Bathrooms The Block

The Block 2018 room reveals: Challenge apartment

With a “quirky St Kilda” theme, it was a real mixed bag this week on The Block and there were some absolute shockers in the mix – ahem Kerrie and Spence! Ugly wall murals aside, Sara and Hayden delivered a gorgeous monochrome bathroom while Courtney and Hans took a punt on a wallpaper selection that really paid off.

Score: 28.5/30

Courtney & Hans

Courtney and Hans chose a statement making wallpaper and the bold design was a gutsy choice that the judges adored. “I love it!” said Shaynna while Darren described it as a “colourful, eccentric and a really beautiful choice.” The judges also liked the Australiana-themed artwork and the way the bed was dressed.

Overall, the judges though the room was meticulously planned and were impressed with the styling. Shaynna called the room’s styling “kitsch…but as a compliment” and finished by saying “the room has a real sense of calm which is bizarre when you’ve got so much going on!”

Courtney & Hans

Courtney & Hans

My picks to buy: Hackney Empire stripe wallpaper and Grotti Lotti ‘Don’t fence me in’ art print

Score: 27.5/30

Hayden & Sarah

Sara and Hayden’s gorgeous monochromatic bathroom was described as “magic” by Neale and all three judges agreed it was a beautiful space. There’s no doubt the hero of the space is the Zuster vanity and the judges loved it. “That subtle hint of terrazzo is so beautiful,” said Neale.

Shaynna and Neale liked the textured tile while Darren didn’t and Shaynna also acknowledged the toilet’s discreet placement behind the door and quirky styling pieces. Overall, the judges thought the bathroom showed an incredible improvement in planning, detail and style compared to the couple’s first bathroom. “They’re at their absolute best here!” said Neale.

Hayden & Sarah
That Zuster vanity is beyond beautiful

Hayden & Sara

My picks to buy: Zuster Halo vanity unit and Kazari bronze crocodile

Score: 23.5/30

Bianca & CarlaBianca and Carla nailed the “quirky St Kilda” brief – their fun and functional bathroom featured pink palm tree wallpaper paired with simple black. Neale and Shyanna loved the wallpaper calling it fun, quirky and pretty and Darren admitted to having something similar in his house. Shaynna loved the positioning of the bath under the window, the hidden toilet (again!) and the double shower. She called the walk-through glass “really sexy.”

Darren was critical of the unbalanced vanity lighting and Shaynna noted the apparent time management issues reflected in the workmanship but overall the judges really like this room. “This bathroom fits that boutique St Kilda hotel apartment vibe. It’s got style, quirk and a connection with the urban given you can see the trams passing by through the window from the bath,” said Darren.

Bianca & Carla

Bianca & Carla
The double walk-through shower was well received

My picks to buy: Wallpaper Trader Palm Leaves wallpaper and Reece round mirror cabinets

Score: 20.5/30

Kerrie & SpenceYou could read the disappointment on the judges faces before the lights were even on in Kerrie and Spence’s room. “I feel like I’m falling down a psychedelic rabbit hole, it’s giving me vertigo and really messing with my head. It couldn’t be more abrasive!” said Darren of the room’s graffiti laneway mural. “It gives this weird sensation of being in bed in the street,” said Neale. Not exactly relaxing!

Kerrie & Spence

Shaynna gave Kerrie and Spence credit for pushing the envelope when normally they play it safe but Darren called it an “explosion of the envelope and if the mural doesn’t give you a headache then the bedhead certainly will!”

He called the bedhead a “disaster” and the judges all agreed that a shelf sticking out of the wall just above the pillows is one of the strangest design decisions they’d ever encountered in a bedroom. It wasn’t all bad though as they liked the wardrobe (particularly the fine black strip detailing) and Darren liked the art choices. Overall though, this room was a bit of a train (or tram!) wreck.

Kerrie & Spence
These Grotti Lotti artworks were the highlight of the room for me

My picks to buy: Grotti Lotti Amanda and Stevie art prints

Score: 20/30

Norm & JessNorm and Jess’ “ultimate master bedroom” was a huge space that Darren called “dull” and Neale called a “weird mismatch.” Shaynna thought the scale was off and took points off for the tiny rug, tiny couch and tiny bedside tables – the judges were particularly unimpressed by the lack of storage.

When it came to the bed styling, Darren called it a “car crash” – particularly the cushion situation. “It’s as if they just went and got all the cushions they could find and dumped them on the bed!” he said.

Shaynna wasn’t a fan of the cement board feature wall and didn’t hold back. “I hate it!” she said. The only thing she liked was the gallery wall at the entrance to the room and the room’s artwork, despite its placement. In fact, all of the judges liked the artwork but thought it badly placed given it was hung in the walk-in robe. So odd! “Norm and Jess have lost the plot!” said Neale while Shaynna called the room “Norm and Jess at their worst.” Ouch.

The room’s lovely yet tiny sofa was admonished by the judges

Norm & JessMy pick to buy: Iconiko Seaside Combi framed print and Iconiko Seaside Stripes framed


By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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