The Block

Block room reveals 2018: master ensuites

Gosh, it was a good episode wasn’t it?! Plenty of things which had to be redone because they weren’t to code (including two shower screens so large and dubiously fixed they could probably kill a person!), the most expensive bathroom in Block history, THAT gleaming brass bath, a walkout by Sara in tears after her and Hayden came last for the third week in a row (after producing aforementioned $75,000 bathroom!), and a close win by Kerrie and Spence due to using their bonus point gnome. Reality TV at its finest!

THAT bath: Hayden and Sara’s expensive mistake? Incidentally, I kind of love the bath, but not the rest of the room.

I can’t not mention the Sara walkout. Will she really walk out on the show? I highly doubt it but time will tell. That’s been left on a cliffhanger for obvious reasons! But I have to say, her attitude irks me. Yes, I realise people are passionate and criticism is hard to take (and boy that was some hardcore criticism last night) but they went into the judging way too confident they’d won and looking arrogant. And then the way she swore and carried on made it really hard to feel sorry for her, although I totally did (you’d have to be pretty cold not to feel bad when you see someone that upset) but I also wanted to her to stop embarrassing herself on national television! Gah!

Just goes to show, spending all of the money doesn’t guarantee you a win. Or even a second or third…

I was impressed with the way other couples seemed to genuinely feel bad for them rather than revel in their continually coming last (it is a competition after all) and Bianca and Carla and Norm and Jess are fast emerging as my favourites in both the design stakes and in terms of seeming like genuinely good sorts!

This week, real estate veteran John McGrath stood in for Darren Palmer as a guest judge. Here’s what they had to say about the master ensuite bathrooms.

There was a lot riding on this for Kerrie and Spence, who used their bonus point to take out a win for their sophisticated bathroom, which featured a feature marble vanity top, herringbone tiles and matte-black finishes. Their simple, understated room was a big hit with all three judges.

Shaynna Blaze used words like ‘glamour’ and ‘beautiful’. Neale Whitaker said they’d taken it to another level and improved on the last bathroom.

He loved the subtle details like the herringbone tiling. They all loved the face height cabinets, as did I! Divine! The curved edge! Shaynna said they’d nailed the styling.

Shaynna did knock the too-obvious floor wastes though and would have preferred a tile version. John McGrath said he couldn’t see anyone walking in and not being impressed from a buyer’s perspective.

Our pick to buy: Missoni towels

Topping their deluxe main bathroom was always going to be a challenge for Courtney and Hans, but they managed to deliver a striking ensuite, which featured more terrazzo tiles, simple white walls, a free-standing bath dressed with a wooden stool and a gorgeous double vanity.

John thought the dark terrazzo might be polarising but Shaynna thought the St Kilda market would love it. Neale said the spaciousness was very luxurious. Shaynna thought the dead space was wasted and they should have had a bigger vanity. She also disliked the bulkhead for the glass and thought it looked clunky.

Neale and Shaynna agreed they should have amped up the luxury on the last bathroom and they’d relied too heavily on the scale and size of this room without doing that.

I personally much preferred this darker terrazzo and the contrast it provided. The bathroom was clean and spacious. but perhaps not quite luxurious enough.

Our pick to buy: Wooden stool

Sara and Hayden might not have won over the judges but there was still a lot to love about the couple’s ensuite, which included marbled herringbone tiles on the floor, black fittings and fixtures, a black vanity and that stunning (and indeed love/hate) brass bath.

Shaynna’s first words were “oh my God!” Neale said he’d never seen a bath like that before and “wow”. Shaynna thought it was a feature and a different kind of luxury. Neale liked its placement on its own at the end of the room, allowing it to be the hero. John thought it was extremely memorable and something apartment three needed.

Shaynna loved the herringbone tiled floor. But then it all started to go downhill. Neale said the bath was a risk-taker but didn’t think it belonged in that bathroom. The rest of it didn’t feel like it worked and it wasn’t coming together for him. He found the tiles very drab. John said three dark walls was hard to come back from and it was too much black overall. Shaynna agreed and would suggest that they overlay two of the walls with white tiles.

