
Stylist Jason Grant’s Christmas gift wrapping tips

Wrapping presents can be in equal parts exciting and daunting. What are Jason’s top tips? “Keep it simple. Choose one wrapping paper and one type of ribbon for a streamlined look and maximum impact. En masse they will look neat and uniform. A tip for wrapping: make sure you don’t use too much paper on each present, excess will look messy. Measure and cut the paper to size so you have just enough. Precision folding is best and use good tape and sharp scissors.”

Jason’s step by step guide to wrapping presents

1. Be prepared: Use good tape and sharp scissors. Avoid excess paper for a neater finish.

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2. Precision: Don’t rush. Measure twice, cut once.

QVB JG Present Wrap 2

3. In the fold: If you’ve cut just the right amount of paper, folding the ends should be simple. A nice square edge always looks best.

QVB JG Present Wrap 3

4. Theme: Choose wrapping paper that has personality. Have a common theme so people recognise your presents under the tree.

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5. Finishing touches: don’t be afraid to dress up your gifts. A simple decoration does the trick.

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–Jason put these tips together with the help of the QVB’s Forever the Magic of Christmas catalogue.
