Bedrooms Designers Furniture Homewares Styling

We talk bed linen with Hunting for George

Inspired by New York loft living, Hunting for George’s latest collection ‘Loft’ is full of the sort of minimal, timeless design that we associate with that fabulous US city. And while the whole range is gorgeous, it was the bed linen that caught our eye.


With subtle shades of seafoam green and classic neutrals too, the latest bed linen from Hunting for George draws from a timeless colour palette. “Colour is like music. It can trigger an emotional response that prompts memories and ideas. When designing a new collection, colour is often the first thing the we look towards for inspiration,” says Lucy.


“Choose something that you love and will continue to love years later,” says Hunting for George’s brand director Lucy Glade-Wright, of purchasing bed linen.


“Always look at the fabric and how it’s been made. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colours and textures as you don’t always need to play by the rules,” says Lucy.


As for bed linen’s increasing popularity, Lucy puts it down to a desire to create our own little urban sanctuaries. “I think people are taking more time with their homes as they want to create a beautiful space to live in. It’s so important to be able to switch off when you get home and when you’re surrounded by the things that you love it becomes a whole lot easier to zone out,” says Lucy.


Shop the range.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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