House Tours The Block

The Block series 13 studio reveals

Judge Neale Whitaker may have used every cliche in the book last night, but this year’s back yard studios really are the icing on the cake, the cream in the coffee and the ultimate gift with purchase, are they not?!

It was close, once again, with Ronnie and Georgia winning by half a point. Again! Sticks and Wombat and Josh and Elyse tied for second place with 29 points, Hannah and Clint were third with 27 and Jason and Sarah, who didn’t quite finish, came last with 26.

So, what did the judges have to say?

Jason and Sarah

Shaynna and Darren liked the way they’d shown you could have three distinct areas within the main space.

Shaynna thought the pitched ceiling was absolutely divine. “It feels so spacious.”

Neale loved the blue colour palette and said it showed how sophisticated Jason and Sarah’s style had now become. He and Darren both loved the walk-in robe and its finishes.

Shaynna said the en suite was beautiful and Neale absolutely loved the tiles.

But the missing grout and floor drain didn’t go unnoticed. “They must be kicking themselves because they’ve done such a beautiful job of layout and selection of finishes,” Shaynna said. “This is the pinnacle for them.” Neale commented while they’d clearly run out of time, they certainly had not run out of steam.

What to buy? Kimmy Hogan print (I have this one at home myself) and mid grey round Flynn mirror from Life Interiors.

Hannah and Clint

The couple were going for a Mid Century feel and the judges really liked it. Darren said it was a nice big open space and Neale said it had a great feel. Shaynna loved the styling and Darren said it was probably the best room they’d done all season. Neale agreed.

But while Shaynna found it hard to fault and called it beautiful, she just wasn’t feeling it and didn’t think it showed the possibilities of the space as much as Jason and Sarah’s before them.

They all loved the simple and practical walk-in. Neale loved the en suite tiles and said it was simplicity at its best. Darren loved the black accents and said it was all really nicely considered.

What to buy? MJG denim ottoman from Life Interiors, Skandi rug from Life Interiors (I am so in love with this!), Issy vanity from Reece.

Ronnie and Georgia

Shaynna loved the way they presented the room and said it felt like it had a real purpose. Darren agreed, saying you could have 6 to 8 staff and run your empire from there!

Neale said the pair always pushed the envelope that little bit further and was mad about their colour scheme and art choices.  Darren said it was an interesting choice to lower the ceiling and it had paid off, giving the room a more human scale.

They were all impressed with the walk-in and Shaynna said it was smart to have cabinets that could be taken away so the space could be used for something else entirely.

The en suite also went down well with all the judges, especially the ceramic tiles, which looked like real stone.

What to buy? Confetti Rain print by Tania Blanchard (or definitely an original if the budget stretches!), Larsson display cabinet in oak from Freedom (from the walk-in), Den leather armchair from Freedom.

Sticks and Wombat

Well, didn’t those four skylights make an impression?! Neale said it was like a barn and absolutely beautiful! Darren went as far as to say it was the most successful treatment of the vast high ceilings and Neale said he didn’t think he had ever seen skylights used so beautifully. Darren said the decision to panel the ceiling was sensational.

The judges liked the walk-in (with doors and everything!) and while they agreed the en suite didn’t have wow factor, they liked the tile choice and loved the underfloor heating.

Darren said overall the boys had learnt a great deal and grown a huge amount.

What to buy? Viridian framed print from Freedom, sofa bed with chaise from Modern Furniture, Orissa rug from Freedom (I’ve had two of these and they’re great rugs!).

Josh and Elyse

With its rendered wall and distinct living, sleeping and working areas, Shaynna said it didn’t have the flexibility of quite a few of the others but Darren disagreed and thought he could still imagine running a business out of there.

Neale said it was absolutely stunning. Darren loved the drapery and said they knew how to balance out all their elements.

Shaynna loved the bedhead, Darren raved about the colour palette and Neale said it was that beautiful mismatch which Josh and Elyse did so well.

That black walk-in robe was a great contrast and while the bathroom was nice, Shaynna thought the shower screen was much too narrow and Darren said it would cause a lot of water on the floor.

What to buy? Cutout wood bedhead (of course!) and fringed cushion from Cult Traders, The Pond artwork by Alieska, that black steel door.

Which was YOUR favourite?

All our Block coverage

House Tours The Block

The Block week 6 master suite reveals

Oh my goodness! Last week I said I’d disregard the drama in my room reveal write-up but that wasn’t really possible this week, being that Jason and Sarah didn’t finish their room and got zeros across the board. And when I say didn’t finish, I mean barely got started. The judges and Scotty were not impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mr Nice Guy Scotty so serious! And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely sympathise with how stressed, skint and hopeless the couple must have been feeling, but to just totally down tools and give up? I just can’t get behind that.

It was a very awkward judging session, with Scotty telling the couple: “You are here on this series because you said ‘we have an attitude of never give up,’ and that’s exactly what you did this week.”

When the judges saw the room (if you can call it that) they were horrified and disappointed. “Something’s gone terribly wrong,” said Neale. Darren summed it up with a great big “WTF?”. Shaynna asked what on earth have they done for a week? “They could have at least put some furniture in to show us what it was going to look like.” Darren said it was a bit of a slap in the face. Neale said: “They’ve been given a life-changing opportunity. To curl it up in a ball and throw it over your shoulder is an insult. People try so hard to get on this show and they have blown it.”

Scotty said he wholeheartedly agreed with everything the judges said and told them that they must finish the master suite and next week’s room in the next week or they’ll be sent home. Non-negotiable. No pressure!

