
Get restaurant quality pizzas at home

Don’t even get me started on my love of pizza. If I could eat that and pasta every day I would be one happy woman. But for cost and arguably more importantly health reasons, that’s not really a viable option… or is it?!

Justin North recipe
Introducing Breville’s Food Thinkers’ pizza recipe collection (all available online for free!), which features 14 unique and delicious ideas from Australian stars of the pizza world, including 2014 World Pizza Champion Johnny Di Francesco from 400 Gradi Melbourne and celebrity chef Pete Evans.

Cooked using the Breville Crispy Crust stone baked pizza oven (I want one of these so bad!) all pizzas can be made in minutes, with toppings ranging from: the classic Margherita by Johnny di Francesco, sweet potato with Spanish onion and goat’s cheese by Justin North of Hotel Centennial, Sydney, a paleo chilli prawn pizza with salsa verde from Pete Evans, and grilled zucchini, salami and mozzarella by Roberto Taffuri from Cavallino, Terrey Hills.


As domestic ovens don’t reach the required temperature, it is near to impossible to make a perfect pizza at home. Yet with the Crispy Crust stone baked pizza oven, which reaches temperature highs of 350°C (compared to an oven’s 240°C) it can mimic the unique cooking environment of a traditional brick pizza oven.

The Crispy Crust stone baked pizza oven makes it easy to cook authentic pizza at home in as little as five minutes, promising delicious pizza without the fast food nasties every time. RRP $169.95.

Interviews Kitchens RENO ADDICT

At home with My Kitchen Rules’ celebrity chef, Pete Evans

As soon as I found out we were going to get the chance to take a peek inside Pete Evans’ newly renovated Sydney home, I immediately wanted to check out his kitchen. As the owner of multiple restaurants and a judge on the hit TV show My Kitchen Rules, I had high hopes, and not surprisingly, I wasn’t disappointed!


“Our kitchen was always going to be the soul of our home, especially because home cooked, nourishing, mindful, paleo-inspired food is such a focus in both our business and our personal life,” explains Pete. “It’s the part of our home where we all enjoy so much memorable time together, which for us is an integral part of connecting with ourselves, each other and our food.”

Featuring an almost six-metre Corian island bench, it also doubles as their dining room table, a purposeful decision, to generate a feeling of closeness between the family and flow throughout the house. “There’s no separation between kitchen and dining and we also chose to have our kitchen and family room laid out in an open plan manner,” says Pete. “This allows us to always feel close to and communicate with the kids, which generates a nice sense of togetherness.”


The house is home to Pete, his fiancée Nicola Watson and his children Chilli and Indii. It has gone under quite a thorough renovation, including putting in a brand new kitchen, laundry and outdoor space. And while Pete says the original house had some great bones, he always knew he was going to have to renovate the kitchen.

“It was something that we needed to do regardless of which house we bought because we both definitely had an ideal kitchen in mind that suited our specific needs and our family,” says Pete. “In the beginning, the living area and kitchen were both quite dark and disjointed, whereas now it feels a lot more open, unified and filled with light. Everything flows from the kitchen to the family room to the outdoors and it has a pleasing brightness that greets you as soon as you walk in the front door.”


With a style that is not ultra modern but rather ultra functional, the home is full of clean lines, bright yet neutral tones and refreshing splashes of colour, a design aesthetic Pete always had in mind. “Both Nic and I were very hands on in the design because we knew exactly what we needed, from the colour, to the appliances, to the cupboards and drawers, and we were conscious of exactly what sort of space we required for everything to function harmoniously.”

With Nic being a talented artist and as an avid skull collector (her latest being a saber-toothed cat skull!) the home has no shortage of unique homewares and furniture, yet Pete’s favourite piece has to be his BoConcept couch: “It’s the ultimate place to snuggle up and watch a movie, which is something we all really like to do, especially in winter.”


While Pete undoubtably loves his home, especially that kitchen, it’s not actually a room that is Pete’s favourite part of the house. “I have to say the thing I love the most about our house isn’t anything that you can touch or see, it’s the sense of contentment and comfort that we all feel when we’re at home. That’s what wholeheartedly stands out to me and it’s a feeling that I don’t take for granted.”

Can’t argue with that, eh?

Do you like Pete’s home? Before you ask, much of the furniture shown is available from BoConcept and one of their interior designers helped him achieve the look.

Photography by Jacqui Turk.


Editorial assistant Olivia cooks pizza with Pete Evans and Breville

It’s in my DNA to be a pizza fanatic (yes I’m quarter Italian can’t you tell from my ghostly white olive skin?!) so when Breville asked me if I’d like to get ‘hot & crispy with Pete Evans’ (their words not mine), I wasn’t going to say no.

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What ‘hot and crispy’ turned out to mean was cooking pizza with Breville’s Crispy Crust stone baked pizza oven. First, My Kitchen Rules judge Pete demonstrated, then we attempted to copy. All up we made two pizzas: a chilli prawn, then the more indulgent pear and frangipane.

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Using the Crispy Crust we were able to cook our pizza at a whopping 350 degrees, meaning you could get the crispy crusts that are impossible to achieve in a regular household oven where the maximum temperature is in the 200s.

Olivia getting her cook on

The Crispy Crust also features a viewing window, which allows you to monitor the pizza without opening the lid and losing heat. It also automatically adjusts the temperature of the oven, depending on your pizza base’s thickness.

crispy crust


The Crispy Crust is a 12-inch ceramic pizza stone that has dual heating elements, top and bottom.

For more information.

If you love the latest kitchen gadgets too, don’t forget our appliances section.


Sous vide: the chef’s best kept secret, now available at home

Last week, I was lucky enough to attend a demonstration of Breville’s latest kitchen gadget, the Sous Vide Supreme, by My Kitchen Rules judge and celebrity chef Pete Evans (yes, he of the activated almonds) at Sydney Seafood School. It was my first visit to the fish markets, where the school is based, and wow, what a fascinating experience! A great way to get the mind buzzing with fish and seafood recipe ideas!

Breville Sous Vide Supreme BSV600

So, sous vide. Had I heard of it? No. But then we all know I’m not much of a masterchef and my kitchen certainly doesn’t rule. Literally translated from the French, it means ‘under vacuum’. I’d heard of boil in the bag fish (takes me back to my student days, with mashed potatoes please) but this is something way more sophisticated and, Pete assures us, used by almost every top restaurant in the world. Who knew? When you order that perfectly done steak, the reason it’s so perfect is because it’s been cooked in a plastic bag in a temperature controlled bath of water, then finished off with a flash in the pan! Fascinating! Some would call it cheating. I’d call it smart.