Interiors Addict

The twins get the perfect score in the last Block room reveals

So, twins Alisa and Lysandra managed to get perfect 10s from all 3 judges last night. Did you think they deserved it? I must admit I agree theirs was the best room revealed this week.

Couples Finished Courtyard in Melbourne

The excitement is definitely building now for Sunday’s auction which seems to have been a really long time coming! The show has had great viewing figures throughout and it has been my favourite series so far. Have you been hooked too?

Couples Finished Courtyard in Melbourne

matt kim courtyard

Matt & Kim’s courtyard featured some really cool, colourful outdoor stools. 

3. crystal1

If you liked Bec and George’s Create one-pendant lights, which they made into the light feature, you can buy them online from The Block Shop.

Couples Finished Courtyard in Melbourne

Madi & Jarrod’s Dish outdoor ethanol fire pit would be nice on these chilly winter evenings (but probably more so in summer!) and I can’t go past a nice bit of chevron so loved their black and white cushions.

maddi jarrod courtyard

zigzag_ebonyHR - Version 2

What did you think of Trixie and Johnno’s lounge room?

trixie johnno living room

Which was YOUR favourite? Will you be watching the auction with bated breath on Sunday night?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “The twins get the perfect score in the last Block room reveals”

I think they all did well on this one.. But I missed the first part of this, so I never understood what they were renovating.. I have a weakness for Trixie and Johnno’s style.. It just talks to me.

OMG I have been sooooo hooked this season. Normally I love Trixie and Johnnos style, but I have to say this loungeroom just didnt do it for me this time. I LOVED Matt and Kims courtyard and Bec and Georges dining table though. I am going to be a bit lost when this series finishes lol x

Matt and Kim,s courtyard is the standout for me…perfect glance of colour, texture, and interesting lines. Looks super stylish without being try hard.

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