Hannah and Clint: 25 points and third place

Hooray! They finished! This was a nice room which I don’t feel looks as good in these photos as it did on TV. Shaynna said it was very pretty. Darren loved the elongated bedhead and said the colours were on trend. Shyanna and Neale loved the floral wallpaper, with Neale saying it created a sense of romance. Shaynna was disappointed they’d left the top half of the windows uncovered (no good for sleep ins!) and Darren said the chandelier was absolutely spectacular but didn’t tie in with the rest of the room. The poor paintwork on the ceiling did not go unnoticed either.

Darren loved the walkin robe, saying he dreamed of having a central island full of drawers for accessories. “I love love love love love it!” Neale thought it was just okay, not being a fan of exposed wardrobes.

There were mixed reactions to the en suite. Darren said the vanity and mirrors were absolutely amazing. Neale hated that they’d gone with chrome tapware over brass or black.

Our picks to buy: Holly Graham Peonies Wallpaper from Grafico, Bailey velvet bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads, Moselle chandelier from Beacon Lighting.

Ronnie and Georgia: 28 points and second place

The judges loved the hallway with its art and Neale said it was like being in a hotel. Shaynna said it was absolutely beautiful. Darren added: “It’s hot, I love it.” The TV which pulled out of the wall went down very well (I want one!) but the lack of powerpoints by the bed lost them points and, ultimately, the win.

Shaynna said the built in rocked her world and the en suite impressed them all with its bath, double shower and double vanity. “It’s beyond luxurious,” said Shaynna. “It’s exactly the bathroom that goes with that bedroom.”

Our picks to buy: Velvet quilt cover and pillowcases from west elm, Grace bench leather ottoman from Freedom,

Sticks and Wombat: 24 points and last place

Poor old Wombat was left to crack on alone as Sticks headed home to wait for the imminent arrival of his second child, who still hadn’t arrived when judging came around. Typical! Then their blinds were measured wrong so couldn’t go up. Lucky Jason and Sarah had plenty of time on their hands to help out…

Neale said the styling was ordinary and Shaynna said it felt a bit casual, like a guest bedroom. Darren noted that the execution was better than some of the other houses though and it was the best paintwork they’d seen so far.

Things got better in the built-in. The judges said it was elegant, glamorous, and the door handles were magic. “The boys are frustrating because they do little bits of rooms really well,” said Neale.

They loved the en suite too, especially the beam across the double shower and the long towel rail. Neale said it was a generous and well thought through room. Shaynna said they just needed to re-style the bedroom and they’d be onto a winner. Sadly, as it was, they came last!

Our picks to buy: Dylan mirror in black from Freedom, Big Ass Fan, braided jute rug from west elm.

Josh and Elyse: 28.5 and first place

Now, I get to see the photos of the rooms before the show airs and I would have bet a lot of money that these two would win, and they sure did, if only by half a point!

Darren said it was amazing, Shaynna, gorgeous. But they noted the room felt grand and massive because there was no privacy and no door, and strongly recommended they try to fix that before auction day. Shaynna loved the render, the double curtains, the colour palette and the look. Darren loved the bedhead.

Shaynna didn’t like that the lounges and seating area were all about the TV but Darren and Neale weren’t bothered!

The art  (although nice) was all wrong though, eh?!

They said the wardrobe was excellent, a great size and very functional.

When it came to the en suite they were pretty much speechless and I can see why. “It’s va va voom,” said Darren. The judges praised the tile choices and Neale said if he had to choose one bathroom to have a bath in, it would be that one. I have to agree, it’s my favourite bathroom of the series so far. It just works!

Our picks to buy: Kensington bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads (who else?!), black wooden beaded chandelier from Fenton and Fenton, New Hampton daybeds from Freedom, sconces from west elm.

More on The Block.

Bathrooms House Tours The Block

The first Block series 13 room reveals

So, here we are with season 13 of The Block’s first room reveals! To be honest, I wasn’t loving any of them and thought the judges were very kind, that said, it is week 1 and they only had 48 hours, so we can’t expect masterpieces. Yet!

The stakes were high because depending on how well they did, the couples got to choose their preferred house from the five 1920s California bungalows.

So, here’s how they did! What did you think?

Sarah and Jason

Older (read mid-40s!) Perth couple Sarah and Jason, a nurse and a plumber, came in third. Their Myne by Prudence Caroline artwork was gorgeous but personally, I didn’t feel the room pulled together very well at all. But what do I know?! Shaynna criticised them for pulling out the period features people buy these kinds of houses for. But Neale was kinder, saying the room had come together really well.

But can we please talk about the state of that rug and the creased bed linen?! I hope it’s true that the room in reality was better than these photos!

Our pick: Branford dresser from Pottery Barn


Ronnie and Georgia

This pair came first, which is just the start of the drama, as this enabled them to get their first choice house, house 3, and all the goodies that came in the mystery safe (vouchers and cash). They also got to take the same amount they spent on their challenge room from another couple’s budget. Poor Elyse and Josh did not take the news well, and Georgia wasn’t too happy with their reaction. Well, you’d hardly expect them to be delighted but the tension was 100% clear! Eek! Tears already!

Back to the room, which turned out well, if a little too grey for my liking, despite the floor-sanding disaster and eventual carpeting. Neale liked the ceiling rose with the modern pendant and the cornicing. He said it was a great balance of heritage detailing and contemporary flavour. Shaynna said the lighting could have been better planned as the pendant was offset to the bed.

I really liked the wardrobe!

Our pick: Jersey doona cover set


Josh and Elyse

I think I liked this room the best, although agreed with Shaynna they should have left some period details behind! Darren said it was very Blocky! But Neale said more like it belonged on The Block in week 5, 6 or 7. Darren said the floor had come up a treat. Didn’t it just? I’d seen enough carpet! I admired the fact they tried to do something different, even if I didn’t love that feature wall colour.

They came 2nd.