Neale said he felt like he had to like the bathroom because of the bath. But he still didn’t! Shaynna offered to spend some time with the couple one on one to discuss their future apartment and the other couples (clearly feeling bad for them) generously agreed to let them.

Our pick to buy: THAT bath (if it floats your boat) and Triumph and Disaster toiletries

It might be the smallest ensuite on The Block, but Norm and Jess made sure their space had impact, choosing a stunning four-metre piece of marble for a feature wall. They matched this with a marble vanity top and beautiful simple tile choice, producing what Neale thought was “a small bathroom punching above its weight.”

I really liked what they did in this small space and loved many of their choices. John said it didn’t have the sense of luxury because it was small but it made a great first impression. All the judges loved the marble. Shaynna however felt the scale was wrong and it didn’t need two basins. The lack of shower door also made  it impractical.

Shaynna couldn’t understand why they would have a black trim on the shower glass when nothing else was black. And the brushed chrome next to polished chrome looked cheap.

John said overall they’d started with a good palette and had a good feel. He and Neale thought they had done nothing which would cost them buyers.

Our pick to buy: Omvivo timber vanity from Reece.

If Kerrie and Spence hadn’t used their bonus point this week, the girls up in apartment five would have walked away with another win for their stunningly executed ensuite, which featured another, albeit smaller, marble feature wall, a custom-made vanity, double sinks and a gorgeous stone bench top.

Shaynna and Neale were immediately in love with the stone bench top and the timber joinery. They also loved the long shelf on the marble in the shower.

John said the palette was very complementary. Neale said the styling was less is more and the girls really understood luxury.

Then Shaynna noticed the strip drain and said it looked seamless but getting hair out of it would be a nightmare. John said the room was pretty close to flawless.

Our pick to buy: Custom timber vanity by our favourites, Ingrain Designs

What did you think? Are you annoyed Kerrie and Spence won due to using their bonus point? Was the girls’ bathroom your favourite? What about that brass bath? I’d love to read your comments below!

All our Block coverage

Last week’s guest bedrooms

This season’s main bathrooms

Bathrooms The Block

Last night’s Block bathroom reveals

The TVCs all week left us with no doubt that Ayden and Jess – my current favourites – made an expensive mistake with their gorgeous (if overdone) hexagonal marble tiles so it was little surprise they came last in last night’s bathroom reveals. And as much as Dee got my goat last week with the whole accusing Darren Palmer of copying thing, I have to admit the double Ds’ bathroom was far and away the best. Then again, they have had the practice. But credit where credit’s due, it was a slick effort, even making me change my mind on their black mosaic tile choice which I initially thought to be on the tacky side of bling. It worked and the contrast was great.

dd bath closeup

I do love a good bathroom reveal. Today’s bathrooms are not the flat, sterile, functional spaces they used to be. There are so many options these days to add interest, warmth, texture and a real sanctuary feel. As a huge bath fan, I spend a lot of time in my bathroom, and in particular, the tub. I just hope pregnancy doesn’t render me too big to get out one day…

Back to the judging!

Josh & Charlotte – came 3rd


Shaynna Blaze loved its simplicity and Neale Whitaker was happy to see them back to the sophisticated aesthetic they showed at the start. Shaynna loved the tapware and lighting but John McGrath (standing in for Darren Palmer this week) thought the colours might date. Shaynna pointed out there wasn’t enough lighting and the task lighting was in the wrong places, like over the toilet! The lack of benchtop space also bothered her. Overall, Neale said it was a case of good taste but bad planning.

Our pick to buy: round mirror in the style of Josh & Charlotte’s.

