
The capsule machine that makes tea, hot chocolate and cold drinks as well as coffee

Well, this one’s bound to upset the coffee purists and delight the tea and hot chocolate drinkers all at the same time! The Nescafé Dolce Gusto is the first ever machine available in Australia to make 14 different beverages, from hot frothy cappuccinos to chilled peach iced teas. Its multi-beverage capsule system is already hugely popular in more than 50 countries around the world.

DeLongi Dolce Gusto

It’s a partnership between Nestlé and De’Longhi. The sleek and easy-to-use machine (which kind of looks like a cute baby robot?) serves full-bodied coffee as well as iced coffees and teas with the touch of a button. Its 15-bar pressure pump (similar to the pressure used in cafe coffee machines) helps creates that crema layer.