Our pick: Bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads


Sticks and Wombat

Bless them! I’m just going to love this pair, especially Wombat! What a character! I love what they did with the bedhead even though I don’t think it suits the house at all! The less said about that armchair, the better. Darren walked in and straight away said two blokes did this room! Correct! Shaynna said it felt very eighties but Neale said even though the room 70% sucked, the remaining 30% was gold and he was intrigued to know more about the people behind it!

They came 4th.

Our pick: Merino chunky knit throw by Cindee Collections


Hannah and Clint

A mixed bag of reviews for this room, which came last. Darren said the cornice was lovely and the wall colour pretty, but everything else was lacking personality. Shaynna said it lacked soul because it was trying to be perfect. Darren said it lacked a big ticket item for a focal point but was still a very strong start. Neale said he hoped they wouldn’t be as safe next time.

Our pick: Kimmy Hogan print


The episode finished with us seeing how they got started on the next challenge: the main bathroom, which they’ll have a week to complete. A big call! Clearly, there’s going to be a lot of drama, but we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we?!

I can’t wait to see what they do. We’ll be bringing you each and every room reveal, as always!

Fancy giving The Block a go yourself? Pop back later today for some top tips from the man who is responsible for casting the contestants!

The Block latest.

Interiors Addict

Revealing the winner of the United Interiors Stylist Scout…

It was a tough call with less than 100 votes between them but we are delighted to reveal Jen @whitefoxstyling as the winner of the United Interiors Stylist Scout contest! She wins the opportunity to style the brand’s summer campaign (a paid gig, of course!) alongside experienced interior designer and TV personality James Treble. And as if that wasn’t exciting enough, she gets to treat herself with a $1,000 United Interiors voucher. Happy Christmas!

Here’s the picture that won it and a short video showing Jen putting her look together at United Interiors’ Melbourne showroom.

Type 2 for White Fox Styling

“We are so excited to finally reveal the winner,” says marketing manager Julie Ta. “It was such a fun day of styling; full of energy and creativity. To see what Jen and Krystal (@houseofharvee) achieved in the space of a few hours was amazing.

“We are so impressed by both stylists – they are both truly deserving finalists and we can’t wait to see what they get up to next. The United Interiors Stylist Scout is a great opportunity for an up and coming stylist to get a sense of what a working day is like in the life of an interior stylist – and it is especially beneficial to gain industry experience, connections and credibility to work on a commercial campaign.”

James said: “It’s always exciting to discover new talent and both the finalists definitely have that. I can’t wait to style the campaign with Jen. I hope it will be a fantastic learning experience for her and, of course, a lot of fun!”

A huge congratulations to Jen and our runner-up finalist Krystal (who will receive a $300 United Interiors voucher) for two very strong images.

Jen is not the only winner! We gave one of you the chance to win all the decor items from your favourite stylist’s image when you voted for them. Thousands of you cast a vote but the lucky person is Cassie Crawford.

Julie added: “We were overwhelmed by the response we had. Aside from the hundreds of entries and thousands of voters – it was wonderful to see interior design lovers and the creative community supporting the finalists on Instagram and Facebook. We are so glad to be able to bring this competition to life with Interiors Addict and we can’t wait to reveal the summer campaign styled by Jen and James.”

Shop online at United Interiors.

Kitchens The Block

The Block week 8 room reveals: kitchens

There were some pretty stunning results in last night’s kitchen reveals with two 30 out of 30 perfect scores for both Will and Karlie and Dan and Carleen. Considering they only had a week for such an involved and large room, all the couples did amazingly well. Here are the pix, the scores and the judges’ comments. If I had to pick a favourite personally, mine would be Julia and Sasha’s. How about you?

Check back here later this afternoon for our video tours with the top scoring couples and their kitchens!

KARLIE & WILL: 30/30, joint winners

The judges could barely contain their excitement. Darren said it was gigantic, the polished concrete flooring was absolutely spectacular and the colours worked brilliantly. Shaynna said the palette was divine and worked well with the other rooms. Darren was blown away by the benchtop, beautiful tapware and the sink. Shaynna thought it was superbly planned. Darren thought you felt you stood in the space and felt totally in control of the whole apartment. Neale said it was the nerve centre of the whole apartment.


Although Neale said the bar area felt unresolved, this was about the only criticism between them. Once they got into the butler’s pantry, Shaynna got really excited. Neale went as far as saying: “this is genius” and like a separate self-contained kitchen. As it turned out, the same could be said about all the couples’ pantries. “Visually it absolutely stunning, sleek and glamorous,” said Neale, adding that black is the new white in kitchens.

Shaynna said the kitchen did justice to the building and the rest of their apartment.



Get the look:

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

Neff coffee centre

Russell Hobbs Sienna Black Diamond toaster

DAN & CARLEEN: 30/30, joint winners

It started very well with Darren saying: “wow, I love that cabinetry.” The judges said the whole space sang! Neale said it felt incredibly spacious, beautifully understated and sophisticated. Shaynna said the benchtop was so massive it needed its own postcode! Darren called it the cherry on top. Shaynna loved the light fitting, even though it wouldn’t work in many kitchens and she also thought the styling was superb. Neale loved being able to see into the butler’s pantry too.


Again, there was little to criticise, apart from the lack of drawers picked up by Darren.  Neale thought it was their best room yet and Shaynna said it was a very high end European kitchen.



Get the look:

Hensley crystal pendant

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

Morphy Richards copper colour kettle


ANDY & BEN: 29/30, second place

Considering the boys’ serious lack of funds (which will really affect them this week it seems) they did well to pull off second place! Although it was a shame they wasted their bonus point as it turns out it wouldn’t have been enough to get them a win and the $10,000 they desperately needed.

Neale said felt very modern but referenced the Deco era. Shaynna loved the different colours. Another huge benchtop and luxury butler’s pantry, and the judges were still very happy!