Tim & Anastasia – came 2nd


Coming last last week definitely shook this pair’s confidence, not to mention Dee’s copying accusations, leaving Anastasia crying in the bathroom showroom earlier in the week. Their bathroom week seemed pretty disastrous, losing a builder and a toilet cistern, but they definitely pulled themselves back from the brink and I loved their finished room. John and Neale agreed they’d responded well to last week’s criticism and Darren’s advice and lifted their game. Neale said they had their mojo back and it was a 100 percent improvement from their bedroom reveal. John said it was a 200 percent improvement! Touches like ample storage and heated flooring impressed them all but Shaynna didn’t like the inconsistency of three different styles of powerpoints.

Our pick to buy: Tom Dixon candle.

Ayden & Jess — came last


[contextly_sidebar id=”zzOqMn0njD6AOYa7B3B25yCdUwORfMde”]Ah, those tiles! Neale’s first impression was “busy” and Shaynna’s “overwhelming”. She went one further to say they were amazing, beautiful tiles, but the look has been cheapened by using them wall to wall. Neale said their impact had been lost and that the vanity/sink combo was completely impractical with nowhere to shave. It didn’t get much better with Shaynna saying the blonde timber was all wrong. The lighting, Neale’s favourite element, was brilliant, he said, and John loved the timber floor in the shower. Another thing none of them liked was the creation of a separate toilet, which they said was old fashioned and unnecessary. Shaynna said if you’re going to take space away from the bedroom, you need to at least put a bath in and make it a real luxury. And she also spotted there was no way of opening the shutter on the window. Whoops. Neale said the room was frustrating because they were talented; there was lot to like but they needed to calm down and choose their hero, not make everything the hero!

To make matters worse, it seems they don’t yet realise quite how much they spent on those tiles. Eek!

Our pick to buy: Saba pendants.

Darren & Dee – came first by half a point (after Ayden & Jess took one off them, part of last week’s prize)

Dee was, as ever, super confident from the start. Darren of course, was sick and admitted to hospital with pneumonia.



The judges had very little other than positives to say about this room. “Glamour, glamour, glamour,” began Neale. Shyanna said it was instantly different from all the other rooms. Neale said it had oomph. Practical Shaynna wasn’t sure the double shower with short shower screen was practical. John loved it for its aesthetics. Shaynna said there was nowhere to put a hairdryer etc on the vanity, which made it dangerous. But nobody could knock the storage!

Our pick to buy: Scent of Home candle.

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Bedrooms House Tours The Block

The results of the first REAL Block Triple Threat room reveals

What excellent viewing last night was! A return to my favourite Sunday night Block room reveals and not three but SIX with three by the newbies and three by the returning all-star couples. Plenty of emotion (mainly from a tearful Bec, bless her) and some honest judging that spanned from downright harsh through to glowing. This is what reality TV’s all about!

Darren and Dee won the all stars' contest
Controversial Darren and Dee won the all stars’ contest

Judges Darren Palmer (we love his new specs!) and Neale Whitaker were joined by real estate guru John McGrath for the big task this week. The winners of the newbie round were my current faves Ayden & Jess and Bec & George and Matt & Kim went home, despite producing great rooms, while Darren & Dee got to stay and become the fourth couple.

Ayden and  Jess were judged best out of the newcomers
Ayden and Jess were judged best out of the newcomers


First, to the newbies. The judges didn’t think any of their rooms were really good enough. The judging was pretty harsh but, in my opinion, warranted. It’s early days though!

Charlotte & Josh (second place)

Charlotte spent up big at Coco Republic but expensive furniture was not enough. Darren said there was a lot of stuff in the room and loved the wall finish, the simple linen and smart choice of flooring. The bedside is one of his favourite pieces out there at the moment but he felt it too big for the room. Neale had an issue with the art, even though it referenced the neighbourhood (too young and poppy to go with the furniture). The art jarred with the neutral look and feel. John agreed the decor didn’t quite work. Darren and John hated the built-in doors and handles (a bit dated). No more Mr Nice Guy with Darren tonight who said the window dressing was a bit asylum-y. Eek! Neale said their elimination challenge rooms were better and he was disappointed. John said it seemed they hadn’t realised the competition had started. Ouch all round!


