Interiors Addict

Interiors Photo Month is back for September!

Can you believe it’s almost September already? Following the success of my July interiors photo a day challenge, it’s back for September, starting on Saturday. Here’s the list so you can start having a think about what you’ll photograph!

If you don’t know what I’m on about, read up here. I hope to see your interiors photos on Instagram soon! The hashtag is #interiorsphotomonth and my Instagram handle is jenbishop_interiorsaddict

Interiors Addict

Interiors photo month on Instagram. Wanna play? Here’s how…

Who is on Instagram? Who knows about #photoaday? Who wants to have some fun and be creative with their phone and interiors-inspired photos? If you read this blog, you know you do!

Fellow blogger Fat Mum Slim came up with the super fun idea that is Photo a Day on Instagram and I thought it would be cool to start a specifically interiors version. Before doing this, I asked her permission rather than just ripping it off. We have manners here in the blogosphere. Thankfully she said yes. Thanks, Chantelle!