Interiors Addict

Why I heart Selling Houses Australia

In Collaboration with Lifestyle

I have Foxtel for the Lifestyle channel only. Fact! I am a total Selling Houses Australia addict. I even watch those really old episodes I’ve already seen before (maybe more than once!). I just love this show, and having been lucky  enough to meet and get to know Shaynna Blaze and Charlie Albone in the course of my job, I really feel like I know them and I know their great on-screen chemistry is the real deal. And as for that Andrew Winter, how hilarious is he?! I love his cutting sarcasm and no-holds-barred dressing downs of the homeowners when they get a little too greedy come auction time (and how often does that happen, eh?!).

I think what I love most about the show is that it keeps it real, much like this blog. They really do work with some challenging (and that’s putting it nicely) homes and unlike some of those bigger budget makeover shows, we are not talking unrecognisable transformations here. We’re talking realistic changes without over-captilising which fix the main issues that have been stopping the properties from selling, sometimes for years! The shows are full of inspiration for DIY fixes we could all try at home without having to re-mortgage. And let’s not forget that crucial ingredient: human interest! There are always stories behind the homeowners; usually ones which pull at the old heart strings, and I’m a sucker for that!

So of course I’m loving the new series of Selling Houses Australia on Lifestyle. Have you been tuning in? Episode one was a cracker: a converted church in the middle of nowhere outside Adelaide. Entry to the house is through a derelict bathroom (you couldn’t make it up). The quirky Dutch expat owners bought it on a bit of whim with visions of a country weekender. They started renovating but a serious injury to David stopped their progress and then all their focus went into their new chess cafe business.

BEFORE exterior
AFTER exterior

But of course, Shaynna and Charlie are up for the challenge to turn it into eclectic, Instagram-worthy holiday accommodation! Shaynna makes great use of paint to make a big impact on a small budget (including a brave black feature wall). She creates a bathroom with some seriously wow factor tiles, paints the existing kitchen black and adds quirky and repurposed furniture.

BEFORE bathroom
AFTER bathroom

Charlie makes the out buildings stripey, defines the front courtyard, has a bee hive relocated by the professionals and plants low-maintenance natives. And it all pays off, as after the first open they receive two offers and sell for $250,000.

BEFORE kitchen
AFTER kitchen

In episode two we meet Queensland empty nester Kelly and her large family of rescue greyhounds (and other canine friends). I always cringe when I see a house full of dogs (not that I’m not a fan). You know what’s coming: unpleasant smells and claw damage! And let’s not talk about the room with a treadmill for the dogs to exercise on! Kelly is clearly struggling to keep on top of her acreage and her house on her own, alongside her busy job as a train guard. As with many of the show’s case studies, Kelly is emotional about leaving a home where she has brought up her kids and been through a lot.

Charlie and Shaynna know they’re in for some serious hard work, but as always, they rise to the challenge! In his best English accent, Charlie describes it as “quite dreadful,” and Shaynna says: “it’s dark, bad colour scheme, dirty, but to me it’s more about the floor plan.” Off to a great start! But of course, they do a great job, and for once, Kelly is a realistic seller! Kelly received a good offer which sadly fell through, but there was interest and hopefully she has sold by now.

This series is off to a strong start and I can’t wait to watch the rest!

Selling Houses Australia series 11 is on Lifestyle Channel at 7.30pm on Thursdays and is repeated on Lifestyle HOME.

Interiors Addict

Have Shaynna Blaze help you renovate your home for new show

How would you like the opportunity to have Shaynna Blaze and her innovative reno experts help with the redesign of your home?

shaynna deadline design

If there’s something important looming in your life that has you facing a renovation deadline, then we may be able to work together. It might be that a baby’s coming, you’re bursting at the seams, converting a garage into a granny flat, planning a big celebration at home … it doesn’t matter the reason, the show’s producers would love to hear from you.

You just have to be budget ready and prepared to have it filmed for new LifeStyle Home programme: Deadline Design with Shaynna Blaze.   