Our pick to buy: The go-with-everything Azure bedhead from Forty Winks.

Tim & Anastasia (third place)

The automatic blind impressed Darren and John who said it was what buyers in this market were looking for. Not surprisingly, the judges spotted the hideous toy cat on the windowsill (why?!) and they were NOT impressed. Neale said he felt he’d seen everything in the room many times over and called it generic. John said it felt decorated out of a seaside gift store. Cringe! Neale was again disappointed. John found the crosses theme “annoying” and said the room was not all things to all people and rather nothing to no one. At this point, Darren declared himself definitely cranky Daz! Distinctly awkward!


Our pick to buy: Karpenter bedside table by Curious Grace.

Ayden & Jess (first place — by half a point)

Ayden and Jess’ dynamic continued to make me giggle this week. They’re definitely my favourites to watch. Darren said the room was off to a good start. Neale said it had soul to it and personality. They all liked the wing-backed bedhead and even Darren said there were too many cushions on the bed (nine!) and he didn’t love the pendants. Darren said the flooring was a little plasticky. Neale concluded it wasn’t perfect but had a sense of creativity and flair. Darren said they had shown a fighting spirit and tried to up the ante.


Our pick to buy: Shibori hand dyed throw.


Then onto the all-stars… The judges were not told who did each room or even which all-stars they were judging. It seemed so mean that two of the three had to go home when they all did so so well and in a class above the newbies (and let’s face it, they’ve had a lot more experience). I picked the winners straight off though: Dee and Darren. But wow, they were all good! Painful!

Bec & George

Darren immediately said “we’ve stepped into a whole different level of the game. There is no comparison to the rooms we’ve just been in”. John said it proved a great idea was all about execution not budget. Neale said the room said experience and it was in a different league. The flooring was amazing. Neale said the artwork was stunning. Darren loved the warmth of the timber and the lights. Neale said it said modern luxury. John said it spoke to the market. All the judges like the custom gold leaf plant holder.  Bec was so wowed by the positive comments that she cried, saying even if they didn’t stay they’d achieved everything they wanted to. Which was just as well as sadly, they did end up going home.


Our pick to buy: Chunky knitt cushion from The Home Journal and Creativity is Limitless cushion from Created By Boys.

Matt & Kim

This pair really seemed to take the opportunity seriously too, making brave choices. I loved their paneling and elegant choices. The judges were wowed by the different aesthetic and approach. Neale thought it felt very romantic and elegant. He said the detailing was very special. Darren liked the timber floor on a diagonal. They said it was a room that would appeal to anyone with design savvy. Darren said it felt like a jewellery box to him and that when the newbies walked through these all-star apartments they would freak out! Darren said whoever went home, it was a big shame.


Our pick to buy: Limited edition photographs by Sarah Stockman.

Dee & Darren (winners by one point!)

Darren said the apartment was beautiful and he loved the grasscloth wallpaper. Neale said it was seamless, calm and relaxing and this was the room he felt like unpacking his bag in. Darren said it was the first bedhead he’d seen that he really wanted to sleep in. John said it was neither harsh contemporary nor classical and steered a nice road down the middle. Darren loved the dropped ceiling and the shadow line (Daz’s choice, which wasn’t popular with Dee!) and said they looked expensive. Less is more definitely won!


Our pick to buy: Boyd Blue grass weave wallpaperDome pendant lights by Mud Australia and photographic print by Chris Warnes from Otomys. 


I have to say I agreed with pretty much all of the judges’ comments this week. All three all-star couples did brilliantly. I was most surprised and impressed by Matt and Kim in a way, taking into account their attention to detail, effort and the huge difference to anything of theirs we have seen before. The paneling was fab and the lighting was perfect. Winners Dee and Darren had my favourite room but Bec and George’s was also great (that floor worked much better then I predicted).

