challenge you in regards to your tightly held beliefs regarding colour and that’s not a bad thing! Remember, this is what we do best.

Communication is the key
There is nothing more encouraging then good feedback, and better yet, when work is appreciated. Likewise, if there’s anything you’re unhappy with, make sure you communicate this to your designer and have it rectified before any further tasks are taken on. Interior design works with everything flowing and working in a room; if you don’t understand a concept, talk to your designer. While you may not have an understanding or vision right now, your designer will – just let them show you.

For more on Jane | SPOTLIGHT ON: Interior designer Lynne Bradley

Architecture Design Designers Expert Tips Styling

2020 interior design trends: Five to watch!

Throughout her work as a Sydney-based interior designer, property stylist and media presenter, Jane Thomson is exposed to more trends than most. And after 30 years in the business, she has an intimate perspective on the Aussie interior design scene.

“Australians are far more selective than we give ourselves credit for. We don’t just slavishly follow the latest overseas design trends and I don’t see this as a bad thing at all. Ultimately, Australians love a style that will stand the test of time,” says Jane who shares her top five interior design trends to watch out for in 2020.

Jane Thomson
Jane Thomson

1. Personal expression: Repurposing and sustainability
This 2020 prediction is a favourite of mine and it’s driven by our universal need for sustainability. How many times have we seen furniture sitting forlornly on the roadside edge waiting for the council clean up?

The question is; ‘Could it be repurposed?’ Possibly. Buying an item brand new is cheaper and easier (and keeps the Harvey Norman or Freedom furniture cash registers ticking over) but think of those weekends, and time wasted trudging through retail establishments to find a piece that resonates.

Jane Thomson repurposed hutch
A repurposed hutch from an old 1970’s brown behemoth Jane designed for her on-screen client on Channel 10’s Changing Rooms Australia

Repurposing in my book is pretty simple. Repurposing an old piece of furniture is not only sustainable, but allows us as individuals to make a statement about ourselves. It saves money and resources but it does take time, and requires some imagination. At home you may have a piece that can be refurbed and you can really personalise the piece. Gumtree is a goldmine for old pieces just screaming to be repurposed.

To ‘zhoosh’ a discarded piece of furniture is an opportunity for you to say something about how you feel. Take an old battered timber buffet for example – a lick of paint, sand, apply some milk paint/lime wash, some new sexy handles and hey presto! Here’s your new bespoke designer item! Curate your new piece with your favourite piece of artwork and you will have a personalised and sustainable space that screams ‘you’!

2. Eclecticism
Incorporating a mish mash of different design styles isn’t new, but sadly it has gone to the Gods over the last few years. For 2020, I do hope this design style takes off. Eclectic interiors are far more interesting, and just like the previous trend, allow you to speak about yourself through your living space.

Jane Thomson's eclecticism mood board
Eclecticism explored through a mood board by Jane

3. Wall paneling
This fabulous trend is something of a time-honoured tradition (Interiors Addict has been espousing its virtues for some time!), after all it has been around a while. I am hoping this is a trend that people will really run with in 2020. Paneling is a relatively inexpensive way of imparting architectural detail and depth to a space. There are a plethora of materials and styles out there. Whether it’s 1920’s style battening (love!) to a coastal feel using V joint paneling (available inexpensively through well-known hardware suppliers), it delivers a million dollar feel.

Image source: Pinterest
Wall paneling. Image source: Pinterest/Style Curator

In addition to this, with so many new apartment builds, and many people having to turn to apartment living, developers don’t have the budgets to create inspiring interiors. Paneling over white uninspiring plaster board brings greater architectural merit to the space for little outlay.

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest/My Mindful Home

If you feel like a more elegant vibe take a look at bolection moulding. Its origins are French (Parisian actually) and the trend has been around for a while. It takes a little more time to design, but the results will make you smile. It really is a classic look that’ll stand the test of time.