In return, you’ll get the team’s design skill, expertise and help transforming your home, apartment, warehouse or shed so efficiently it meets that deadline. Their aim is to transform your place so it’s not only wonderful to live in but also amazing to look at – gobsmacking in fact!

Best to apply if…

  • You live in Melbourne
  • You have a deadline
  • You are prepared to participate sometime between November 2015 and June 2016 (all builds will take place over a two-week period)
  • Are willing to contribute 100% of the makeover budget less the cost of Shaynna’s design services (and there will almost certainly be extra goodies along the way).

How to apply

Email [email protected].au


  • Your contact details
  • Address of property
  • Brief description of renovations planned
  • Budget
  • Event/deadline you need the work done for.

Good luck!


Expert Tips Homewares Interviews Styling

Stylist Juliet Love on the 7 ways to get the designer look for less

With a very impressive resume, stylist Juliet Love has worked for the likes of Christian Dior and Mirvac, written for Home Beautiful and News Limited, co-hosted and presented on The Morning Show and The Lifestyle Channel and is the wife of landscape designer Charlie Albone (one of our Reno Addict resident experts) and the mother of two beautiful little boys. My, I feel tired just listing it all! And now, Juliet has added another profession to her growing list of achievements: author.


Her first book, Love Style, is all about showing readers how they can create a beautiful home without having to employ a professional designer. Featuring simple tips, readers will learn how to: find their own style and inspiration, create mood boards, stick to a budget, use the rules of balance, harmony and proportion, mix patterns and colours and more!

Believing if a home’s decor is executed in the right way it can “literally take your breath away,” Juliet’s aim is to help readers create a home that is striking, expresses their personality, and most of all makes them feel happy and inspired. One of the biggest tricks of the trade she shares is how to get the designer look for less, and I couldn’t resist asking her for one little teaser. Juliet, kindly shared seven!

1. Not everything has to match


Some of the most stylish rooms in the world aren’t perfectly coordinated. In
fact, often it’s the opposite. An eclectic mix is much more exciting visually so be adventurous and try a few items that you wouldn’t naturally assume go together. Create a ‘story’ by placing items together that might be different styles, but have something about them that is similar – a touch of gold paint, or an interesting shade of fuchsia in the detail of separate items is enough to tie pieces together.

2. Think big

When you’re talking decor and accessories, big is generally better. It just says luxury. A few carefully selected large-scale items make a room seem more substantial. Lots of little items tend to look cluttered and get lost amongst the mess.

3. Wallpaper in unexpected places

Wallpaper looks brilliant in small spaces – in an entry foyer, hallway, at the back of open bookshelves or cupboards, and even on the ceiling. Don’t just stick to traditional patterned wallpaper either; modern textured wallpaper can look fabulous too.

If you can’t afford to wallpaper an entire room, use wallpaper on a panel of the wall, or use a covered canvas as an artwork. Lining the back of open shelving with wallpaper and even the exterior of closet doors, will inject some unexpected visual excitement into a room.

4. Have one or two showstoppers


It’s true you don’t have to spend a lot of money on every piece in the room, but you should consider investing in one or two items. If everything is cheap, then quite frankly everything is going to look cheap. The showstopper doesn’t have to be a piece of furniture – it would be equally effective to have an upscale Italian light fitting in the middle of your room as a dramatic piece.

5. Decorative moldings and architectural hardware

Adding paneling to sections of a wall — usually the lower area — or adding crown moldings to ceilings or walls, will give your space a designer look. Paint them a contrasting colour for the most striking effect. You can get easy-to-apply moldings for mass-produced furniture from inexpensive chain stores. When painted they can be transformed into an unrecognisable design piece.

New knobs and handles on cupboards and drawers in kitchens, bathrooms and even on bedroom furniture can be just the update your existing items need. Go for glass or coloured knobs, or contemporary silver for a more modern look.

