Bedrooms The Block

The Block 2019: guest bedroom 2 All Stars reveals

We’re currently experiencing a cable outage at Interiors Addict HQ! In short, some live wires came crashing down across the road outside in Friday night’s storms and although we’re nearly back to normal, we couldn’t tune into The Block last night! So, today’s write-up comes courtesy of our friends at The Block Shop! And as I still haven’t watched, I’d love you to tell me what the rooms were really like and which you thought should have won!

Mitch and Mark / Alisa and Lysandra: LAST PLACE
Score: 27/30

Mitch and Mark – with the help of Block all stars Alisa and Lysandra, managed to create a simply stunning room this week, despite the fact they flipped the architect’s plans again, changing the space to become a huge master suite, complete with walk-in robe and ensuite, connected via a private corridor.

“This room is the grand statement of what we’ve done. The master bedroom is the owner’s sanctuary,” Mitch said ahead of reveal.

The judges loved what they did – especially their statement ceiling, complete with that amazing pendant light.

Tess and Luke / Josh and Elyse: JOINT THIRD PLACE
Score: 28.5

Queenslanders Tess and Luke paired with previous Block champs Josh and Elyse, whose understated and chic fingerprints were all over this stunning, pared back “Scan-deco” guest bedroom.

The hero of the room was undoubtedly that beautiful wooden feature wall, which worked beautifully with the dressed bed in blush pinks and greys, the dark grey walls, light grey fitted robes, study nook with wire-framed chair, and the beautiful suede ottoman at the foot of the bed.

Deb and Andy / Josh and Jenna: FIRST PLACE
Score: 29.5

Deb and Andy – with help from Block mega-champs Josh and Jenna – went all out this week to present a stunning guest bedroom. And they were rewarded with a win! Courtesy of that controversial bonus point.

As Deb explained, this week the couple from country New South Wales were attempting to “not just create a look, but also a feeling.” And they certainly did that – the judges fell in love with their simple yet sophisticated guest bedroom space.

El’ise and Matt / Ronnie and Georgia: SECOND PLACE
Score: 29

The addition of Perth super champs Ronnie and Georgia really spurred this year’s Western Australian contestants on this week, and they stepped up their game to reveal a simply stunning guest bedroom. This week the couple effectively created a second master, choosing to add AM and PM wardrobes and a connecting ensuite, giving their house the option of a second main bedroom space.

And it was a master stroke – almost winning them the week, if Andy and Deb hadn’t used their pesky bonus point!

The judges loved their room, which featured that bold, art-inspired Graffico feature wall, blush pink walls, a burgundy bed styled in greys and greens, marble side bench, soft, grey occasional chair and circular side tables. A black grid-formation mirror, black wardrobes and black details on the furniture tied everything together, making a dramatic, opulent and sumptuous guest bedroom that the judges liked a great deal.

Jesse and Mel / Deanne and Darren: JOINT THIRD PLACE
Score: 28.5

Jesse and Mel, along with their all star teamsters Dee and Daz, presented a beautiful guest bedroom, which, as Jesse explained, was all about “effortless luxury.” They included a recessed slate-grey velvet bedhead, which complimented the blush pink linen, the dark-coloured wardrobes, that large circular floor rug, the round side tables, and simple brass wall sconces.

The judges liked what they had done.


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House Tours The Block

The Block series 13, week 5 living/dining reveals

I’m just going to gloss over this week’s drama (and there was a lot!) because, well, I don’t really care! Let’s stick to the rooms and the judging!

Sarah and Jason: second with 26.5

The fire! I agree with Shaynna, the fact it was it centred made it even better. It’s safe to say all the judges loved it. Neale thought the room was stunning, especially the navy blue and gold colour palette (me too!). “Everything has been chosen with such care and style,” he said. “They have pared back beautifully.” Darren noted the great sofa choice, but Shaynna didn’t think there were enough seats for a five-bedroom house. The judges also loved the extendable dining table but the light being positioned wrong (off centre, which was a mistake) let it down. Easily fixed later though! They loved the artwork by the couple’s daughter Greta and loved the fact it said family.

Our picks to buy: LEDlux Circa dimmable pendant light, west elm Terrace Console, west elm Distressed Foliage Rug.

Hannah and Clint: third with 23.5

This couple changed the floorplan again with their nib wall dividing the living and dining. I loved the idea but I don’t think it executed well in reality, making both rooms seem a little pokey. The concrete render looked great though. Neale said it made him feel cut off from the living room. Darren said it made it feel smaller Shaynna said the dining table was too small as it only seated six. The styling though, was beautiful, they said. Neale said the level of sophistication was correct for the market. Overall though, the wall was a bad choice. Neale said the main living room was now not big enough for the house. Jason and Sarah took the feedback on board but said they’d be keeping it!

Our picks to buy: Mia Oatley artwork, west elm Avery coffee table, west elm Bello Shag Wool rug.

