The Block

The Block All Stars starts tonight

The much hyped The Block All Stars starts tonight at 7pm and, having visited the houses a couple of months ago, I’m really looking forward to watching. Friend of Interiors Addict Darren Palmer has also been announced as a new full-time judge, replacing John McGrath and joining Shaynna Blaze from Selling Houses Australia and Belle editor in chief Neale Whitaker. A great trio, don’t you think?

The new judging lineup includes Darren Palmer, who rose to fame as a star of reality TV himself
The new judging lineup includes Darren Palmer, who rose to fame as a star of reality TV himself

The Block spinoff, which has been filming in Sydney’s Bondi, features four couples from previous series who didn’t win (but maybe should have?). They are Amity and Phil, Josh and Jenna, Mark and Duncan (the ‘two fat tradies’) and, from the most recent series, Dan and Dani. It’s a little ironic that new judge Darren rose to fame as a star of reality TV show (homeMADE) himself, even though he didn’t win.

There’s been some drama, with The SMH reporting, at the end of November, that contestant Mark Bowyer had left the show after being rushed to hospital and feeling unwell. Apparently host Scott Cam and Mark’s wife Jenny, stepped in to assist his partner Duncan Miller, but it’s not clear if he eventually returned to filming.

I visited the block in November  and was really impressed and excited by what I saw in the heritage houses, which at that point had had two rooms each renovated. I have no doubt they will all be worth a small fortune once they’re finished and I can’t wait to see how they turn out.

The Block All Stars houses in Sydney's Bondi
The Block All Stars houses in Sydney’s Bondi

This year they’ve also set up an online Block shop where you can buy products used in the show. Now there’s a simple but brilliant idea! Check it out here.

The latest (regular) series of The Block is already filming in Melbourne. Looks like it’s going to be a blocktastic year! PLEASE let there be less irrelevant challenges and much more renovating!

Will you be watching?

The Block All Stars, starts tonight, 7pm, on Nine.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

5 replies on “The Block All Stars starts tonight”

Really looking forward to this special series. I don’t watch very much television but “The block” is my kind of reality TV show. I think the block shop is a fantastic idea too! How lucky you are Jen to have had. Sneak peak!!

Sure will be…. totally love the block and very proud to have had quite a few of our items featured this series.. I think Darren will be awesome as a judge and yes hopefully more renovating and less challenges or at least challenges that show us some skills x

Absolutely love the series… Darren will be fab! Jen, love your work too and you are so lucky to have had a sneaky peak:)

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