Interiors Addict

Does ANYONE have a spare room they love?!

It seems to me that nobody really loves their spare bedroom. Am I right? I’m about to embark on my spare room project. I have been putting it off since we moved here in October but I have to sort it out now. The reason is that this  October my dad is coming to stay from the UK for two weeks, followed by another friend in November and another couple in December (yes, all the Poms come in summer!).

Love this built-in cleverly turned into an office!

I am always apologising for my spare room. When people come round for the first time they always, on account of me being into interiors and all house proud, request “the tour”. Hell, sometimes I even suggest it myself… But when it comes to the spare room I’m always saying things like “I haven’t started on that yet” or it’s a bit of a dumping ground or a laundry. It strikes me I have never ever loved the spare room in any home I lived in. And when you think about the fact that you pay a lot more for a two-bed apartment than a one-bed apartment, especially in Sydney, it seems a real waste not to use this room.