
The winner of 7 Vignettes November 2015 with Domayne

The winner is @stanadesigns! Congratulations!

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Rebecca Meier, Domayne’s digital and social media coordinator, said: “We were overwhelmed with the effort of the entries in the November 7 Vignettes competition! Some clever were people even creating things from scratch to participate. Wow! We had lots of fun monitoring the daily entries. It was extremely difficult to narrow it down to one daily winner as there were so many good vignettes.”

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In the end, they did chose @Stanadesigns though. “After a group discussion over text on Sunday, we came to an agreement. We loved her styling and the way she has managed to create each theme in such a beautiful way! Knowing styling, we know how much effort would have gone into those vignettes, even though they looked so brilliantly effortless. Congratulations @Stanadesigns – we hope you enjoy your $200 Domayne gift voucher and homewares pack. Congratulations to the seven daily winners too, you all did a fab job!

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“It’s lovely to be involved in a fun, friendly and uplifting week. It’s not very often social media is filled with those things. Thanks Jen and the 7 Vignetters for a fun week!”

Thanks so much to Domayne for sponsoring our contest for the second time and to everyone who takes part, shares beautiful images and encourages others’ efforts!

Any winners yet to give us their address details for prizes, please contact us now.

Interiors Addict

November 7 Vignettes with The Wedding Nest

Hooray, hooray, it’s almost time! 7 Vignettes starts again on Saturday and our guest judge this month is Jacqui Scruby from The Wedding Nest. The lucky winner will get two of these gorgeous lights!


Next month’s themes, chosen by Jacqui, are spring racing themed! Nice huh?! I fully expect you to embrace them, as you always seem to! Remember, don’t take them too literally! Unless, of course, you want to!

We'd love you to share this list!
We’d love you to share this list!

The fun starts on Saturday 1 November. Newbies, find all the details of how to take part here.

The Wedding Nest is an online wedding registry which Damian and I happened to use for our wedding last year. Our home has many stylish new things because of it!