Designers Furniture Homewares House Tours Styling

Inside the home of Little Dwellings’ Kate Sparks

With 110k Instagram followers and hundreds of happy little customers, children’s interior designer Kate Sparks, has amassed quite the following. Creating gorgeous rooms for kids of all ages, through her business Little Dwellings, I, like many, have always longed to take a peak into her own home. And today, I finally did!


Located in Sydney’s Hills District, the home has always had a special place in Kate’s heart, belonging to her grandparents until 2011. “My hubby, Jono and I bought it from my Nan just before we had our first child four years ago. The style of our home is strongly influenced by them, having a strong Scandinavian design which is my Dad’s family background. My hubby and two kids, Georgia and Harry, love living here.”


[contextly_sidebar id=”YFOfH5eLHbDNxSTIDvajqHQxg2ctscEi”]With the design process being a journey of renovations and constant layout changes, it was important for Kate to create a home that best suited her growing family. It is for that reason, she favours her living/dining area, which was recently extended into the garage to accommodate a play area. “We spend so much time in there. We recently extended our living space into our garage (which we never used for our cars) and converted it into a playroom for our kids. This joins the living/dining room and playroom all together — definitely my favourite area of our home.”



However, it wouldn’t be a real reno if there weren’t challenges! And for the living/dining area, that appeared in the form of structural walls. “The biggest hurdle we faced was needing to consider structural walls. This is when the exposed beam idea took place to create a feature piece where structure was needed.”


Now with a layout that’s open and airy, Kate, like many of us, wanted her home to be functional for family events and open plan for modern-day living. However, for those that can’t afford (the money or the time) to make those big structural changes, Kate still has some tips for giving your home that new and fresh feel: “Decide on a theme or a style you are trying to create. Once you have settled on something you like, you should prioritise the big items you want to change first. If you are on a budget it may take some time for all the items to be purchased and the room to come together, so just keep that in mind.”


Before you ask, much of the furniture shown is available from BoConcept, including Kate’s favourite piece, the entertainment unit.

Photography by Jacqui Turk.

Bedrooms Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian kids room ideas: with Little Dwellings

Having designed her own home and helped her friends do the same; Kate Sparks found out very quickly that she had a passion for interior design.


An early childhood teacher and a mother herself, it seemed like a match made in heaven to begin her business Little Dwellings, a styling service primarily for children’s spaces.



With a range of styling packages from eBoard designs to full room instals, her most popular service is in-house styling, where she visits clients’ homes and goes through which products would best suit their space. And while Kate has now transitioned to also styling adults’ spaces, she will always have a soft spot for decorating nurseries and kids’ rooms.

“They are so much fun. Older kids can have an input as to what they want, whereas designing a nursery is so exciting as you watch the room come together and become a reality for the parents.”


When decorating a room for your little one, Kate has many tips: “When decorating on a budget, I’d recommend a lick of paint, DIY, and being minimalistic. Then change the bedding, update prints and gradually introduce more age appropriate accessories. In terms of budget friendly, on trend pieces, think wall decals or wallpaper, funky beds and linen, storage baskets (felt and wire), rugs and prints.”


While Kate’s personal style has a strong Scandinavian edge, she always puts her client’s taste first. “My house is very Scandinavian influenced, however Little Dwellings aims to provide a service that meets the needs and wants of each individual client. But in saying this, we always aims to be on trend.”

For more information.