Shaynna said the styling let it down and she’d like to see them remove a lot of the items and keep it simple. But overall it was magnificent and the party kitchen of the block. She said even though they’d kept a fun aspect from day one, they’d got more and more sophisticated.


Get the look:

Timber door handles

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

Siemens integrated rangehood

JULIA & SASHA: 28/30, third place

I loved this kitchen and thought it was very feminine and elegant. Darren was right when he said it was pretty and that Sasha and Julia had walked the line of a really simple palette, adding all the luxury touches you’d want.

Shaynna said the lighting was exactly right but the benchtop size felt a little mean especially with the oversized cooktop. Darren hugged the fridge and was like a kid at Christmas with all the high end appliances, especially the pop-up rangehood! The steam oven was too high though and an accident waiting to happen.

Neale said compared to the kitchens he sees in magazines, this ticked all the boxes and someone was going to walk in and be blown away.




Get the look:

Solid brass handles

Gold bar stools

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

KIM & CHRIS: 24/30, last place

All the judges loved the timber breakfast bar but Shaynna was concerned about how well the stone and the timber went together because they were both heroes. Neale felt it was a little bit clumsy and didn’t have the same flow as the other kitchens. “Everything slightly clashes.” Shaynna said it felt very top heavy and she would have preferred smokey glass to the mirrored splash back.


On the plus side, they thought the layout was fantastic and very functional. Darren liked the bench space on either side and the double swing doorway into the butler’s pantry. They were all amazed at the scale of the pantry and storage wise and design wise, Darren said it was really fantastic. They all thought Kim and Chris had produced an excellent kitchen but it just didn’t move them to the same level of emotion as some of the others. Shaynna said she couldn’t see two buyers fighting over the room.


Get the look:

LED lighting system

Siemens 90cm gas cooktop

Freedom Kitchens cabinetry and other details

–Our part-time Reno Addict features writer, Channel Nine journalist Lauren Ellis, has been at The Block for us, getting a better look around all the kitchens. We’ll be sharing the video footage here all week so make sure to check back in The Block section of the site!

Bathrooms The Block

The Block week 3 room reveals: master bathrooms

There was a lot to love about last night’s bathroom reveals, if you ask me. I wrongly assumed Julia and Sasha would win but they were knocked into second place by Dan and Carleen, who took out first place by just half a point. And, on reflection, while I really loved both their rooms, Dan and Carleen’s was certainly more true to the Art Deco period while cleverly feeling modern and on trend too. The top two bathrooms really were both beautiful.

Anyway, here’s a recap of the scoring and what the judges had to say…

Karlie and Will: 3rd place and 27 points


Last week’s winners continued to impress the judges this week with their sophisticated look, perhaps even more so because they’re only 25. Shaynna said the room was glamorous and she felt good in it.

Neale love the combination of the paneling (actually a money-saving measure) and the tiles and the simplicity of the colour palette. Darren also thought the panelling was a great idea.

Shaynna and Neale both loved the prints which referenced Melbourne in the era.


Darren was “completely, madly in love with” the basins and the light above the vanity was Shaynna’s favourite thing. She said: “It feels young and modern but also very sophisticated. These kids have style!”

Our pick: Wood Melbourne brass spout

Dan and Carleen: first place and 29 points


After some shocking feedback (and some would say a shocking room) last week, Dan and Carleen certainly managed to bounce back and show everyone what they were capable of. I personally loved it and agreed with everything the judges had to say. Neale was wowed and said the couple were definitely back in the game (don’t you love it when this happens on The Block?) and that it had such a great sense of period.

Shaynna said the vanity was stunning and the basin, gorgeous. Darren said it delivered exactly what they were probably hoping to deliver in week one; it had all the trend notes and cleverly, still delivered something of a bygone era.


Neale was particularly pleased to see the pared back and simple styling and Darren called their look new traditional, reminiscent of trends he’d seen from Milan. They did get knocked for having their light switches outside however.

Our pick: Geology marble wall hook

Andy and Ben: fourth place and 19.5 points


Andy and Ben seriously stepped up their game this week and I thought they produced a very good bathroom, if not my style. “These boys are growing before our eyes,” said Shaynna. Neale said the artwork was a touch of genius.


All the judges felt that visually, everything was spot on. But their decision (or mistake) in not including a toilet made no sense and it clearly lost them a lot of points.

Our pick: Velvet Soap advertisement print

Julia and Sasha: second place and 28.5 points



That vanity! The gold tapware! The tiles and the double shower! Sigh! Just gorgeous. I really loved this.

Shaynna said the vanity was stunning and Darren agreed it was beautiful due to each detail. “Everything about that is just perfect.” Neale said it was a bit of a wow moment.

Shaynna said the feature tile was beyond beautiful and “it’s everything you’d want out of double showers.”


Neale said the bathroom will have massive appeal on auction day and styling wise, they’d really nailed it. He felt the lights should be a bit lower though.

Our pick: Planet Luxe handwash

Kim and Chris: last place and 19 points

I feel so sorry for these two because they seem so damn nice, and positive, and hardworking! But, as Shaynna said, they really don’t “get” Art Deco, I don’t think. Shaynna said it was a mish-mash of chrome, black and gold. Darren said (sarcastically, and while struggling to hide his horror!) that more was obviously, more. And Neale said he felt like they’d now delivered three rooms from three totally different periods and their apartment was in danger of becoming a museum of rooms through the ages! Eep.


“What is this panelling?” asked (again horrified) Darren, while Neale said he liked it. Darren clearly thought Neale had lost the plot but the overhyped TVCs promising a big fallout between the two male judges were, as I suspected, totally over the top.


Neale said despite the errors it was still an elegant bathroom with so much space (they changed their floor plan) and buyers would walk in and be impressed.

Our pick: Sunday Minx towels

Next week: another guest bedroom and robe.


