Interiors Addict

New e-decorating service means everyone everywhere can get an Abigail Ahern interior

She’s calling it the ultimate global, virtual interiors service for anyone anywhere. “Innately glamorous, multi-layered, with a tongue-in-cheek twist, it’s sure to propel any pad into the design pages of glossy magazines and (the best news) it works anywhere in the world – uptown, downtown, on the coast or in the country!”

abigail ahern

My favourite British designer Abigail Ahern, who I met and raved about last month, is now offering her services via the wonders of the world wide web. The service is created by a team member but overseen by Abigail herself. So if you love her unique look, which let’s face it, nobody can do better than her, and thought you could never afford to have her advice (or get it in Australia), that’s all changed.

Interiors Addict

Replicas suit a new generation of nesters

Interior stylist Emma Blomfield owns Nest Designs, a business that specialises in affordable decorating for everyone. Her innovative online service means she works with clients all over Australia. Here Emma shares her thoughts on the popularity of replica furniture.
“Replica furniture fits the bill for style and budget conscious home decorators. For these buyers, purchasing an original piece is not a practical option, whether that’s due to young children with sticky fingers, monetary constraints or simply the desire for more flexibility in their decorating style in years to come. 
Australia is not known as an elitist society but rather one that embraces inclusiveness, so whether you be a first home buyer, a young person setting up your first rental, or a busy family with competing financial demands, everybody is entitled to the look and feel that inspires them and this ideal has been central to Nest’s philosophy. 
Whilst replicas are largely produced in Asia, for the most part they are distributed by Australian companies therefore their purchase supports local businesses rather than large multi-national furniture retailers.  
By law, retailers must use the original designer’s name along with the word ‘replica’ to avoid confusion. Additionally, if the patent has expired then replicas can legitimately be created, as in other industries. 
Replicas allow a new generation of home decorators to discover and appreciate the innovative designers of the past. For practical reasons a replica might be the answer today, but this may lead to an aspiration to own an original piece in the future.”