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Win a top of the range robot vacuum and mop!

As you may have heard me mention a number of times, I couldn’t live without my own robot vacuum, Bertie, which I affectionately refer to as my third child. So I want everyone else to know the joy of robot ownership too!

Thanks to Robot My Life, we have one of their latest HOBOT LEGEE D7s to give away, an all-in-one vacuum and mop!

As an improved version of its younger counterpart, the HOBOT LEGEE, the HOBOT LEGEE D7 takes it one step further with far superior suction, movement, obstacle navigation and auto recognition mapping. And you can of course control everything from an app on your phone.

When it comes to living with pets, this device is the ultimate must-have. The new patented tangless vacuum suction design from HOBOT creates a clever formula that not only helps reduce hair getting tangled in the motor but it ensures your suction force is not disrupted by a brush roller full of hair. The tangless suction port removes 80% of the hair before it reaches the brush roller.

Navigation is made easy when it comes to mopping and vacuuming. The device will automatically recognise carpet and raise the mopping pad by 6mm. It also automatically raises itself when the unit docks, which helps ensure your mopping pad gets ventilation to extend the life of the pads.

Glenn Yee, managing director of Robot My Life, said that in the past 12 months, the demand for home robots has continued to grow. “Consumer confidence in the home robotics sector is increasing every day when we see more products become smarter.

“Every new product on the market is becoming more advanced than the previous version. Our industry is focused on listening to their consumers, and because of this, we’ve been able to create products that meet a unique demand.”

The HOBOT LEGEE D7 currently retails for $699 and can be purchased online.