Competitions Styling

September 7 Vignettes with Weylandts Home

Sponsored by Weylandts

The winner of next month’s 7 Vignettes Instagram challenge will receive this stunning Edgar chair worth $895 thanks to our generous sponsors, Weylandts.

Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 12.05.18 PMWeylandts began as a traditional furniture manufacturer in Windhoek Namibia, in 1964. Today, the company has seven retail showrooms in South Africa and one in Melbourne. Its aesthetic, established by Edgar Weylandt and later refined by his son Chris, marries Scandinavian design-mindedness with an African heartbeat. You can’t say more unique and interesting than that!


Weylandts is known for its distinctive merging of clean minimalism with a raw, earthy spirit. Ranges are sourced from designers and makers from all corners of the globe, providing customers with the finest furniture and homewares from the best materials that nature has to offer.


“I just love how 7 Vignettes inspires the creativity in anybody. I just had to get Weylandts Home involved in this fantastic creative outlet,” says sales consultant Luci Sleep. One lucky winner of 7 Vignettes will receive a signature Edgar chair valued at $895. Conceived as an homage to Weylandts’ founder, the Edgar is handcrafted in South Africa from a combination of the finest American Oak and natural leather. Inspired by the original Spanish design by Borge Mogensens, it lends a Scandinavian aesthetic to any space yet triumphs in its functionality and versatility.

Here are September’s themes:


“We greatly look forward to what you all have in store for September 7 Vignettes and how you interpret the Weylandts way through the chosen daily themes,” Luci adds.

If you’re new to the challenge, you can find all the details here.

Please use the hashtag #7vignettes and tag @interiorsaddict and @weylandtshome

Reader offer

10% off storewide when you mention 7 Vignettes for the month of September 2016. Items can also be shipped Australia wide. For more information.



The Block week 1 room reveals: Master en suites

Hooray! We’re back to Block room reveals on Sunday nights, my favourite! Last night didn’t disappoint with a mixed bag of finished rooms and as much disappointment as there was praise from the judges. I’m pleased to say my favourite room, Julia and Sasha’s, won. Let’s recap on what the judges said and who scored what…


With its mix of rose gold and black finishes (personally I’d prefer one or the other but the judges didn’t seem to have a problem with the inconsistency, so what do I know?!), they were impressed overall. Neale said the pair had raised the bar from the previous week’s pod challenge and Shaynna said that for a young couple, they’d shown maturity and a great understanding of the sense of luxury required. Neale liked the nod to deco in the black blinds while Shaynna said the vanity was all wrong and took away from a lot of the good points. The lighting too, although pretty, was totally impractical.


Overall though, feedback was good. Neale said the bathroom would help sell the apartment, Shaynna loved the styling and Darren said the couple had proven they knew what they were doing.


The couple ended up coming second place with 25 points.


On first glance, I absolutely loved what this couple had tried to do, although on closer inspection, a few things did fall apart. I’m still mad for their subway tiles, gold tapware and black tub though! They made brave choices, even if some of them didn’t quite come off. And their look was certainly more Art Deco than anyone else’s. Perhaps a little too much.


Neale’s first impression was “wow” too. He said it ticked a lot of boxes. Shaynna agreed they had certainly taken on the whole deco look and loved the distressed subways and the patterned floor tiles. “The direction of the style is brilliant.” It was all going so well. Then…Darren! “I hate it!” While he couldn’t get past the unfinished floor tiles he also hated the raised bath and said it was a trip hazard and all wrong. The placement of the towels was also really awkward for anyone getting out of the shower.


None of the judges rated Dan and Carleen’s styling. The ‘I love the shit out of you’ candle was an odd choice in anyone’s book and I agreed with Shaynna that the Missoni towels, although high end, didn’t go at all. Sadly, the couple didn’t take the feedback well at all and found it all very personal. Hopefully they’ll get a little more used to being on a reality TV show as the weeks go on!

This couple came last with 17 points.


All I want to say about this pair is “Oh bless!” I mean really, who uses Radox shower gel, disposable razors and toothbrushes as the finishing touches in a high end bathroom?! But these young beginners are so genuine and have such great attitudes you can’t help but love them! And while their bathroom wasn’t a showstopper, their call to change the floorplan and keep part of it as an extra bedroom was, as Darren said, a master stroke.


Sadly though, Neale said it all felt a little bit cheap and Shaynna said it was everything she didn’t want to see (apart from the aforementioned Radox and razors, also basic chrome tapware, a Scandi vanity and concrete look tiles). Neale said they’d created  a bachelor pad feel and Darren noted that even if you know nothing about Art Deco, there’s nothing to stop you googling and finding out some pointers!


This likeable pair still managed to come third with 21.5 points. Again, bless!


This was my absolute favourite so I’m pleased the girls won with 26.5 points. Oh my, that gold tapware! I just love gold tapware but reluctantly decided it wasn’t the right choice for my own bathroom reno (starting today incidentally, so watch this space). So this bathroom left me feeling a tad jealous! The judges were also impressed with Darren declaring it “the business”; the perfect blend of contemporary and sophisticated with classic, bygone era.


Shaynna thought the cabinetry was perfection (agreed, so classy!) and Neale said it was very sophisticated and luxe.


While there were a few unfinished bits and the basin taps were too low, Darren still said the room was “spectacularly beautiful”.

A well deserved first place!


Oh dear. I hate to add insult to injury when these guys got such a bashing from the judges, but my eyes! I really was not a fan, but I was so impressed with the way the Newcastle couple took the feedback on the chin and vowed to learn from it. Brilliant attitudes and I really hope they go on to better things!


It did not start well with the judges with Shaynna asking ‘where are we?’ and Neale replying ‘in a time machine going backwards’! He added that it was completely soulless and off brief. Harsh but true. Shaynna said the shower tiles were ugly and just awful but thought the lighting and tapware were good choices (can’t say I agreed on the lighting). Where she was definitely right, and fair, was in saying that the quality of their work and time management were incredible.