6. The detail – accessories and embellishments

One thing that most professionally designed homes will have is an attention to detail through embellishments such as piping, fringes, edging on upholstery and decorative accents thoughtfully placed around the room to tell a story and bring the room to life. Think about adding a contrasting edge to your lampshades or curtains, or a distinctive piped border to your sofa to get a stylish look.

7. Hang art


A common feature of expensive homes is the art that decorates the walls. The art itself doesn’t have to be extravagant, the trick is to hang it like you would see in a gallery – in multiple matching frames, or have one oversized artwork on a main wall.

For more great tips make sure you pick up Love Style, which is available at all good bookstores from the end of the week. For more information.

Expert Tips Interviews

3 real estate selling tips with Andrew Winter

Yesterday, we interviewed Selling Houses Australia host Andrew Winter about the upcoming new series on the LifeStyle Channel. Today, he shares three things to bear in mind when selling your home…

1. Don’t neglect to see your home as the overall package. Units and townhouses are increasingly part of the landscape and they all have common areas. If they’re scruffy, do something about it! If there’s a scuffed wall, ask the body corporate what the paint colour is and paint it yourself.

2. Don’t automatically assume you have to do a makeover prior to sale. You do one because you want to get the top price, but if the market’s bubbling over already, you can get away with more (or doing less in this case!). Be careful not to overcapitalise.

3. Don’t get too wrapped up in the agent’s commission. As a former real estate agent I feel I can comment on this one. I do feel, that overall and in most parts of Australia, agents’ commissions are pretty fair. The problem is when you get to really expensive homes in places like Sydney and the agent’s commission becomes $30,000, and once you add stamp duty to that for the next purchase, you’re looking at $80,000 just to move up the road.  Then the agent who sells the $400,000 home gets $10,000 and can you really argue that it’s a third of the work? So I do think it is fair to try to negotiate on some of the really big commissions.

Watch Andrew on the new series of Selling Houses Australia on the LifeStyle Channel from Wednesday 4 February 2015. 


Andrew Winter chats about Selling Houses Australia season 8

I don’t know about you, but I’m counting down to the new series of my favourite show, Selling Houses Australia, starting on Wednesday (4 February). I couldn’t wait to chat to host Andrew Winter, in my opinion, one of the most amusing men on television! Perhaps it is the Brit in me that finds his sarcasm and bluntness utterly hilarious, but I can often be heard shrieking at the television when he delivers one of his crushing comments about a homeowner’s decor choices or DIY handiwork. For me, the reasons this show is in its eighth series are obvious, and Andrew’s just one of them.

Andrew Winter
Andrew Winter

Andrew would like to say it’s all down to him, but he admits it has just as much to do with his co-hosts Charlie Albone and Shaynna Blaze, suspecting a lot of female viewers are tuning in for “young Charles” over him. But that’s okay, because he thinks he has the best job in the world. Forget that Great Barrier Reef job Andrew says, he gets to say what he really thinks as well as getting away with doing barely any manual labour (although he tells me he is “flat out” driving and fetching coffee!). And let’s not forget there is a real point to the show; helping people who really need to sell their most expensive asset and are failing miserably.

Eight series is no mean feat. Andrew remembers thinking if they managed to do five and get a sixth commissioned that would be pretty amazing, and now here we are. “I’m absolutely delighted and I still enjoy it. I think we’ve been on so long now that we’ve unintentionally become a barometer of the Australian housing market. We started the last series, for example, with a house on the Gold Coast that sold for 10k over what they expected and that hadn’t been heard of for five years before then! So it’s interesting to watch these thing over the years.”

Andrew, Charlie and Shaynna’s genuine chemistry is clear and I find they’ve all become more equal stars of the show as time has gone on. “The three of us get on really quite well despite being totally different,” Andrew says. “Charles has a pretty crude and appalling sense of humour which always shocks Shaynna, but I of course, am always perfectly lovely!” On a more serious note, Andrew says there’s no pretence. All three of them are experienced and qualified in what they do and they just get on with it. “Everyone thinks they’re an interior designer these days because they’ve done some six-week course, but come back to me when you’ve worked in the industry for five or 10 years, and Shaynna’s done that and more. Charlie runs his own landscaping business and I was a real estate agent for years.