[contextly_sidebar id=”LLyvoP3LOeooSBEuodjPlUTbe7JzgC62″]It seems pretty unfair that the newbies’ work had to be compared to the more experienced former contestants’ this week as they were never ever going to match up! I really didn’t vibe Tim and Anastasia’s room at all and the soft toy dog they left on the windowsill killed me (I don’t care if it was your neighbours’ kid’s! What were you thinking?!). A tacky toy on the windowsill of what is supposed to be a high-end apartment is never going to go unnoticed or go down well. I found the colour scheme a bit jarring and the styling uninspired. As the judges said, Josh and Charlotte’s room was a bit too much about the art, which I didn’t love, and I hated the opaque glass built-in doors. I still have high hopes for this pair though. And Ayden and Jess, my favourites at this point, did the best in my view. Their room looked less embarrassing compared to the all-star couples’ slick efforts. The floor was a bit wrong though.

And before I go, can I just say, once again, how disappointing and ridiculous I find the huge amounts of bitching on The Block Facebook page and elsewhere (Darren and Dee’s page too) about the result and the show supposedly being rigged. And people being massively over the top about winners being announced on social media before all states have had a chance to see the outcome? Calm down, people, it’s just a TV show! I personally couldn’t watch the show last night because I was having dinner with my in laws. So I recorded it and then deliberately stayed off Twitter and Facebook until after I’d watched it a few hours later (in order to write this post and for my own enjoyment). Had I accidentally found out before I watched, well do you know what? It’s really not that big of a deal. Sigh. I just wish people would put as much effort and passion into fighting some of life’s real injustices rather than spouting venom about a reality TV show and its contestants.

So, what did you think? I’m sure the all stars’ winner decision will be controversial being that Dee and Daz are a bit love ’em or hate ’em! And simply because all three couples made top efforts. Poor judges, that was hard! But that’s reality TV for you! Roll on this week!

The Block

The Block All Stars starts tonight

The much hyped The Block All Stars starts tonight at 7pm and, having visited the houses a couple of months ago, I’m really looking forward to watching. Friend of Interiors Addict Darren Palmer has also been announced as a new full-time judge, replacing John McGrath and joining Shaynna Blaze from Selling Houses Australia and Belle editor in chief Neale Whitaker. A great trio, don’t you think?

The new judging lineup includes Darren Palmer, who rose to fame as a star of reality TV himself
The new judging lineup includes Darren Palmer, who rose to fame as a star of reality TV himself

The Block spinoff, which has been filming in Sydney’s Bondi, features four couples from previous series who didn’t win (but maybe should have?). They are Amity and Phil, Josh and Jenna, Mark and Duncan (the ‘two fat tradies’) and, from the most recent series, Dan and Dani. It’s a little ironic that new judge Darren rose to fame as a star of reality TV show (homeMADE) himself, even though he didn’t win.

There’s been some drama, with The SMH reporting, at the end of November, that contestant Mark Bowyer had left the show after being rushed to hospital and feeling unwell. Apparently host Scott Cam and Mark’s wife Jenny, stepped in to assist his partner Duncan Miller, but it’s not clear if he eventually returned to filming.

I visited the block in November  and was really impressed and excited by what I saw in the heritage houses, which at that point had had two rooms each renovated. I have no doubt they will all be worth a small fortune once they’re finished and I can’t wait to see how they turn out.

The Block All Stars houses in Sydney's Bondi
The Block All Stars houses in Sydney’s Bondi

This year they’ve also set up an online Block shop where you can buy products used in the show. Now there’s a simple but brilliant idea! Check it out here.


On the eve of the new series of The Block, I speak to new judge Shaynna Blaze

Best known as the popular co-host and interior designer on Lifestyle Channel’s hit show Selling House Australia, Shaynna Blaze is joining belle magazine’s Neale Whitaker and real estate king John McGrath as the new judge on The Block. I spoke to her on the eve of the much anticipated new series, in which she’ll be adding a female perspective.