They came in second from last with 19.5 points.

This season, The Block Shop has partnered with Matterport and Phoria to offer its customers a world first online retail experience. As of last night, you can now take yourself on a 3D tour of The Block and buy what you see from the comfort of your lounge room.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be rolling out this technology to our customers,” said Julian Cress, co-creator and executive producer. Online shopping is quickly becoming more and more sophisticated and to be able to take our fans behind the walls of The Block and let them get up close and personal with what the couples have created is really exciting.”

Trent Clews-de Castella, co-founder and CEO at Phoria (formerly Scann3d) said: “We’re working closely with The Block Shop to create a never seen before online retail experience. Each week, fans of the show can jump online and explore each room reveal directly from The Block Shop site. More importantly, using Matterport’s new Mattertag integration we can give users the ability to select products they like and click through to purchase within seconds. We’re excited by this new implementation, as we’re now witnessing these 3D tours evolve into intelligent environments that connect with rich media, all in the one holistic experience.” 

Head to The Block Shop to take a tour and go shopping!

Interiors Addict

The winner of May 7 Vignettes with United Interiors…

… is Katherine Dorrington! Chosen by this month’s sponsor, United Interiors. A no-brainer in my opinion!

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Julie Ta, marketing manager for United Interiors, says: “We had so much fun seeing all the interpretations of the 7 Vignettes themes this month, and really enjoyed having a daily dose of inspiration from so many talented creatives!

“It was a tricky choice with so many impressive entries, but we have decided on Katherine Dorrington as the winner for her artful eye for detail. Each of her images were so beautifully complex, yet pared-back and chic.

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“We were amazed by each individual vignette, and how artistic they all looked as a complete story. Much like choosing the right artwork or rug for a room, when each element works together, the result is stunning and it feels right.”

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Katherine wins a $500 voucher to spend on whatever she likes from United Interiors’ range of art, rugs and homewares.

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Shop online with United Interiors

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes April with Choices Flooring

Congratulations to @projectafterproject, the winner of this month’s 7 Vignettes contest as picked by our sponsor Choices Flooring!


Choices Flooring’s online content manager Ingrid Powell, says: “We have really enjoyed seeing all the entries to 7 Vignettes. After some debate in our office we have decided on Project after Project as the winner. Besides the birds eye view image being so cute, we also like that her entries were simplistic, not overly styled and were really happy to see how she understood our ‘fifth wall’ being the floor!”

Bird's eye view
Bird’s eye view

She wins a $2,000 voucher to spend with Choices Flooring — enough to transform at least one room on her home — with either carpet, timber, laminate, bamboo, luxury vinyl, tiles or even rugs! We can’t wait to see which! The prize also includes a phone or email consultation with me to help you choose!


Please contact us with your name, address and telephone number!

Get your free copy of the Inspiring Choices magazine sent to your door!


Competitions Designers Styling The Block

The winner of 7 Vignettes with Carpet Court & Darren Palmer

And the winner is @nylon_admiral13! Otherwise known as Luci Sleep! Congratulations, Luci! You win the gorgeous Hyam rug in Blush from Darren Palmer’s Provincial Lane range for this month’s sponsor, Carpet Court, worth more than $1,000.

Carpet Court ambassador Darren, who picked the winner, said: “I only noticed after reviewing the entries I liked the most that two of them were from Nylon Admiral. I thought the pics were subtle and nuanced, moody and had real character.

“The play of light and shade, compositions, all outstanding and each image worked well as a part of her overall week’s submissions. All in all, great skill and a great eye.”

I have to say, Luci was definitely on my favourites shortlist too!

Thanks so much to Carpet Court for the great themes and prize, to Darren for judging, and to everyone who took part, for brightening my feed. I love reading all your comments about how much you enjoy and get out of taking part. See you all next month!

The prize
The prize

If you’d like to take part in next month’s contest, read the guidelines and feel free to ask any questions in the comments. Luci, please contact us with your address and telephone number so we can get your prize to you!


The (8) winners of January 7 Vignettes with King Living

This month was a big one for prizes thanks to our generous sponsors King Living! They offered an Uno Sofa for the overall winner and Bongo Storage Ottomans for each daily theme winner. And without further ado, the winners are…

Overall winner: @hookedoninteriors “We love how each image captured the theme whilst still maintaining a consistent overall look,” says King Living social media coordinator, Katie Glover.

Overall winner: @hookedoninteriors

Sleep theme: @lauren.storey “Naps are best shared with a furry friend.”

@lauren.storey #sleep

Sunset theme: @englishgirl14  “Sunset is the perfect time for cocktails.”

Sunset winner: @englishgirl14

Queen for a day theme:  @mistic_187  “The King Cloud II, a throne befitting a queen.”

Queen for a day winner" @mistic_187

Entertaining theme: @gathering.light “The perfect accompaniments for movie night.”

Entertaining winner: @gathering.light

Relax theme: @mylittleteacup “There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing with a good book.”

Relax winner: @mylittleteacup

Colour pop theme: @thecontentcreative “Love the mix of greens.”

Colour pop winner: @thecontentcreative

Home theme: @thevelvetcode “‘Wherever my family is, that’s my home.’ We love the sentiment.

Home winner: @thevelvetcode
Home winner: @thevelvetcode

There are some beautiful feeds here by our talented readers and we encourage you to follow the hyperlinks to follow them.

A huge thank you to King Living. Winners should contact us with their name, address and telephone number.


The winner of 7 Vignettes November 2015 with Domayne

The winner is @stanadesigns! Congratulations!