Ronnie and Georgia: joint first with 29.5

The judges were all impressed from the start. Darren loved the timber table and spacious dining area, Shaynna loved the big couch and Neale was wowed by the neutral palette. He said the level of sophistication was incredible and the level of skill was one he had rarely seen on The Block. Shaynna said the artwork was one of the nicest she’d seen on the show. I liked this room too, although I personally prefer a bit more colour, but the lights over the dining table drove me nuts and I just thought they looked messy! Just me?!

Our picks to buy: GlobeWest Finsbury herringbone dining table, Rug Addiction rug.

Sticks and Wombat: last with 20

“Somebody loves timber! A lot,” said Darren. the judges were clearly overwhelmed by the use of timber. Neale said it was a bit like a Japanese/Scandi/industrial mishmash. Darren said ‘Japandi’ was a spot on trend, but the black cabinetry around the TV didn’t fit at all. Neale said the room was disappointing because nothing worked together. Darren thought the adjustable dining table made no sense (agreed) and Shaynna pointed out the couch was too small for a five-bedroom house and as it was their only lounge room, it was even more important for them to get it right.  The home automation went down well but Neale said the room lacked warmth and soul. Shaynna said they needed to stop and rethink who they are and think more about appealing to the buyer and the market. The poor lads were visibly upset. Personally, I loved the timber in this room. I agreed on the dining table and I didn’t love the lighting or the cabinetry around the TV. But I thought the judges were a little harsh overall.

Our picks to buy: Hampton wool and jute rug, Freedom fabric ottoman, west elm Mongolian lamb cushion.

Josh and Elyse: joint first (after using their bonus point) with 29.5

The judges quickly worked out the fire hadn’t been finished but loved the look of it anyway. The amazing long concrete shelf wowed them (I loved it too) and Neale said it was the hero. Darren said the room was like the greatest hits of all the other houses and had a raw, kinfolk aesthetic. Shaynna said the dining table styling was drop dead stunning. I’m not a big fan of a fully set table myself; it’s generally a big no-no. Too much! Neale said the room was contemporary and had soul. I felt this room was one of the most cohesive overall.

Our picks to buy: Fireplace, west elm Slope leather dining chairs, west elm low bone coffee table.


So go on, tell me, what did YOU think of the rooms AND the drama?!

More on The Block.

House Tours Kids Rooms The Block

The Block series 13 week 3 room reveals: kids’ bedrooms

Last night’s kids’ room reveals were more enjoyable than I expected. Much as I personally, as a mum, enjoy the fun of decorating a children’s room, they don’t always make the best TV. You can’t really showcase the luxury, glam and gadgets you can with, say, a master bedroom. But I was pleasantly surprised with all the great ideas the contestants came up with, as well as how sophisticated most of them looked. And I have to 100% agree with Ronnie and Georgia winning (second week in a row) as there was really nothing to criticise in their gorgeous space. I absolutely loved Sticks and Wombat’s though (what a shame about the wallpaper) and Jason and Sarah did a great job too. Without further a do, here are more photos, judges’ comments and our picks to buy, from first place to last.

FIRST: Ronnie and Georgia

Well, that wallpaper on the ceiling was a fantastic idea, beautifully executed and the judges loved it. Darren said everything about the room was wow and Shaynna said it was a  bedroom memories are made of. Neale said they’d gone all out to reflect childhood; 100% whimsy. Shaynna thought the styling was perfect. Darren loved the storage and said the room would suit a child from two to 11 and could be easily reorientated to a teenager room with minor tweaks. Shaynna added it was one of the very best kids’ rooms she’d ever seen. “They’ve thought of everything.” Not surprisingly with comments like these, the couple scored the first perfect 10 of the season.

Our pick to buy: Incy Interiors Eden bed, Pottery Barn Kids tea sandwich set, cotton candy print.

SECOND: Jason and Sarah

Shaynna said it was good they hadn’t pigeon-holed the room to a certain age. Darren thought it was very sophisticated and loved the wallpaper. Neale said it was very child friendly but not childish; really beautiful. And Shyanna said their wallpaperer was a magician (someone introduce him to Sticks and Wombat!). Neale loved the level of restraint without sacrificing the sense of fun. Darren said the Jack and Jill en suite (shared by two bedrooms) was a master stroke of planning.

Our pick to buy: Eurowalls gold zebra wallpaper, giant rhino, Heatherly Design Bailey Bedhead.

THIRD: Sticks and Wombat

This room was all about the fun, but great craftmanship too. Darren was truly like a big kid, and said “this is mad!” and the stuff of many kids’ dreams. Neale said it was like their own private tower. Shaynna was first to notice the wallpapering disaster, although she loved the actual design. Darren said it was a real downer when everything else was “up up up”. Neale said no-one was going to forget the house with the climbing wall though. Too right!

Our pick to buy: Winston the Wombat print, Alessia wallpaper, Kylie the Kangaroo cushion, Sticks Photography wave print.

