Interiors Addict

The twins get the perfect score in the last Block room reveals

So, twins Alisa and Lysandra managed to get perfect 10s from all 3 judges last night. Did you think they deserved it? I must admit I agree theirs was the best room revealed this week.

Couples Finished Courtyard in Melbourne

The excitement is definitely building now for Sunday’s auction which seems to have been a really long time coming! The show has had great viewing figures throughout and it has been my favourite series so far. Have you been hooked too?

Interiors Addict

Win Matt and Kim’s $3,800 dining table from their winning room on The Block

Every week, you ask me where you can buy things you’ve seen on The Block’s Sunday night room reveals. Well today I’m giving you the chance to win Matt and Kim’s gorgeous dining table, worth almost $4,000, from last night’s winning room!