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Rebecca Meier, Domayne’s digital and social media coordinator, said: “We were overwhelmed with the effort of the entries in the November 7 Vignettes competition! Some clever were people even creating things from scratch to participate. Wow! We had lots of fun monitoring the daily entries. It was extremely difficult to narrow it down to one daily winner as there were so many good vignettes.”

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In the end, they did chose @Stanadesigns though. “After a group discussion over text on Sunday, we came to an agreement. We loved her styling and the way she has managed to create each theme in such a beautiful way! Knowing styling, we know how much effort would have gone into those vignettes, even though they looked so brilliantly effortless. Congratulations @Stanadesigns – we hope you enjoy your $200 Domayne gift voucher and homewares pack. Congratulations to the seven daily winners too, you all did a fab job!

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“It’s lovely to be involved in a fun, friendly and uplifting week. It’s not very often social media is filled with those things. Thanks Jen and the 7 Vignetters for a fun week!”

Thanks so much to Domayne for sponsoring our contest for the second time and to everyone who takes part, shares beautiful images and encourages others’ efforts!

Any winners yet to give us their address details for prizes, please contact us now.

Competitions Styling

Winner of September 7 Vignettes + 10% off at Life Interiors

Well, our little Instagram contest certainly has its groove back! This last week has seen some truly stunning and clever entries. I’m delighted to announce this month’s winner, chosen by our sponsor Life Interiors, as @cassieeeesmith. Congratulations!

vignettes spetember winner

Nicole Arvela, showroom and creative manager for Life Interiors, said: “After much deliberation I chose hers. I thought that every picture was so beautifully composed and I just LOVED her series as a whole!”

Theme: mint
Theme: mint

Cassie wins a $500 Life Interiors voucher (please contact us with your address and telephone number to claim your prize).

Theme: natural
Theme: natural

10% off everything at Life Interiors for the next week!

Our brilliant second time sponsors Life Interiors are offering you all 10% off everything until midnight on Wednesday 16 September 2015 using the promo code INTERIORSADDICT10OFF online or mentioning this offer in person.

Shop online.

If you won one of the daily themes and have yet to contact us, please do as soon as possible to claim your $100 vouchers!

Interiors Addict

The winner of August 7 Vignettes with Officeworks

The winner of August 7 Vignettes as judged by our sponsor Officeworks is @emotivelightphoto. Congratulations! What a lovely series of images they were! While Sarah is a professional photographer it’s not a given that she’d be a styling whizz as well, so she is obviously multi-talented!

Theme: On the go
Theme: On the go

Sarah wins a $500 Officeworks voucher, many stationery lovers’ idea of heaven!

Theme: Inspired

Officeworks’ Carla Carafa said: “We loved working with Interiors Addict on #7Vignettes. The daily themes tied in perfectly with our brand and we were overwhelmed with what the followers came up with.”

It was such a great week and so nice to be back after a break in July. If you haven’t seen our new guidelines and how-to for the competition, please have a read here.

We had some great daily theme winners too, who all get Moleskine notebooks. Here are just a few of them:

Inspired by @rarepearstudio
Inspired by @rarepearstudio
Workspace by @redagape_styleanddesign
Workspace by @redagape_styleanddesign
Light by @brownpaperlemon
Light by @brownpaperlemon

Any winners who are yet to get in touch with their shipping address for prizes, please contact me ASAP.

Competitions Furniture Styling

Winners of June 7 Vignettes + 20% off everything at Retrojan

Well, thank goodness for guest judges is all I can say! Keeping up with the sheer volume of 7 Vignettes images when you have a newborn is tough! A big thank you to this month’s sponsors, Retrojan, who came up with the popular themes and have picked the daily and overall winners, which we’re sharing today.

The overall winner,  @mesalaris gets a $500 Retrojan voucher. Congratulations Melanie! What a pretty, colourful collection! Annaliese Loriot, social media manager for Retrojan, said: “Melanie has produced seven days of fun, beautiful and consistent vignettes. Each image has had a lot of thought put into the theme behind it and always made us excited to see her next vignette! Congratulations on a week of stunning images!”

The daily theme winners, who get $75 vouchers, are as follows:

Day 1 – White on white: @whiteroomcollective

Day 2 – Minimal: @angelasteynandco (last month’s overall winner is on a roll!)

Day 3 – Romantic: @englishgirl14

Day 4 – Colour: @blossomandlace

Day 5 – Bright: @alittlepartoftheworld

Day 6 – Timber: @natfee

Day 7 – Texture: @redagape_styleanddesign

All our winners should email [email protected] to claim their vouchers.


Retrojan are offering our readers 20% off everything until the end of the week. Simply enter the promo code INTERIORSADDICT20 at checkout or mention it while shopping at their Melbourne showroom and store. Valid 09/06/15 to 15/06/15 on full priced items only and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Go shopping!



Competitions Furniture Homewares Styling

The winner of April 7 Vignettes with Life Interiors

I’m so excited to announce the winner of this month’s 7 Vignettes, not just because it’s our biggest prize ever (a $1,000 voucher for Life Interiors) but because it was such a gorgeous seven days of creativity, stretching over the long Easter weekend. Sigh…

But there can only be one winner and the guest judges from our sponsors Life Interiors have had the tough job of choosing @design_social, aka Flyn Roberts. Congratulations! And if you had your eye on some goodies from Life Interiors, read on for your special reader discount.

Flyn's winning series of vignettes
Flyn’s winning series of vignettes

“We loved the way her vignettes came together,” said Nicole Arvela from Life Interiors. “We loved the simplicity, colours and composition of the seven as a whole.”

Flyn's blush vignette which was one of my favourites too
Flyn’s blush vignette which was one of my favourites too
Flyn's light vignette
Flyn’s light vignette

A huge thank you to Life Interiors, not just for the generous prizes but for getting so involved in the contest and Nicole even styling beautiful images for each daily theme.