Charlie Albone, Andrew Winter and Shaynna Blaze front Selling Houses Australia
Charlie Albone, Andrew Winter and Shaynna Blaze front Selling Houses Australia

“It’s not a fluffy makeover show. Our brief has always been clear: take a property that can’t be sold and sell it! Of course, it isn’t always possible but we will do our utmost.” And someone upstairs, says Andrew, is looking down on them and continuing to hand them the amazing stories of the homeowners which really add to the show’s appeal. “Maybe that’s why I can get away with being a bit harsh, cheeky or rude, because the end game is not about winning a prize, it’s about selling a house that really needs selling for whatever reason. We can get in there and kick it up the whatsit and get it sold.”

What always drives me mad though, is when, despite the trio’s efforts and an auction bringing a realistic selling price, homeowners get greedy or, for whatever reason, decide to dig their heels in and not sell. And this often brings some of frustrated Andrew’s harshest words! We can expect plenty of the same in the upcoming series, as well as the cheapest house they’ve ever worked on, with Andrew saying at least three episodes fall into the “confrontational” category. Can’t wait! “I’m so glad I live in a gated community with security,” Andrew quips.

One of the best things about his profile on a top rating TV show these days, is that when Andrew consults privately to people trying to sell, they take his ideas on board, something that rarely happened in his 15 years as a real estate agent. “I go and sit there and they actually listen!”

I’ve already seen episode one and you’re in for a treat! and with Andrew pointing out that Foxtel is cheaper than ever, he hopes as many of you will be tuning in as possible!

Selling Houses Australia series 8 starts on Wednesday 4 February 2015 on the LifeStyle Channel at 8.30pm AEDT.

Tomorrow on the blog, Andrew shares the top three mistakes he thinks people make when selling their homes.  

Bedrooms Homewares

We’re loving Shannon Fricke’s whimsical new linen collection

Fresh, whimsical and free-spirited, the Spring ’14 Shannon Fricke bed linen is sure to bring out the hippie in you.


Featuring quilt covers, pillowcases and cushions in soft cottons, linens and luxurious velvets, the collection, Where Love Resides, is awash in a palette of indigo, blues and greens.



A well-known interior designer, stylist, author and TV presenter, Shannon’s effortless approach to decorating and her unique aesthetic (which combines colour, texture and healthy dose of decorating humour), is evident in her beautiful mix-and-match collection.



Shannon has styled for many home magazines in Australia and overseas, presented more than 60 episodes for The Lifestyle Channel’s HOME and authored three style and decorating books.

Sadly you can’t get your hands on it just yet. The collection will be available from October. For more information.

Interiors Addict

A third off Grand Designs Live tickets

Are you a big Kevin McCloud fan? Good news is he is in Australia for both Grand Designs Live Sydney and Melbourne next month. Hoorah! Even better, all my readers can get $10 off tickets.

grand designs live kevin mccloudLaunching in Sydney from 18-20 October and continuing in Melbourne from 25-27 October, the exhibition features a bevy of attractions and more than 200 exhibitors. Visitors will find the best ideas and advice for their homes as well as see and hear from celebrity experts, including both the British and Aussie hosts of the Grand Designs programs, Kevin McCloud and Peter Maddison.

Interiors Addict

Charlie Albone’s creation at The Australian Garden Show

Spring has definitely sprung in Sydney and Charlie Albone’s garden at the Australian Garden Show in Centennial Park last weekend was a fine example!

photo 1

Sponsored by The LifeStyle Channel (where Charlie appears on Selling Houses Australia with Shaynna Blaze and Andrew Winter) its theme was ‘See What’s Possible’.