Timber slat paneling. Image: Yvette Kapadia
Timber slat paneling. Image: Yvette Kapadia

4. Curves
For years we seem to have forgotten curves but nature doesn’t have many straight lines or angles, so it is refreshing to see the return of something that resonates with everyone.

Image source: Pinterest/Curatist Studio

Given that more people are living alone and at least half of these are women, a curved interior, in my opinion, resonates with the feminine psyche. Men also seem to like it. Curves deliver a calm, soothing environment which is something we all need regardless of our gender.

Image source: Pinterest/The Savvy Heart
Image source: Pinterest/The Savvy Heart

The curves that we find in spaces such as hallways (archways) now pay homage to curves past, but in a cleaner less obvious way. Lines can be sharp, but the design integrates rather than shouting ‘Look at me, I’m a curve!’

I love this lighting company and their designer, Australian Articolo designer Nicci Green. I want one!

5. Large scale art = YAY!!
This is a 2020 design trend prediction that is close to my heart. My design idiom has always been ‘go big or go home.” Never have I been an art exponent of the small and piddling, unless of course it’s a Drysdale or Nolan! Large art ALWAYS works, no matter the size of the space. Teeny tiny rooms sing with a large-scale artwork. It acts more like a mural and can almost be a window to another imaginary world. Repeat with me: ‘Go big or go home.’

Image source: Pinterest/
Image source: Pinterest/

For more on Jane Thomson | 2020 planners: The best looking diaries for next year

Interiors Addict

Changing Rooms episode 2 recap: Love and hate!

This week, Changing Rooms changed its timeslot to Fridays and Saturdays at 7.30pm. We tuned in to see how the rooms went down and it was definitely a case of love and hate. But overall, the homeowners were happier than not with their new look homes, created by interior designers Tim Leveson and Jane Thomson.

Tim Leveson with the blue team

Much like the nineties version of the show, there was a lot of opening paint cans of worryingly bold colours! And there was a lot of the homeowners looking at the designers like they’d completely lost the plot.

Jane Thomson with her yellow team

It made for some pretty good viewing, especially when we all knew Tim’s pleather kitchen was going to go down like a lead balloon (let’s face it, it makes good TV when they hate it!). But equally, Jane’s blue and gold bedroom was rather lovely, so they certainly kept us guessing! Let’s have a look at the rooms…


Thankfully Tim thought better of his idea for bright red paint up the stairs and changed that for this surprisingly subtle pink. The homeowners loved this room.

Budget tables were DIY-d from recycled timber and hairpin metal legs.

I don’t think anyone was surprised (except Tim) when they hated the kitchen. The pleather (you read right) clad overhead cabinetry and full-on brass splashbacks which were pretty much glowing yellow, were an acquired taste! Having gutted and transformed their neighbours’ kitchen next-door, the couple definitely felt they got the raw end of the deal.

“This is not what we were hoping for, no, no, no.” When asked by host Natalie Bassingthwaite if there was anything they did like in the kitchen, it was a resounding no, followed by “total disaster” and “it’s bloody awful!”

Oh dear.

I was definitely not expecting them to like this master bedroom, especially as their house was very white on white before and this was a riot of pattern and colour,  but they did! Phew!

And they liked the en suite too.


In true Changing Rooms style, we were led to believe this orange would be a disaster but it really didn’t look too bad. The homeowners loved everything Jane did, even crying tears of joy!

While I wasn’t hugely into the orange walls or the doodle wallpaper (oh, so many jokes!), I loved that black kitchen! It was a fantastic result on a budget.

And as someone with navy walls in my bedroom, I loved a lot about the master bedroom, including those brass lights.

Navy and gold is always a good idea in my book.

Next week, we can’t wait for our friend and contributor Naomi Findlay to be one of the featured designers, alongside Chris Caroll.

Are you watching? Did you watch the original show? What did you think of last week’s rooms? We’d love you to share with us in the comments.