Life Interiors are offering all our readers 10% off everything until next Friday 17 April using the promo code INTERIORSADDICT10OFF Shop online.

Flyn, please contact us with your telephone number and address to claim your prize.

House Tours The Block

The Block master reveals, ‘winegate’ and a disqualification!

Well well well, what a night of room reveals it was! Some great rooms and all very different, which impressed the judges. As Neale said: “All four have a very distinct personality and stand out for different reasons. It’s the most memorable master bedroom week I’ve experienced on The Block.”

That wasn’t all though; the results of the wine audit were in and a very smug Dee and Daz (fair enough) were shown to be NOT guilty! Then, at the end of the show, we saw Charlotte and Josh, after receiving the series’ first 30/30 from the judges, being disqualified from the scoring because they’d broken the rules by not using their Jimmy Possum bed from the recent challenge. Those bloody beds! As I keep saying on Twitter, never have I seen more of a PR fail for a brand on the show. I feel really bad for them! Couples either did their best to disguise their beds or didn’t want to use them at all. Eep!

Onto the judging…

Charlotte and Josh (30 out of 30, first place, had they not been disqualified)

The Block in Melbourne

I really liked this room and its lounge area but didn’t feel it quite warranted the perfect score it got from the judges, much preferring Dee and Daz’s overall. It was all a little too white for my liking and felt like it needed another layer or too. But not wanting to take away from the young couple’s glory, it has some great points.

“Yes, yes, yes yes!” was Shaynna’s initial reaction. Neale said the exposed beams gave a raw, contemporary quality that he loved and called it terrific.

They all loved the automated blinds and lights, especially tech-savvy Darren. Neale said it felt like Josh and Charlotte at their absolute best and they had created something like a self contained apartment or suite.

The Block in Melbourne

Shaynna closely inspected Charlotte’s paint job on the windows and was super impressed, saying they’d really worked hard. “This is their shining star, the pinnacle, what will have buyers in a bidding war.”

The massive walk-in wardrobe almost made Shaynna hyperventilate and generally went down really well, aside from the pendant light, which Darren said was a bit too Silence of the Lambs for his liking! Charlotte, born in the 90s, had never heard of the film. Bless!

The Block in Melbourne

Our pick to buy: Ingrain floating entertainment unit (by the same people who supplied their bathroom vanity last week).

Tim and Anastasia (24.5 out of 30, tying second place with Ayden and Jess)

The Block in Melbourne

I agreed with pretty much everything the judges said about this one. It was, on the face of it, a gorgeous, luxurious, cosy room.

Shaynna said it was beautiful and she loved the colours. Neale said he’s never been convinced they had confidence in their own style but this room maybe proved him wrong. He called it a gentle room with nothing in it that anyone would dislike, with a colour palette just enough to keep it modern.

Darren, perhaps diplomatically, said it was appropriate and saleable but didn’t seem overly excited and was intrigued that they hadn’t carried on the grasscloth wallpaper theme. He was concerned it was too similar to their first bedroom.

The Block in Melbourne

Shaynna kept it real though, pointing out that the curtains, while beautiful, needed channelling into ceiling and that the artwork above the bed too heavy (I totally agree, especially with those black frames).

The two-way doors to the walk-in were praised by all three as being clever. But while it was a good use of space and cabinetry, Neale said it felt a bit too much like a shop and he wasn’t sure about laminate, finding it grey and depressing. “It doesn’t feel luxurious. I’m underwhelmed.”

The Block in Melbourne

Darren also spotted a gaping hole near the window. Oops.

Ayden and Jess (24.5 out of 30, joint second with Tim & Anastasia)

The Block in Melbourne

This room drew mixed comments from the judges, with Neale being a bigger fan than the others. He said they were getting bolder with each passing week. Shaynna said it was like a younger version of Tim and Anastasia’s apartment.

Darren wasn’t exactly doing cartwheels and said he didn’t love it and it felt like a great second bedroom, not a master. He went one further to say it seemed “kind of juvenile” and unsophisticated. I totally agreed that the drum bedsides with no storage weren’t right. And I also agreed with him wanting to throw the artwork above the bed out the window. It looked too cheap and generic. top marks for personality, texture and layering though, I’d say!


Darren loved the wardrobe however, saying it dragged (interesting choice of word!) the bedroom up a level! I’m starting to see what he meant in our recent interview when he said he was going to be less Mr Nice Guy this series and more “cranky Daz”!


Neale finished off on some nice positives though, saying they’d got over their initial fears and misgivings and he wouldn’t change a thing.

Dee and Darren (27 out of 30 and first place after Charlotte and Josh’s disqualification)


Pow! This really was on another level to the others and I’m not sure why they scored less than Charlotte and Josh. So, at the end of the day, in my opinion, the most deserving couple won the 10 grand. The dark , moody grasscloth, the grand but contemporary four-poster, the perfect styling. Dodgy finishes aside, it was a cracker!

The Block in Melbourne

Darren was pretty much dancing around and trying to hang off the bed, he was so excited! “Woah, I love it! This is my all time favourite colour of grasscloth.” He loved the scale of the bed too.

Neale simply said: “Nailed it.” He added that it walked the line between really contemporary and classic, which is what Dee and Darren do again and again, and that it was finessed to a different level. Shaynna agreed it was gorgeous and felt like it enveloped you.

The Block in Melbourne

First impressions of the robe were great, with Darren loving the LED lighting and Neale, the choice of pendant light. They all noted a few finishing issues though, with Neale saying it was a little rough around the edges. Shaynna said the lack of blockout blinds and privacy were letting down a near perfect room.

Our pick to buy: Hale Mercantile Co doona cover and pillowcases.

With kitchen week now upon us, I’m excited! Which was your favourite this week? Did Charlotte and Josh deserve a perfect 30? Was their disqualification too harsh?