Charlie Albone

True to Charlie’s design aesthetic, the style of the garden was rustic and relaxed, using lots of natural materials such as recycled timber from Asia, Australian sandstone and plenty of beautiful planting.


Urban Rustic, a new homewares store finding joy in pre-loved wares

There’s a new shop on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and it’s absolutely full of lovely, mainly vintage, homewares and props!

urban rustic 1

Urban Rustic opened in Newport a month ago and is proving a hit. With so many other gorgeous homewares and furniture shops in the surrounding area, it adds to what is already a great destination for interiors addicts.

Interiors Addict

Selling Houses Australia is looking for homes to make over for the next series

The Lifestyle Channel’s popular Selling Houses Australia is looking for problem homes to make over in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin.

They’re about to start work on the 6th series of  the award-winning show, which focuses on homes that have been on the market for some time and are in dire need of a cosmetic makeover.  They’ll take on and renovate homes with all sorts of structural (or situational) issues like termites or damp, dodgy renos or asbestos. They”ll fix up business/home combos that just won’t shift, historic homes under strict regulations or homes with sub-division potential but clouded with boundary disputes.

If you’re interested, call Bec Pullman on 02 9437 2172.



Why Juliet Love(s) Interiors


Interior stylist Juliet Love and garden designer Charlie Albone met when they screen tested for The Lifestyle Channel show The Party Garden. “The producers wanted to see whether we had chemistry on camera,” says Juliet. “As it turned out, I think we had a little more than they imagined!” They married last year and the rest, as they say, is history.

The pair’s combined talents in interiors and exteriors work both on and off screen. “It’s a joy be with someone who has an appreciation for design. We love working together and it’s a lovely combination having the inside/outside covered,” says Juliet. In fact, they’ve collaborated on several projects since The Party Garden, including residential and commercial work.

Juliet started out in the industry as an editorial assistant on Vogue Living, quickly working her way up to merchandising editor. She set up her own interior styling business, Love Style, three years ago. These days work means juggling styling for residential projects, magazines and events, with TV and writing gigs fitting in around that.

“I am currently presenting a series on amazing homes on The Morning Show on Channel 7,” says Juliet. ”I go inside some of Australia’s most palatial homes and give the viewers a peek behind the walls. Needless to say, it’s a pretty tough gig!”

While she loves being her own boss, it’s not always easy. “It’s sometimes quite isolating. There will be days where I work from my home office and won’t see another person all day. For a creative person that can be quite hard. It’s good to have others around to bounce ideas off.

“But I love that there is no such thing as a typical day because I work across so many different projects. Liaising with clients, some writing (she has a monthly decorating column for News Limited newspapers nationally), research, time on the road sourcing, meetings, putting creative concepts together and of course catching up on emails, are all a part of each day.

“I love working in television but it’s very different to designing, with a whole new set of rules and challenges! I feel very fortunate to be able to combine two things that I am passionate about with the lifestyle presenting. I am definitely living my dream!” 

Last year Juliet, with her model looks, was invited to be a Christian Dior Miss Dior Cherie Beauty Ambassador after styling an event for them. “It was a great honour, and certainly unexpected,” she says. “Working with a company of that calibre was very exciting. I think the moral of the story is that hard work definitely pays off, and you find that one thing tends to lead to another. You just need to take the first step, and give everything 100 percent.”

She’d recommend work experience at a magazine to anyone looking to get into styling. “It’s the best way to obtain an understanding of how it all works from the inside. It’s not always easy and working in magazines is certainly not as glamorous as it looks. It takes a lot of work to produce one beautiful shot but it’s well worth it.”

Juliet’s personal collection of lifestyle and fashion magazines almost takes up an entire room! “My mum would always have Vogue around our home when I was growing up and she has a great eye so I think that’s where I first discovered my love for design. Seeing all those beautiful images come to life on the pages of magazines ignited my passion for styling.”

Tomorrow: Juliet’s design favourites plus more on combining her style with her husband’s in their own home.