FOURTH: Josh and Elyse

These guys didn’t have a great week, with Keith and Dan shutting down their site for a time due to their unsafe demolition. Their mezzanine idea paid off though. The judges all agreed they were going for more of a teenager room and Neale said kids would be excited that it feels like a mini apartment. Shaynna and Darren loved the wardrobe too. But that’s where the positives ended. Shaynna hated that the room had been stripped bare of any heritage elements and Neale agreed it could easily be a room in a new build. The judges found the styling a bit underwhelming too. Darren said there was no great contrast and Neale would have liked to have seen a bit of romance or escapism; something to get excited about.

Our pick to buy: Leather bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads, west elm rug, Luca linen rectangle cushion.

LAST: Hannah and Clint

The floorplan change and having a sliding glass door to the outside in a children’s room did them no favours in the end. It wasn’t all bad though. Darren immediately loved the playfulness and Shaynna said all the styling choices were very gorgeous. Neale liked that it was very obviously a child’s room but without being sugary sweet. “It’s kind of modern and cool.” Darren said it was well finished and loved the wardrobe (even if the door knob came off in his hand! Oops!). He and Shaynna agreed the room was small and felt a bit squashed. Shaynna said you wouldn’t want a sliding door to a courtyard with kids because it was unsafe. The judges agreed their planning had brought them undone.

Our pick to buy: The Family Love tree bedhead.

The Block latest

Bathrooms House Tours The Block

The first Block series 13 room reveals

So, here we are with season 13 of The Block’s first room reveals! To be honest, I wasn’t loving any of them and thought the judges were very kind, that said, it is week 1 and they only had 48 hours, so we can’t expect masterpieces. Yet!

The stakes were high because depending on how well they did, the couples got to choose their preferred house from the five 1920s California bungalows.

So, here’s how they did! What did you think?

Sarah and Jason

Older (read mid-40s!) Perth couple Sarah and Jason, a nurse and a plumber, came in third. Their Myne by Prudence Caroline artwork was gorgeous but personally, I didn’t feel the room pulled together very well at all. But what do I know?! Shaynna criticised them for pulling out the period features people buy these kinds of houses for. But Neale was kinder, saying the room had come together really well.

But can we please talk about the state of that rug and the creased bed linen?! I hope it’s true that the room in reality was better than these photos!

Our pick: Branford dresser from Pottery Barn


Ronnie and Georgia

This pair came first, which is just the start of the drama, as this enabled them to get their first choice house, house 3, and all the goodies that came in the mystery safe (vouchers and cash). They also got to take the same amount they spent on their challenge room from another couple’s budget. Poor Elyse and Josh did not take the news well, and Georgia wasn’t too happy with their reaction. Well, you’d hardly expect them to be delighted but the tension was 100% clear! Eek! Tears already!

Back to the room, which turned out well, if a little too grey for my liking, despite the floor-sanding disaster and eventual carpeting. Neale liked the ceiling rose with the modern pendant and the cornicing. He said it was a great balance of heritage detailing and contemporary flavour. Shaynna said the lighting could have been better planned as the pendant was offset to the bed.

I really liked the wardrobe!

Our pick: Jersey doona cover set


Josh and Elyse

I think I liked this room the best, although agreed with Shaynna they should have left some period details behind! Darren said it was very Blocky! But Neale said more like it belonged on The Block in week 5, 6 or 7. Darren said the floor had come up a treat. Didn’t it just? I’d seen enough carpet! I admired the fact they tried to do something different, even if I didn’t love that feature wall colour.

They came 2nd.

Our pick: Bedhead by Heatherly Design Bedheads


Sticks and Wombat

Bless them! I’m just going to love this pair, especially Wombat! What a character! I love what they did with the bedhead even though I don’t think it suits the house at all! The less said about that armchair, the better. Darren walked in and straight away said two blokes did this room! Correct! Shaynna said it felt very eighties but Neale said even though the room 70% sucked, the remaining 30% was gold and he was intrigued to know more about the people behind it!

They came 4th.

Our pick: Merino chunky knit throw by Cindee Collections


Hannah and Clint

A mixed bag of reviews for this room, which came last. Darren said the cornice was lovely and the wall colour pretty, but everything else was lacking personality. Shaynna said it lacked soul because it was trying to be perfect. Darren said it lacked a big ticket item for a focal point but was still a very strong start. Neale said he hoped they wouldn’t be as safe next time.

Our pick: Kimmy Hogan print


The episode finished with us seeing how they got started on the next challenge: the main bathroom, which they’ll have a week to complete. A big call! Clearly, there’s going to be a lot of drama, but we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we?!

I can’t wait to see what they do. We’ll be bringing you each and every room reveal, as always!

Fancy giving The Block a go yourself? Pop back later today for some top tips from the man who is responsible for casting the contestants!

The Block latest.