Bedrooms Expert Tips

Spare bedrooms: for taking decorating risks and having some fun!

By Louise Reeves

A few months ago, I moved into a house with a very interesting little spare room in the form of a converted garage. The room was good for a few reasons; the previous owners had installed floorboards and tongue-and-groove built-in wardrobes, the windows were super cute, it’s on ground level and gets plenty of light.

lu room 1

To serve the purpose of a spare room it was totally fine in its original condition, it’s one of those rooms that would barely ever get used unless guests came to stay. Really all it needed was a few pieces of furniture and we’d be set. But where oh where is the fun in that? I saw this as a great opportunity to try out some risky ideas I’d been toying with for months, the kind of ideas that would be a little too scary for most clients, but really exciting to test in a risk-free environment.

Interiors Addict

A very stylish Start Up Salon launch

Last month I was thrilled to be invited to the first ever Start Up Salon (“a meeting of online mavens for women doing awesome things in the creative and online world”) and the launch of a lovely new blog called Ooh! by gorgeous sisters Kate and Lu Reeves. Lu is an interior designer and Kate is my almost-neighbour and the talent behind my wedding invitations (which must remain secret for a little longer) at The Story of Us.

start up salon

Kate and Lu are the kind of glam domestic goddesses who make people like me, who are, shall we say challenged in the kitchen, feel inadequate. Luckily they are delightful and really nice girls, otherwise I would hate them…