Expert Tips Homewares Interviews Styling

Stylist Juliet Love on the 7 ways to get the designer look for less

With a very impressive resume, stylist Juliet Love has worked for the likes of Christian Dior and Mirvac, written for Home Beautiful and News Limited, co-hosted and presented on The Morning Show and The Lifestyle Channel and is the wife of landscape designer Charlie Albone (one of our Reno Addict resident experts) and the mother of two beautiful little boys. My, I feel tired just listing it all! And now, Juliet has added another profession to her growing list of achievements: author.


Her first book, Love Style, is all about showing readers how they can create a beautiful home without having to employ a professional designer. Featuring simple tips, readers will learn how to: find their own style and inspiration, create mood boards, stick to a budget, use the rules of balance, harmony and proportion, mix patterns and colours and more!

Believing if a home’s decor is executed in the right way it can “literally take your breath away,” Juliet’s aim is to help readers create a home that is striking, expresses their personality, and most of all makes them feel happy and inspired. One of the biggest tricks of the trade she shares is how to get the designer look for less, and I couldn’t resist asking her for one little teaser. Juliet, kindly shared seven!

1. Not everything has to match


Some of the most stylish rooms in the world aren’t perfectly coordinated. In
fact, often it’s the opposite. An eclectic mix is much more exciting visually so be adventurous and try a few items that you wouldn’t naturally assume go together. Create a ‘story’ by placing items together that might be different styles, but have something about them that is similar – a touch of gold paint, or an interesting shade of fuchsia in the detail of separate items is enough to tie pieces together.

2. Think big

When you’re talking decor and accessories, big is generally better. It just says luxury. A few carefully selected large-scale items make a room seem more substantial. Lots of little items tend to look cluttered and get lost amongst the mess.

3. Wallpaper in unexpected places

Wallpaper looks brilliant in small spaces – in an entry foyer, hallway, at the back of open bookshelves or cupboards, and even on the ceiling. Don’t just stick to traditional patterned wallpaper either; modern textured wallpaper can look fabulous too.

If you can’t afford to wallpaper an entire room, use wallpaper on a panel of the wall, or use a covered canvas as an artwork. Lining the back of open shelving with wallpaper and even the exterior of closet doors, will inject some unexpected visual excitement into a room.

4. Have one or two showstoppers


It’s true you don’t have to spend a lot of money on every piece in the room, but you should consider investing in one or two items. If everything is cheap, then quite frankly everything is going to look cheap. The showstopper doesn’t have to be a piece of furniture – it would be equally effective to have an upscale Italian light fitting in the middle of your room as a dramatic piece.

5. Decorative moldings and architectural hardware

Adding paneling to sections of a wall — usually the lower area — or adding crown moldings to ceilings or walls, will give your space a designer look. Paint them a contrasting colour for the most striking effect. You can get easy-to-apply moldings for mass-produced furniture from inexpensive chain stores. When painted they can be transformed into an unrecognisable design piece.

New knobs and handles on cupboards and drawers in kitchens, bathrooms and even on bedroom furniture can be just the update your existing items need. Go for glass or coloured knobs, or contemporary silver for a more modern look.

6. The detail – accessories and embellishments

One thing that most professionally designed homes will have is an attention to detail through embellishments such as piping, fringes, edging on upholstery and decorative accents thoughtfully placed around the room to tell a story and bring the room to life. Think about adding a contrasting edge to your lampshades or curtains, or a distinctive piped border to your sofa to get a stylish look.

7. Hang art


A common feature of expensive homes is the art that decorates the walls. The art itself doesn’t have to be extravagant, the trick is to hang it like you would see in a gallery – in multiple matching frames, or have one oversized artwork on a main wall.

For more great tips make sure you pick up Love Style, which is available at all good bookstores from the end of the week. For more information.

Interiors Addict

Martyn Lawrence Bullard from Million Dollar Decorators on The Morning Show

The fabulous Martyn Lawrence Bullard from Million Dollar Decorators was recently interviewed on The Morning Show, sharing his tips on creating a great interior on a budget. I loved his panel talk at decoration + design last week. More on that later this week… My favourite quote from this interview? “If there’s something that you love, you should own it.” Quite right!